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About Canada1977

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    Brantford, Ontario, Canada
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  1. The political parties of Canada and how I rate them on the Spiral Dynamics scale: Green - Stage Green/Yellow NDP - Stage Green Liberal - Stage Orange/Green Conservative - Stage Blue/Orange People's Party - Stage Blue Basically the more progressive a party is, the higher it ranks on the spiral. I'd say some of the most spiritual voters in Canada will vote Green in this election. The most selfish and egotistical will vote PPC. There are a lot of voters out there who need to raise their levels of consciousness!
  2. I've been studying the Spiral Dynamics model for a while now and thought I would apply my knowledge. How would each stage get their source of entertainment, in my opinion? Red would find great pleasure in watching UFC or gladiatorial combat. Blue would love to be part of a church choir, watch a military parade, enjoy the national anthem and listen to patriotic music. Orange would enjoy all the shows on contemporary tv, today's hit music and movies. Green would enjoy all the visions of meditations and psychedelics, and join a social cause. Yellow would read all the books of highly advanced subjects and listen to lectures of scientific, religious and philosophical study. Would this feel accurate to anyone?
  3. I hold a clear quartz sphere and selenite wand in my hands while lying down and place crystals of various types on each of my chakras. I prefer amethyst for the Crown, lapis lazuli for the Third Eye, Aquamarine for the Throat, rose quartz or green aventurine for the Heart, citrine for the Solar Plexus, carnelian for the Sacral and red jasper or black obsidian for the Root. I've done guided meditations and hypnosis through YouTube videos and while they were helpful, my mind wasn't completely at peace because of the narration and background music. If I meditate in silence with crystals I get these stunning visions. Maybe I'll try doing it without crystals or YouTube for a couple of sessions and see how they go.
  4. I've been meditating for a while now and it's only been fairly recently that I've begun doing so with crystals. I've had quite a few startling visions and I want to continue practicing this way. Earlier this month I had a psychic reading done and my intuition amazed the reader so much that she said I could potentially be a shaman. While I am quite blown away by this I'm writing in this forum to seek input as to whether or not crystals may assist one becoming enlightened or self-actualized. What are your thoughts?
  5. I'm a newcomer to and self-actualization development. Let me just say that Leo is the best coach I've experienced for my personal development. Keep on making great videos! Any advice from anyone on how to develop myself?