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Posts posted by YM

  1. 2 minutes ago, Pere said:

    Thank you YM, but I didn't clarify it well. I'm moving towards a kind of Fine Artsy illustrator, rather than a contemporary gallery artist. So the galleries aren't my thing now, maybe in the future but for now as I see it, there's no place for my work in any local gallery. 

    Get a job with Pixar or Disney, learn with them and in parallel, you can try to sell prints on a creative platform. Cheers. YM

  2. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's a challenge. To sell stuff online consistently you need a MASSIVE audience usually or a highly useful or highly desirable product.

    To become a successful artist you need to create a very unique style and make exceptional art. Your work has to WOW people. Then you can start to slowly build up a fanbase. If your work is not remarkable, it will be almost impossible I would think. So one thing you need to really focus on as an artist is developing that WOW factor that sets you apart from every other wannabe artist.

    Marketing is one of those things that no one can really give to you. You gotta be very persistent and dogged, doing tons of research, running tests, and looking for weaknesses and opportunities in the marketplace you wish to enter.

    There are thousands of different seminars and information products out there on the web about various kinds of marketing. Define more clearly how you want to sell your art and then you can do some Google searches for marketing products.

    It might be helpful to find an artist you already admire who is financially successful and research the hell out of his business model and marketing methods. Then emulate and refine and customize to fit your needs.

    Sorry Leo, if I may, that's the marketer / problem solver that talks there maybe not the coach. Take care. YM 


  3. 9 hours ago, Pere said:

    Hello everyone! I'm an artist currently in the second year of a Fine Arts degree.

    I've been working on my craft daily for around 3 years now, and people reactions makes me think that I've reached a level where I could start making money from my art. That would be a great thing, since I would be able to help my parents out paying my degree and also invest more on my education. 
    What makes me think this is that I've already reached frontpage on two subreddits with two of my artworks, getting around 30.000 views, but any of those end up becoming followers nor potential customers. I'm also giving out advice on forums to people starting out, and posting daily on social media, but nothing happens. 

    So I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me out or link me to any resources about personal branding, social media marketing or anything that can guide me. I could teach begginers, sell prints, do some comissions... ( I've already done some of the last ones, but 100$ for 30 hours of work isn't a good deal I believe).

    Also, any ideas are highly appreciated, I'm really lost in this topic and I really want to learn and am curious about it! :) 

    I don't know If it's ok to link my portfolio or some of my pieces, so if anyone wants to see my work just tell me! 


    Hi Pere,

    Before willing to launch an artist career there are different aspects to think about.

    First do you enjoy doing art? Second is your entourage truly impartial? The number of like on FB will not pay your bills.

    I would advise you to go to a few galleries and show your portfolio. Select the galleries wisely, see what artists they represent and how your artworks can complement their collection. The relation gallery - artist is based on trust, so only work with people you feel good with. Don't jump on the first one who promise you a solo show and run away from anyone who ask you money. The first show is not the hardest, to stay for decades that's the challenge.

    Participate to competitions that will increase your reputation. Get ready to have a budget for that, so select wisely only top ones.

    Final advice if I may, don't think about selling art and become rich. Think about creating artworks that are meaningful to you, and then if you can make a decent living, then it's perfect. The million sales artists are exceptions only represented by 10 galleries in the world. 

    If you decide to embrace an artist career, do it because it's your passion and your life purpose. It will show in your art for the benefit of the viewer.

    If you decide to go pro, I may help you; I set up an art charity. Because my life purpose is to help artists and creatives in the world.

    Take care. YM


  4. On 7 February 2016 at 5:43 PM, TimStr said:


    I read, that Myers-Briggs Personality types can change over the course of a single month and the last time, I did the assessment, I turned out to be INTJ.

    So since these personality types are not fundamentally cast in stone, how can this concept be used for personal growth? Just for observing, where I'm at? Or is there some sort of possibility to actively transform ones personality from one type to another? I highly doubt that. Human personality is way too complex to be categorized with just 16 different types.

    Indeed, it varies depending on the mood of the day. I'm generally ENTJ-A or ENTP-A

    and since I'm working on feeling and checking-in what my body says, I was this morning: INTP-T

  5. Name: YML
    Age: 43
    Gender: ? need to check
    Location: London, UK
    Occupation: social art enterpreneur 
    Marital Status: NYB
    Kids: not that I'm aware of
    Hobbies: art exhibition, gallery crawling, art doing, gym doing, business building and working on my personal life goal.

    I discovered NLP, 21 years ago when my life was horrible. I dropped because I was immature and I had no energy to invest.

    Then April 2015, I book a coach and bang, after a personal SWOT everything came back. Hopefully, with hindsight, I can work with the qualities I have and the areas that need to be improved.

    I finally found my life purpose. After countless rejections at final interview stage, I took the decision to set up an art charity. And yes, when you do what you love and what you are good at, the job of your life can become your life without any problem. You can cruise during the journey and reach your destination with fulfillment.

    Personal challenges, I've overcome in 10 months:

    • rageaholic and aggressive behaviour
    • revenge
    • judging people | imposing my truth

    What I'm working on now:

    • do nothing 5-min / day
    • stop over-analysing and problem fixing -> just FEEL
    • Be aligned with whom I am really
    • accept the integral side of people
    • truly forgave and learn to let go


  6. Hi there, 

    I have been diagnosed 6-months ago and what a relief to finally understand that 'strange' and unusual behaviour.

    I have the hyper-focused type, there are 7 different types (see Dr Amen videos).

    Now, that I know what is the problem I can work on how to discipline the bad side of ADHD and continue with what I consider a gift.

    First thing, change diet, second get the vitamins your brain need, third do sport, four self-actualised to balance some annoying traits, get aware of certain pattern of behaviour and start doing tinny changes that will bring you to the big goal.

  7. Hi there,

    As many of you know : we have to accept because we cannot change the past and the others.

    However, some deep wounds made us apply some strategies to continue surviving that are not working anymore. Yes we know what happened, we understand how it influenced our lives, so what's next?

    It may help you, I am actually working on a 5-step procedure to change a pattern of behaviour directed towards me and the others.

    1 - stop: hold the horse and breath

    2- feel: check-in your body and feel where it hurts  //  you must feel xx

    3- acknowledge: this or that does not work for me  // I can imagine how xx

    4- set the intention: you can count on me  // I want to be there for you; if there is any way I can help you

    5- admit limitation: what might it be xx // I don't know what it looks like to xx


    Homework: to do a journal of feelings (check in with your body) and acknowledge them.