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About Freeman

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  1. I can't concentrate on an object imagined or otherwise, unless "my ego" thinks "I" should. I look for the one concentrating, and only find thought, memory, reactive, conditioned emotion and intent (as in, 'I do this to get that.'). I know the result of action based in conditioning, is only more conditioning. In other words, if an object appears, so does a conditioned "I". EVERY TIME. That way is always more of the same. No "concentrator", no one improving, accomplishing or achieving. If I look for the one who is aware, only empty space appears, and any "thing" reflects the purity and openness of space. Since there's no "I" or "object" in any absolute sense, and the purity of empty awareness is undeniable, what change is needed or possible? Since I can see the signs of conditioned mind, and how identification works to maintain a sense of separateness and confusion, the elements of ego rarely come together. Once stable, helping others stabilize arises automatically, as ego naturally diminishes. This is the compassion Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Kwan Yin, Tara and Avalokiteshvara all speak of; the self-actualized, self-arising light of complete perfection this instant. How better to describe eternal life?