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Everything posted by kira

  1. @TrynaBeTurquoise @acidgoofy Luckly i dont have to worry about the quality of it.. is the kind that docters use in hospital… so i dont have to worry about the queality… hihihi either way seing as what i got is liquid... i have a couple of optios.. either i turn into cristals..which i dont really thing should be the best idea.. I can also use IM which i have read have a short effects … or use it IV, thing is ...that i dont have experince injecting IV only IM
  2. Hi folks... Im curious..... Which teachers/gurus Do you listen to? For spiritual work.. Consciousness and other Besides leo. Obviously.. I like downloading the audio and listening to it on my headphones Greetings
  3. @dimitri Have done ayahuasca (was quite a experience) there another phsycadelics trip plan in my future (ketelar - the pure form ) and another ayahuasca 3 days retreat also plan in the upcoming future. hihihi got the phsycadelics part down
  4. @Sirius Orion @Stevo thank you both I have add all of the names you gave me and will be checking everyone of them out greetings
  5. @egoeimai hi there i sended u a text but didn't get any answer yet.. send me a private pm got stuff to tell u about
  6. @Commodent It becomes a probleem the second a child get addicted to it... and that happen sadly enough too fast.. its easier for parents to just handing them the phone than dealing with the childs feelings and that is the very sad true of our sociaty
  7. @bejapuskas Like you say yourself you see the big picutre.. you dont have those needy feelings and clinginess that you had before… you dont relay on relationship to make you feel "happy" and that my friends its beautiful you will eventually attract that one lady that is in the same level as you are and it will be a beuatiful relationship in which neither of you need the other for 'happyness" and at the same time enjoy the time you get to spend together and the time you dont
  8. @Dlavjr I am a huge fan of calisthenics do you know it ? I have worked out my whole life..used to go to the gym for a long time..until i came across calisthenics the idea of is … using your onw body weight to work out.. the plus on it is that you can literally do it anywhere anytime… why lift weights when you can do a human flag ( dont know what it is ? check on YouTube) also you will find hunders of YouTube videos with millions of routines... im gonna leave you the link from a 6months bigginers plans.. i have followed this myself and had amazing resaults with it .. please do keep me updated
  9. @randomguy123 Hi there bud It sounds to me like this is a serious medical situation.. in my opinion you should take care of yourself physically first.. from what I understood you are suffering from the pain.. i can only image it will get worse the longer you wait and then maybe cause more damadge.. your health is important and this look like is demaging your health.. take care of yourself please
  10. as a mother myself.. i dont see what a phone cant be treat like any other toy... with the right supervision and making sure it doesnt became an addiction.. of course.. this is where a lot of parents fail, they do use it indeed as a way to distract they childeren.. and for long amount of time.. as a way to get rid of the kids.. and do whatever it is they would be rather be doing.. then it DOES indeed becomes a issue...
  11. Hi there I have been toying around with the idea of cutting meat anf sugar out of my diet.. maybe becoming vegan Im not sure... my question being ; what should i expect from it..any of you know how to make the transition the best... I have always been a big meat eater , a bit less since my ayuhasca retreat ...but non the less Idea..? tips ? recomendentions ?
  12. hi guys Im interested on trying out yoga, the mindfull one that could help me further with my personal develoment... I am new to yoga so i want to try some free youtube/online classes before decided whatever i like it or not. Greetings
  13. @Shiva no i dont think i know it
  14. @darind I really appreciate your reaction. Most people would have gone into "defensive mode" I dont feel insulted. I thought "again someone who want to say something but dont really have anything to say" Eventhough i do understand your point of view... But if you really cant type without getting commentary on you letter type .. where are we going ? Again thank you for your maturity
  15. Hi there For my next toastmasters meeting im giving a short speech on homeostasis. For this task I have to show that i did the proper research What are the best studies done on the topic that you can recomand me ? Any links left behind would be highly appriciated Greetings
  16. @Charlotte i know the video, thanks i will be watching it again for sure
  17. @darind i was thought as a child if you dont have anything nice to say to others then dont say anything. If you dont like my titel or it bothers you and you arent going to give any usefull advice. Just scroll further and dont comment It easy really
  18. hi everyone Im singing up for my first vipassana 10 days retreat.. does anyone here as experinces in this field? how was it ? how did you like ? how can I prepare the best? what to expect? what to watch out for ? All your info is highly appriciated
  19. @Wisebaxter Did you bought it prescribed ? how mutch do you pay for it ? I am an overthinking myself.... im looking forward to see how my mind is going to react to it ! We are all adicted to something so mutch is clear...
  20. Hi there I have been toying around with the idea of cutting meat anf sugar out of my diet.. maybe becoming vegan Im not sure... my question being ; what should i expect from it..any of you know how to make the transition the best... I have always been a big meat eater , a bit less since my ayuhasca retreat ...but non the less Idea..? tips ? recomendentions ?
  21. @Wisebaxter that is indeed so.. never had a problem with any of the pshycadelics i have used before.. i dont seewhy it would be a problem now
  22. @Wisebaxter I am abit worried about growing too depending on it...and my mind growing too dependent on it...
  23. @Wisebaxter Hi there yes I order some online a couple of days ago, it should be arriving on monday.. i am quite excited to try it out.. i have watched leos videos on the topic i will def look them up...i will also be looking into Armodafinil,... i will keep you updated on the experience
  24. @Kensho I am going there with that mindset yes.. I am quite excited ready to face the chalange
  25. @Salvijus I understand i am pretty sure I will be questioning my decicion more than once during those 10 days, i can already hear my monkey mind coming up with millions of things i SHOULD be doing instead... Be with your family/childeren they miss you should be studying you waisting your time Im doing it !! I am lucking forward to it