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Everything posted by SOUL

  1. It's just a bunch of individual traits that some prefer to believe are the only 'masculine' traits and then a veneration of those specific traits even though those are but a limited portion of the spectrum of traits to be found in our human experience. With a select demographic celebrating that specific recipe of traits and nothing else they only will call masculine. It crowds out any other consideration given to the other traits as having masculine influence on our well being. It limits the freedom of expression. It may sound like I'm judging it but I'm just describing it as I observe the habituation of it. I don't have a moral prescription for this dynamic just a heads up from one aware being to a fellow aware being. Traits have both masculine and feminine aspects of them if they even have that dualism at all.
  2. You say my analysis is coherent then go on to explain his work and the effects the same way albeit with admiration for the exploitation or at the very least a dismissal of the exploitation as insignificant. "He didn't cause the current state of affairs"(the human wound)", he just capitalized on it"(profiting off continuing to poke the wound and then pouring salt into it). "I can say this for countless people who speak, teach etc."(or anyone that professes to be teaching something)"So does my behavior then reflect on their teaching"(how oblivious they can be to his effect in their lives and unaware that others can see the effects in his followers) You have been thrashing around this forum for quite awhile going from inner crisis to crisis and in conflict with member after member. All the while spouting rhetoric from each of your 'teachers' and 'mentors' as you think it suits the defense of your identity you have with them and your attachment of your association with their work. Do you not realize this happening and that others can see it? You probably even fail to see how you've confirm what I said in disputing it even after me pointing it out to you. Again, good luck with all of that.
  3. All all have to do is watch and listen to his student to see the fruit of his teaching. Thank you for confirming how oblivious they can be to his effect in their lives and unaware that others can see the effects in his followers. All it takes is 5 minutes to educate myself on him? Haha, well all I really have to do is observe his students to understand his teaching...or Leo's from his students...or anyone that professes to be teaching something. This doesn't mean every student is a perfect representation of a teacher's message individually yet from the effect it has on them in aggregate we can see the results of that teaching in reality...not just in rhetoric. Good luck with that.
  4. Projecting much? I do realize it that's why I said it...or maybe you didn't understand that.
  5. This is the succinct explanation except I'd amend it to exploitation of the human wound. He's exploiting the pain and suffering of all genders and yes, he's profiting off continuing to poke the wound and then pouring salt into it. There's no uplifting of spirit or awakening consciousness found in his message as evidence in his students. His 'teaching' is an appeal to the basest urges and his students are ones who aren't aware of their impulses enough to overcome them. I don't know for sure his 'teachings' because I don't listen to him but I've seen this play out many times before and I can simply see the results in his students to confirm it without actually reviewing his content.
  6. The ego is merely the personification of our sense of self and it bases it's identity on the past experience of the being it exists within. As we accumulate more experience it gradually changes, it's impermanent in it's identity even as it strives for stable coherence in it's sense of self. This is how through the present moment, through our current experience, we can participate in the transformation of our ego's sense of self because we can orchestrate our experience. We can nudge the ego into identifying with what we place our attention on so cultivate it's growth. If we are in presence of peace, fulfillment and yes love, the ego will eventually identify with that presence we have in awareness. It will reflect this as it's self identity and in this harmony of well being the cessation of self suffering will be realized in our experience of 'mind'. Creating a dynamic of enmity with ego only perpetuates the conflict within us and further feeds the disharmony of ill being which fuels the self suffering. So if one seeks liberation from self suffering choose in every moment to be at peace with the ego even if we seek to liberate it too from suffering.
  7. One little comment has you twisting and turning, you haven't learned anything about me and I'm not even sure you have learned anything from your own self. You keep projecting all this stuff onto me, reading stuff into my words that isn't there, while simultaneously accusing me of projection. It's the ego in your own mind trying to justify itself, you don't have to believe it, though. All of this to avoid answering a straight forward question? You could simply say something like that you don't care about the cessation of self suffering and only care about actualizing ego or whatever it is you genuinely believe, it's not that difficult. I'm not saying that's what you think, it's a hypothetical reply as an example so don't get disturbed about that either. I do have some insight into the acceptance and coexistent with ego while in liberation but you may not be willing to hear it from me at this point. I'd still like to hear your thoughts about it, I'm genuinely curious: "explain to me how personifying these archetypes helps you to cease self suffering so realize liberation."
  8. Well, 'enlightenment' isn't attained, it is realized, so if you recognize that it isn't a conundrum.
  9. I said "likely", it shouldn't be such a difficult thing to just say, 'nope, this is the only one' if that genuinely is the case. Very few people are a part of only one spiritual community, it's was an assertion made of the basis of the odds, on probabilities...hence 'likely'. If one assertion as simple as that can disturb your peace then you have alot of self suffering ego churning in your mind. Maybe you can label it and assign it an archetype to make your 'self' feel better about it's 'self'. Interesting how you chopped off the most of my reply and conveniently avoided replying to the genuine query I made so I will repost it for you to consider: "So maybe you can explain to me how personifying these archetypes helps you to cease self suffering so realize liberation." I don't even expect a reply, I just hope it can inspire some contemplation about it within you so that maybe at some point you may find value in the cessation of self suffering, maybe you can find peace in liberation. Peace.
  10. There's a joke here about how they are both full of shit but I'm not going to make it...or did I? Hm
  11. I like poetry, I write some as well so I would enjoy hearing the poem, can anyone provide a time stamp of where it begins so I can listen to it? If not, that's fine.
  12. 'very stable genius' I rarely if ever watch Leo's content but this thread piqued my interest so started to watch part of it and the warning at the beginning moved me to skip to the end. I randomly clicked a spot at the very end just as he was talking about him being impressed with his own intelligence and how stable it was. That phrase above from infamous use flashed in my mind and I literally did a spit take, it was quite humorous...I clicked off right after that. I didn't search out or stick around for any of the more controversial stuff so I couldn't share any impressions I got from it, I do wish him well though. It's difficult to spend so much time in esoteric and abstract states of mind while still maintaining a suitable life structure. He's actually quite fortunate to not have a normie 9-5 or something like that to deal with, his life sustaining work has enough flexibility and freedom to accommodate it. Again, I do wish him well and to be at peace.
  13. Did you really just say there are two path to infinity? Um...if there are 'paths' to infinity there are infinite paths to it...and the paths are part of infinity...and even before a path there's still infinity so not sure why you think in such limited ways. I can understand why you are projecting some conceptualization onto my words that wasn't put there by me since you are on this forum and likely in other 'spiritual' communities so it's molding your own conceptualization in ways that you may not be aware of. You would be surprised how much conceptual priming that goes on subconsciously and how many ideas and beliefs one may have that come from others. Not to mention those conceptions guide the perceptions one would have in their mystical experience to form an ideology about it. I grew in awakening outside of these communities so wasn't seeded with preconceived concepts. My direct experience doesn't reflect the typical mystical perceptions that are found within these communities although there is no way for you to know this unless I told you. It's also difficult because we are using language that for all it's diversity it's still pretty limited in how we use it. So it's not uncommon that one would transfer ideas about those words from previous discourse onto the current conversation without being aware of it. I don't fall into the all self or no self duality you seem to have described, those are extreme poles whereas I perceive a spectrum of self that includes the all and no self poles but infinite degrees of self and no self. Infinite degrees of no self one might ask? Yep. But to get back to the comment I made in my initial reply was I don't see the point in the exercise of compiling so many diverse traits into ego 'archetypes'. Sure, we can see how some traits lump together because of the commonalities about them but we are all unique snowflakes...haha. I don't see how personifying an archetype helps to transcend those traits if they are a stumbling block to the cessation of self suffering for someone. Like I previously expressed it empowers identification with them allowing the ego to create more separation through them. The least amount of paradigm one constructs in the mind around our experience in mystical and in the manifest the simpler it is to transcend the limiting beliefs and obstructing conceptualizations which frees up awareness of being that is the experience of liberation. So maybe you can explain to me how personifying these archetypes helps you to cease self suffering so realize liberation.
  14. What is the point of this broad stroke stereotyping? All that is being done is piling up various traits into different groups then labeling them as one 'archetype'. To be clear, empowering the ego with defined identity in an attempt at spirituality is like building a wall to get to the other side of it...if there was no wall, there would be no other side to get to. Awakening in awareness is increasing a knowing but this isn't the same as accumulating knowledge since awakening is expanding awareness beyond any understanding the mind seeks. ...and no, one doesn't need to understand the self to transcend the self unless one has the limiting belief that 'self inquiry' is to gain knowledge of self which is merely ego seeking more attention. Genuine awakening is not overcoming self after identifying it, it's transcending self by realizing it's absence and so it is bringing awareness of simply being to fulfillment in experience. But one can do whatever they want...I'm just pointing at it.
  15. Blood can carry oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body as well as carry toxins and disease to it. Thoughts are merely the mind-body's way of communicating something to our awareness and it can either nourish or poison our consciousness. We have no control over the pumping of thoughts as we have no control over the pumping of blood. Ceasing the reaction in our being to thoughts which distract that may pass through the mind takes away the attention that empowers them to be an obstacle to well being so leads to liberation.
  16. Does the screen observe what is being shown on it? Does a screen create space between it and what is being projected onto it?
  17. At the very core of all desire is the existential yearning that manifests in consciousness when we are aware of our own awareness so often it can create discontented self instead of fulfillment in just being.
  18. I am P.O.D....... pit of delusions.
  19. I gave you a clear answer and apparently you prefer the self suffering. buh bye
  20. @Nathan @Loba Yep, people just come up with stories they imagine why so they can live with all the ones offered here to you about why add them to the untold number of stories people tell themselves. I won't tell another other than to say just be at peace.
  21. The mind habitually comes up with another method or milestone a practice or state, dissolving this or becoming that always finding a reason why one is lacking, incomplete so yearning for something other than what is. Just be.
  22. @JuliusCaesar People often prefer the familiarity of misery than to change because of their fear of the unknown.