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Everything posted by TeamBills

  1. I've watched most of the ones at least once. It isn't about consuming mass quantities of videos. 95% of the videos go over my head, and I go back to the way that I was. What I learned is it is better to find the few (for me right now it is 2) videos that work for you. Work on them over and over again. Once I feel I maxed out those videos I will move on. I'm in no rush. It is hard to practice the content from the videos if you are watching that many of them.
  2. I think the start here section has replaced the blueprint section. The start here section works perfectly.
  3. This made me act a little nicer to myself, thank you for that. I though I must of been screwing up or doing something wrong that I didn't realize I was doing.
  4. @Leo Gura What do you mean by high leverage habit? I've been frustrated by my lack of results, and I feel like I have been putting the work in. Could I be doing a better job at it by not focusing so much on "quick mindless fun?" Yes, but I still feel like I am putting in a lot of work, and other people tell me I am too. I want results every few months! What am I doing wrong? And yes, I have watched the be patient for results video you made. A lot of your videos fly over my head though and I go back to the way I was acting before.
  5. Leo, 1. Any plans to discuss suicide as a topic? 2. Where do you see in 10 years?
  6. How long was your solo retreat?
  7. No different than using alcohol or drugs as a crutch to erase pain.
  8. @Toby COMPLETELY disagree with this advice. Any time anyone says anything about suicide it should be taken 100% serious, no matter the conditions. The conditions don't matter. Plenty of times throughout history I imagine that people have said suicidal stuff when drunk and then committed suicide later.
  9. I gave this post a thumbs up, but I feel like that is not enough lol. This is a really good post. I see the regret and see future regret in some people around me.
  10. I wasn't sure what topic to post this under. I was thinking of putting it in Philosophy, Science, History, but I wouldn't really call it history or any of those things. Maybe it is about self actualization as in learning to understand him more? If it is in the wrong category, sorry. Leo's recent blog reminded me of a video that I forgot to post earlier. Donald Trump regrets becoming president. Can we please keep this topic civil? Politics and Trump seems to often get people very worked up, yelling, name calling etc.
  11. It is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I could definitely go into a rant into it. It seems like it would be very difficult to change. I haven't read the link yet. I think you would need a very large group of people to have a chance at making a difference. A very big project. That was kind of my point. I totally understand why you would be worried about taking the course. Especially with the price tag. Even though you have those feelings I still feel like it is worth the CHANCE of it greatly improving your life. Even if you get nothing from it I believe it worth it because of the chance of it completely changing your life. Very few things in life are a 100% sure thing.
  12. The example I gave was very philosophical in how society can effect this topic.
  13. I wasn't trying to solve it. You can have erges and still be turned off by them.
  14. This probably won't make any sense but I will try my best. I feel like the books from the book list, the meditating, enlightment, and following Leo's content is helping me in small areas in my life. I don't feel like they are helping in the big areas of my life. I don't notice any difference in those areas. I get I have only been working on this for a year and half and that it takes time, but I guess in some ways I still don't. I feel like people have small problems that cause problems in their life, and then they have big problems that fall around the suicidal category. I'm starting to think that this path I'm taking might not be able to chip away at the problems in the suicidal category. I'm starting to think that all this self help stuff treats problems in life under the same umbrella. Everything is equal. I'm staring to think that small and medium problems and problems that cause suicidal thoughts/actions should be 2 separate categories in personal development. They shouldn't be shoved in the same box. That they should be separated into 2 separate studies. I can't find work that solely focuses on the suicidal stuff specifically.
  15. I would recommend starting enlightment work for an hour a day. Leo has tons of information on the topic. Supposedly it fixes the problem you are having.
  16. @Revolutionary Think Hmmm I never heard anyone describe it like that. Interesting. Boy, the time someone grows up in really changes a lot of things! Last week I was this type of group therapy I go to every week. Somehow sex was brought up. Someone was talking about having sex before being married, and this lady who is honestly one of the nicest people out there, and someone I never saw get upset about anything in the slightest got very, very upset about someone having sex before marriage. She went on about how people don't have dignity and ethics anymore. The other girl who was talking about having sex before marriage got really passionate about her opinion too. I had no idea people felt this passionate about having sex before marriage! I know some religious people do, but this had nothing to do with the religious aspect. It was solely based on having morals. The lady against it was in her 70s I believe. I kind of new this a little bit, but American society changed around the mid 60s. Before then it was looked at by mostly everyone that having sex before marriage was this horrible unmoral thing. I know Christians and maybe some other religions feel that way, but I'm talking about American society in general feeling that way regardless of religious beliefs. I was interested in this and my research towards this topic pretty much confirms this belief. My question is what happens if you never get married or get married at like 60 lol. I'm not saying everyone felt this way, but most people did at that time. I don't really know how to help you with your problem but I wanted to give you this example so you could see that being your age and being a virgin wouldn't be weird, and would be expected if you lived 60 years ago. Society has a funny effect on situations doesn't it?! Do you have any strong erges (spell check ain't helping with that one lol) to have sex? It's funny going back to my example. I'm 22 almost 23 and when people hear that I am a virgin they think it is so weird, and they can't understand it. The example I gave made me feel better about still being a virgin, and if you still have any hangups about it maybe it will help you feel better. For me personally the erges are too strong. I'm f'n ready. It's just hard for me to be social right now in my life. I'm taking babysteps every day. That is why I asked you about the eregs, because mine are really strong sometimes. Did you ever start the life purpose course? I get that it is expensive, but it's a better use of your money than something like 5 video games, right? Even if it does't end up helping what-so-ever I still think it is totally worth the risk. I mean it's not like the course was designed by some dude off the street you know nothing about. If you like his videos than it is worth a shot. I don't understand why more people don't buy the life purpose course and the book list. THE POSSIBLE VALUE IS WORTH THE RISK (money). I strongly recommend them unless money is tight right now.
  17. @Cass Cassini Aren't Google Drive and One Drive for backing up your files? Openoffice is for word documents right? I'm still confused what a productivity tracker is.
  18. All I'm saying is you would be missing out on a part of life if you didn't have anyone that loved you FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Being desperate for it can create suffering, but never experiencing it for your whole life is a missed opportunity. I wouldn't recommend for you to go through your whole without any social interaction what-so-ever or any love from another person what-so-ever. If you want to go right ahead.
  19. @Vladimir Not having love from another person
  20. 1. Are you worried about the bad effects and possible short and long term damage that the psychedelics might have on your brain? I'm not against them nor am I in favor of them because I haven't done any research on them. I wouldn't make a conclusion like that until I did so much research on them that it was pouring out of my ears. I am solely basing this question based on the common perception of them in society. I get that society can be wrong, but sometimes they can also be right. You come across to me as someone who wouldn't do them unless all your research proved they wouldn't of major bad effects on your brain. I worry that people are going to take them without doing all the proper research needed, and that could lead to some very bad things. I couldn't take them anyway because I am on a SSRI med. I will probably get off it soon though. A part of me desperately wants the results you are getting. They seem to produce results so quickly. I am frustrated with my lack of results with my personal development work. I won't do them though because I have a part of my brain that isn't working correctly. I don't want to get into it but I would be scared to death of causing more problems with it. Even if this problem can be fixed (I guess it can, yes I know that sounds weird it would make more sense if I explained what it was) I would be too scared of the drug causing the problem to recur. 2. What are your thoughts on other substances and their effects on consciousness? Can anything else give the benefits that psychedelics have given you? I am confused became I have heard you say that alcohol and partying are distractions. I think I also saw you not like it when someone on the forum talked about cocaine helping consciousness, but then later on June 17th you said "Interesting... Have you tried eating weed? I hear that's a trip.", yet you have never covered it in your blog or videos. 3. How do you know that any of the thoughts you have gotten for psychedelics are real? How do you know they aren't some result of the drug changing your brain around? I mean the thoughts might not be true in reality but just something created because the effect of the drug on your brain. 4. You talking about Elon Musk on the forum got me thinking. He is not living up to his potential. You are experiencing positive things about life that 99.999% of people won't ever experience. Hell they don't even know they exist. You are able to look down at Elon Musk's life and realize he isn't doing it correctly. Yet he has no freaking idea of this. It could be so much better. Do you think it is possible that there might be people on this planet who could look at your life and see that you aren't experiencing and aren't aware of things of other things that 99.999% of people won't ever experience? That you aren't living up to the potential of what your life could be. That you are making mistakes in your life. Don't get me wrong. They can see your life is obviously way greater than Elon Musk. It isn't close. They can obviously tell that your life is way greater than the average person on Earth. They can also tell that your life is way greater than most if not all the people on the forum. But the average human is a foolish creature, often. They are not usually a good measuring stick, especially when you go by the average one. Maybe you aren't currently experiencing the possible highest forms of life and are also making important mistakes. Yet you have no freaking idea. Have you ever thought about this? 5. You responded to this topic: with saying " What else can you expect from a spiritually bankrupt society? Trump won because he perfectly represents the level of consciousness of the average American. The ego amusement park isn't so amusing in the end. It's only going to get worse. Wait till we have mainstream VR in 10 years." That response confused me because it applied that consciousness is getting worse not better. I have never been around an adult that appeared spiritual or conscious. That includes parents, teachers etc. I don't see how and why it would be getting worse. Then I thought about it some more. One time I asked my grandparents if people were happier when they were young. There response "oh my god yes." My Dad responded with a similar response when I asked him the same question by during his childhood. I have been fascinated with their responded years later. I wonder what was different. Than again, I have heard plenty of times people make things out that happen in the past to be way greater than they actually are. I have constantly seen people praise things they didn't like when they were actually happening. I'm sorry my questions can be rambling and it can be hard to understand what the actual question is. I don't understand why most people are so dull. They all talk about the same silly things in small talk, and their brains are like stuck inside this tiny box. Every thought is so bland, boring, uncreative, unthoughtout, AND COMMON. My problem is I struggle with organizing my thoughts in a well organized manner. I'll put the question for #5 in bold. Why do you think consciousness is going down and not up, because I don't see any proof of it. 6. Do you think medications for things like depression, OCD, anxiety etc are hurtful instead of helpful because they are trying to cover up the problem without actually figuring and fixing the cause? Then again I also go to therapy which is probably for that. 7. Any plans on ever making a video about OCD or adding a book to the book list about OCD?
  21. @Revolutionary Think Your tomorrows are NEVER guaranteed.
  22. @Hardik jain Are you suggesting that everything is equal in their lives other than what you have listed? If so than obviously 1. Even if more conscious people than us say that the greatest happiness is found by being by yourself, you still would need some socialization. Spending your whole life without a social life which would have to include not having love would be a shame.
  23. @Joseph Maynor What is a productivity tracker?
  24. @Moreira Dude none of us know what happens when we die. None of us know for sure until humanity is able to bring someone back from the dead.