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Posts posted by blossompaddok

  1. Hey! My sister was so gorgeous and maintained a good physique. She worked hard through diet and exercise to achieve a lean physique. She was awarded as the miss beautiful in her campus. She got married five years ago and we were happy that she was leading a happy life. Three years back she was blessed with a son. But after the delivery she became overweight. Her belly was bulging out and she was so depressed. One of my friends suggested Tummy tuck surgery in Scarborough. But I was not sure if she is ready for the treatment or not. When I searched, I came across a blog explaining how to know if you are a candidate for tummy tuck procedure( ). I found the blog very informative because it is mentioned that the candidate should not become pregnant for a while after the surgery. I asked my sister about this and she told, she is not ready for a child for a while. So we are planning to fix an appointment for the next week. Anybody had an experience with this procedure? Any suggestions? 

  2. I would like to share some facts that I know. Foods get digested and broken down into vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body can use to build healthy skin. If you crash diet or eat highly processed foods, your skin won’t be as strong and supple as it could be. Reduce sugar as much as possible for good skin. Replace refined sugary foods with nutrient-dense foods- like fruits and vegetables. Best skin diet is one that involves eating vegetables of different colors for every meal and a green juice every day. Tomatoes are good for helping reduce sun damage. The darker and brighter the color, the more nutrients. If you’re picking greens for a salad, choose darker green greens like kale or spinach. You also need to make sure you’re getting enough carbohydrates and protein.