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Everything posted by Mondsee

  1. "We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful."
  2. Hey! I just remembered you promised a long long time ago a video on quality sexting!! Is that ever gonna happen? haha it'd be weird seeing it on your channel given the type of content you're delivering lately, but I'd watch it!!
  3. Hi! I just saw Leo's Ultimate Journal a.k.a. Commonplace Book video and absolutely loved it, because I do exactly the same, just on paper (have topic notebooks for everything) and it's much slower and not as useful. I want to keep a Onenote commonplace book as Leo suggests but I'm having some questions. I have a Mac, and I've read there is no possibility to save anything locally in the Mac versions. I don't like that, but also I'm not ready to invest money in it yet, so I was wandering if I start using the newest Mac version and save everything on the cloud, and in the future I manage to buy an older (Mac or Windows) version of Onenote to be able to save everything locally, will I be able to migrate my content from the new version to the old one? Hoping someone has some experience with it here and can offer some help! Thanks! TL;DR: If I start using the newest Mac version of Onenote & save everything on the cloud, will I be able to migrate my content to an older version (to be able to save things locally) in the future?
  4. NOOOOO LEOOOOO!!!!! Why did you do this!? I haven't been on the forum for a while, and I just discovered this, but IMO reputation, or likes or however you wanna call it, was a really useful tool, it helped me more than once to spot really high quality comments (or as you would call them: golden nuggets) that I wouldn't have otherwise read. Do you think people really identified with their ranks?? Cause I couldn't care less, I don't even remember what mine was... but please, consider taking reputation back, maybe not as "reputation" which feeds a certain user rank. Ranks are indeed kind of useless, but please give us an option to say, "Hey, this is a really valuable contribution". Thanks! @Leo Gura I really hope you read this... Edit: maybe even without the option of seeing who liked it.
  5. Nah, I didn't find a sexy title as Leo suggested, but here it is... I am starting a meditation journal, because I don't feel any kind of development (neither forwards nor backwards) in my meditation practice, other than my legs don't get numb as much any more... also, I backslide sometimes, and tell myself that "it is fine if I have a meditation rest-day", so this journal shall register it all, and help me identify some development, if any. If you wish so, you are very welcome to join me on this journey and share here your daily meditation experience!
  6. I looove that guy, yes the Japan video is a jewel!
  7. Day 65 Days in a row: 2 Start time: 8:00 a.m. Finish time: 8:30 a.m. Location: Rooftop at my parent's house Technique: Focus on breath Eyes: open Highlights: Learning from the lessons of yesterday, I wore warmer clothes and went to the rooftop to meditate. I picked an antena in the horizon as my focus point, and everything started well. I started counting my breaths, I didn't plan beforehand on doing that, but in that moment, I decided to continue with the count. I reached 156 breaths without major distraction and then some thoughts crossed my mind, and I got lost in them. A few moments later I noticed I wasn't counting anymore and I decided to start all over. On the second count I reached 103 breaths, and although some thoughts crossed my mind, I was able to keep counting. My right leg got so numb I couldn't feel it anymore, but I resisted the urge to move until the end. Also, during the meditation, the mental image of my hands became very confusing, as if I couldn't remember the position of each finger, and therefore couldn't understand the position in which I had them while meditating. That had already happened to me before, and it's super interesting!
  8. Well, probably he isn't focused in online presence very much. I have no idea where you can find more videos, but I guess he has a website and a huge book full of insight, maybe check those out.
  9. @Leo Gura I remember when you used to ask yourself the same thing! Now it seems like you're becoming more like Peter!
  10. Day 64 Days in a row: 1 Start time: 7:30 a.m. Finish time: 8:00 a.m. Location: Rooftop at my parent's house Technique: Do nothing Eyes: open Highlights: I went early in the morning to the rooftop to meditate until the sun came out. I decided to fix my view on a star near the horizon and follow it until it disappeared. A couple things went wrong: first, I did follow the star, but the sky was becoming brighter and brighter as the sun was going up, and I was somewhat dazzled and had to look in different directions from time to time. Also, although I was wearing a jacket, I got cold from the morning fresh air, and the lack of movement during the meditation, because of that, I also started moving until I was hugging myself to keep me warm. When my meditation position was gone, and I was gazing all over the place, I decided to officially stop meditating and just watch the sunrise. I had been sitting there about five minutes longer than I had planned for the meditation and I started becoming impatient. I stood up, and right when I was leaving, the sun rays showered me as if they were saying "in case you doubted we were coming out". It didn't feel much as a meditation, I was very distracted with many things. If I meditate there again, I'll consider wearing warmer clothes and picking a focus point which isn't on the sky.
  11. @Waves My mother tongue is Spanish, at school I learned German and English, and independently I started studying French and Nahuatl. For me the most valuable lesson I've had from speaking different languages, is that there are many world views and each one is as valid as the other one. Languages are like filters of reality, and your perception changes with each one of them. Speaking one single language you don't get the opportunity to notice this and open your mind to be more accepting of new ideas. @SuperLuigi Translating videos is already a thing!
  12. I was happy to find something like this on mainstream media. I think it does make a point, and although it mainly focuses on Trump, it also applies as an approach to politics and news in general. Now go ahead and seize the opportunity to practice "mindful resistance"!
  13. Day 64 Days in a row: 3 Start time: 9:20 a.m. Finish time: 9:40 a.m. Location: Balcony at my parent's house Technique: Do nothing Eyes: open Highlights: Many career-related thoughts. I had some cool ideas, but a lack of awareness during this session. I tried to fix my eyes to a spot and not move them at all, and the images started distorting towards the end. It really looked like some things were moving, that actually don't move, and it was interesting noticing that we can't fully trust our senses, for what they tell us is also only one perspective.
  14. Hey @phoenix666! nice to hear it was helpful for you! it is kind of cool to integrate self-inquiry in a meditation practice, right? Thanks for stopping by to share your experience!
  15. IMO "is it ok?" is the wrong question. OK according to who? To the church? To your parents? To society? To you? To her? Reformulate your question. I guess you rather wanted to know if it's going to work, i.e. if your friendship is going to last even if you're intimate. I think generally at least one side starts developing feelings for the other, and if it is only from that one side, then usually it doesn't become anything serious, and the friendship breaks apart too. That being said, I know first hand it can work. If both of you are very mature and not needy at all, and it is kind of a sporadic thing (meaning that it doesn't become a routine), then yes, it can work and it can bring the friendship to a whole 'nother level because intimacy is the deepest level of trust you can share with someone else. Consider these as a couple litmus tests: 1. To check if it's really remaining as a friendship: the intimacy episode(s) you've shared won't become the center of your relationship. 2. To check if you're both mature about it: you probably won't be cheating on anyone, nor will any of you be even dating another person, probably you won't have the feeling that what you've had is top secret and something you have to hide. Also, you will be highly communicative and open to each other, and you won't feel shy to express whatever it is you have to say. 3. Finally, the most important one of all, to check if it "is ok" as you put it: it will feel absolutely right to you and to your friend, so both of you will have a sharp ear to listen what your intuition is telling you, and even sense if the other one is feeling the same way as you are. It is enough that one of you feels like there's something wrong, for the whole thing to actually be wrong. This last point alone is the absolute key. Don't ask other people if it is ok, ask yourself and let your intuition give you answers, and be careful not to confuse answers from your intuition with answers from your mind. They're not the same. Your mind can be telling you that "it feels right" but your intuition will let you know if that's a true or a false statement.
  16. Day 63 Days in a row: 2 Start time: 8:00 a.m. Finish time: 8:25 a.m. Location: Balcony at my parent's house Technique: Do nothing Eyes: open at the beginning, closed towards the end Highlights: I intended to do a mindfulness meditation, but my thoughts were too active for that, and I just decided to let go and switch to a "do nothing" mode. I felt like a rollercoaster, literally, there was so much activity, so many things were moving in and around me, and it was a mixture of fear/worry and fun. Above all, I had memories about the past, relationships and friends.
  17. Day 62 Days in a row: 1 Start time: 9:00 a.m. Finish time: 9:15 a.m. Location: Room at my parent's house Technique: Shinzen Young's mindfulness meditation Eyes: closed Highlights: short meditation using the "awareness-as-an-arrow" technique. It is not easy to point with awareness-arrow the stimuli reaching me. Sometimes the arrows become several arrows for different things, sometimes they are bigger, smaller and even change colors and (imaginary)consistency, but it is hard to locate them somewhere. I lost concentration for a short moment, going inside my head and getting lost in thoughts, but re-gained focus, and kept pointing sensations through the end.
  18. @Azrael @Leo Gura (Readers: please help me tag any other experienced forum members you know on this thread!) I was going to post this on the 5-meo mega thread, but I thought this might deserve its own thread and become a little bit of a guide for psychedelics' newbies. Hi there! So, here's the thing: I first learned about 5-meo-dmt a couple months ago (obviously through this forum + Leo's videos), and proceeded to largely ignore it, as I categorized this as a highly advanced topic, and nothing for me yet. Don't get me wrong, from what I hear, I believe it is pure magic and something I want to try some day, but I just feel too much of a newbie for that, I literally feel like I don't deserve it yet. That being said, a couple days ago I was reading some articles on 5-meo on the internet, and some trip reports, when I found out that getting the substance is much, much, much easier for me than I ever imagined. Literally, without even looking for it, I found a way to get to it. Of course I didn't, my feeling of not being ready hasn't changed at all, but now that I know that it isn't so far out from me, I want to know how to start changing that, so I'm asking for your advice. So, here is where I stand: I am a 22 y/o, and never have I ever in my life tried any substance at all, like AT ALL. I do drink, but I've been drunk only twice, I have never smoke a cigarette, not a shisha, not a vape, no joint no nothing at all, I'm a substances virgin, I think I don't even know how to smoke, because I've never had a cigarette touch my lips haha... on the other hand, I'm a self-help junkie, I put into practice Leo's advice very often, I have practiced yoga for a little over two years, and almost every day since this year started, and I'm trying to meditate every day too, although I backslide every now and then. Given my newbie standpoint, what would you recommend as a step-by-step process? My common sense tells me it should be somewhat like this: 1. keep doing yoga and meditating every day for much longer, until you have more significant insights and breakthroughs 2. start doing self-inquiry much more often, or better yet, every day 3. research and learn a ton more on psychedelics 4. learn basic techniques and methods like how to smoke or to snort without using psychedelics yet (if I could avoid smoking cigarettes I'd be very happy, I find them really disgusting) 5. start trying some mild substances on small doses 6. increase gradually the doses (building myself up) until you intuitively get the feeling that you're ready for 5-meo 7. take 5-meo (in gradual doses) and know God! What do you think? is that more or less ok, or am I (is my ego on self-survival mode) delaying it too much? can you maybe give me some more specific details, like which substances I should try first? How can I learn the administration methods before actually trying the thing? any other advice? Thank you very much!! P.S. To all the readers: please avoid asking questions on sourcing, I understand it is against the forum's rules, and I'm also not willing to discuss it on any other platform. Thanks
  19. Day 61 Days in a row: 3 Start time: 10:50 a.m. Finish time: 11:10 a.m. Location: Room at my parent's house Technique: Mindfulness meditation Eyes: closed Highlights: After watching this video shared by @Space, I got the idea from Shinzen Young of imagining awareness as an arrow. I sat down, closed my eyes and immediately noticed it isn't that easy. My arrow was moving all over the place, not knowing exactly where to start and where to point to. It moved and moved kind of drawing an area trying to cover it all, sometimes it split into two, but I forced it to become one again. It was interesting to see how for a moment it was pointing to a sound (area of sound), but it was coming from the left side of my ribs. That was the place where it felt best, not my ears or close to my head. It was also cool to see how at a given moment in which my heart beating was in my awareness, the arrow disappeared. It tried to point to the heart, but didn't know where to start, so it disappeared completely. I want to play around more with this, it certainly can bring to cool insights.
  20. Much respect for your guts! Best of luck, and I hope you gain a lot of your experience. We'll be waiting for your report when you come out!
  21. Day 60 Days in a row: 2 Start time: 9:05 a.m. Finish time: 9:25 a.m. Location: Room at my parent's house Technique: Do nothing Eyes: closed Highlights: My awareness levels were very down, and I felt locked in my head having thoughts about the past and daydreaming about the future. It had to do mostly with past relationships.