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Posts posted by Haloman

  1. I think i’ve had lots of experience with women. From 16 to 20 i was going to clubs and get laid very often (mostly just kissing but some times fucking also). I think that problem is more that i feel guilt because of my gambling addiction and that i didn’t appreciate my girlfriend (she was my second serious girlfriend). We got back together last year after our first real breakup and i said that if we want to be good again we need to work on ourselves (because she was with another guy while we were separate and it was hard for me to forget that, and i had lost lots of money by that time and it was hard for her to forget that) . But she hated the idea to work on ourselves because she saw that i was reading so much psychology but still made fucking sport bets (hardcore gamblers could agree with me that if you bet much money and win it’s often more exciting than sex). She wanted already settle down and start family because she said that her biological clock is ticking and she has already 26. But i wasn’t ready emotionally and because of my gambling – financially also.

    So she finally left me and i understood that i need to change and do some practical moves to improve myself. So i started to meditate and in this summer i will finally get engineer’s degree.

    By spiritual work i do meditation, watch videos on enlightenment and read Osho VERY much. I want to get even more into spirituality to feel happy and fulfilled by myself and diminish my guilt and don’t get jealous because she already has a new boyfriend.

  2. Half a year i’ve been single (after 5 years of relationships). Like Leo said in yesterday’s video - break up from that person – if them have a gambling addiction. Shame that i was the one, who had it. Because of meditation, i’ve overcamed it. I’m 27 and i don’t have a car, because of my gambling and until this years June i’ve to pay my credits. Most of my friends have girlfriends and if i go to clubs with some of my friends, we usually get drunk and it’s hard to approach girls in that state. But it’s hard to approach sober either (actually haven’t tried)  because i feel such a loser because of that i don’t have a car and my financial situation. Who girl would like to meet 27 year old man and go to him with public transport after just one night of knowing him? I would be really happy if i could skip sex and intimate relationships from Maslow’s pyramid of needs, but it’s harder than i thought.

    This or next week i’m gonna to try mushrooms for the first time. I know that i can’t use them like escaping from life and problems but i really want to generate my consciousness work to get bigger fulfillment from that than from relationships.

    Any opinions from your point of view?