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Everything posted by MellowEd

  1. Even after Jesus raised lasarus from the dead before their eyes some people went on to plot against him with the pharisees. God calls on every 24/7 to repent. You can't force someone to ask for forgiveness. We are made in His image. Most people are heading for eternal destruction in hell. The ones who belongs to Satan will never repent.
  2. Let's assume there is a hell since there are thousands of people sharing their experience about it. What would pure hate do if you tried to love it?
  3. God showed me a soul in an out of body experience. Every living being have a soul. My soul is not your soul. It was infinitely unique and shined like nothing I have seen in this physical realm. Separation from God is possible and horrible.
  4. I think what your saying is love is absolute?
  5. You are highly intelligent. I don't know why or how. I am still young and learning. Lets talk about it over a cup of coffee a million years from now in another dimension. I am one with God. His Holy Spirit is like a temple around me.
  6. How many animals are extinct in a day? Every day, 150 species may become extinct. How much of the forest is destroyed? The world has lost one-third of its forest How much coral have we lost in the last 30 years? 50 % What percentage of the world is starving? 10% How many people are killed every day? The global number of deaths per day is around 150,000 deaths. Wake up. I have experienced torture.
  7. The word of God never claims to be a religion but the ultimate truth. Religion is always rooted in an evil deity. It is a thread about Messiah.
  8. Good news: Nothing dosen't exist. God is the ultimate truth. He has created you and is highly intelligent.
  9. Meaning dosen't exist unless somone think. I agree on that an observing mind need no meaning attached to the outer world. Thinking dosen't have to be done with words one could silently think that something is of value. A thinking mind might look for hope or love wich is also silent. - I am upset because I see a meaningless world
  10. I do not consider Satan or any other fallen angels as a supreme being. Satan and his fallen angels are like mosquitos. With the name of Jesus one has complete authority over them. I used to dabble in the occult and found myself on the verge of dying. Do not be deceived. They are cunning. Jesus saved my from all ungodly ties in my life.
  11. Religion is always rooted in some evil deity. Levitating monks is no joke either. The word of God does not claim to be a religion, but the ultimate truth.
  12. Definition of meaning - what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action. One can gain experience in a meaningsless world and experience is valuable. A word dosen't have any meaning unless someone draws knowledge from it.
  13. What is non-existence or nothing? Is it even possible? Just because you feel hopeless and confused does not imply that everyone else does. I know that my redeemer lives. I serve a Holy living God.
  14. No we don't. There are demonic deities that wants to be worshipped out of fear. They hate you with a vicious hate. The only only purpose they have is it to drag you down to hell in eternal destruction where they are designated to suffer themself. I have been om my knees worshipping Satan. He is very real. People climbing walls, speaking fluent latin and even levitation during excorcisms is no joke. God is pure light. Theese fallen beings have no light in them.
  15. Yes the world is meaningsless. But not without value. Your souls infininitely valuable even though you can't see it. By walking with God in His Holy calling, you can have the honor of feeling real purpose for your life.
  16. What a heresy! God says: I am. You are made in His image. You will always be. No amount of meditation or mindbenders will ever change that. Heaven or hell.
  17. Jesus saved me from the claws of Satan and He has let me know great and hidden things I did not know. He has shown me some of my past lifes. It is very cool! The past is stored in the soul, some people are older than others. Wisdom comes from experience. The out of body experience was intense. I saw myself in the room outside the body. The lights were all different as I were in another dimension. Unfortunately the vast majority of souls reject God's mercy and are lost forever. Most people on this forum believe that God is in a coma state and can't communicate. He who has shaped the mouth can speak until you tremble! »For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.« ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭12‬ »And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.« ‭‭Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭2‬ ‭
  18. You can't save yorself. You have sinned against a Holy God. Only Messiah can save you.
  19. Here are some prophecies that has been fullfilled in the Holy Bible with probability of chance fulfillment. It is amazing! Jesus is coming soon.