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About SchallUndRauch

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  1. What works well for me, is just watching videos on stuff I'm working on anyway. Then you can also spend some time contemplating, taking notes, evaluating, whatever, without it being a distraction. I also don't think you have to specify a time period you should do this. Just be engaged with the material. If a quote or the topic is intriguing to you, maybe pause the video and think about it. If there's some sentence in the video that catches your attention, do the same. If you find yourself heavily disagreeing with something, that's also a good spot to dive in.
  2. The whole point of affirmations gets distorted, if you pick them up from others. Make one yourself. Really ponder about it. Then it will be truly powerful.
  3. A miserable little pile of secrets.
  4. @Revolutionary Think My impression so far how people have been using this tool isn't an empathetic one, but rather one of judgment, self evaluation and group cohesion. In short, religion. I don't think we need another dominance hierarchy. I think people are already very good at making stereotypes and effort is better spent on entangling them, rather than making new ones. I'm German and culturally very opposed to grouping people into higher and lower tiers, so I'm not going to pretend you could really say anything that would change my mind on that.
  5. If you're an ant and you see a dinosaur approaching, would you want him to slow down?
  6. Enlightenment and development are synergistic processes.
  7. You could make a religion out of this.
  8. One of these days I'm gonna get enlightened, just because of the suffering I experience when Leo says Gödel and Schrödinger.
  9. Funny enough, my religion teacher in elementary school actually did. We had to join hands and feel the energy passing through us, and the concepts about god she had were pretty close to nondualism. She was wildly unpopular. I can remember many such instances, for example I grew up reading Gödel, Escher, Bach several times because it was a book that belonged to my dad, I just didn't get it. My experience isn't, that there aren't any pointers, but I didn't see them. There's no point in pointers, if you're not seeking.
  10. Are you afraid of putting things up your pooper?
  11. Wow, I met with a friend and suddenly all my belly fat is gone, it's magic
  13. I would suggest using a bit of time not to meditate, but really just to figure out how you're going to sit or it might bug you during meditation, even if you feel fine. Feeling comfortable for 5 minutes doesn't really mean you're going to be comfortable 20 minutes in, and feeling a bit uneasy at first doesn't mean you can't settle in and be fine later. Maybe you will feel that using a backrest is too easy on you, if you never tried sitting without and noticing it doesn't work. You can try seiza, if that's too hard on its own, put a pillow between your butt and your heels or sit on one of these fascia rolls, or do it on a yoga mat. Shavasana works very well for me, but many people have issues with getting drowsy, and it's a bit different to sitting in general.