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Everything posted by TveinDenis

  1. Hello people! My name is Denis, I'm from Romania and I want to share my story about my life purpose. This month I celebrate one year since I found my life purpose and this is the path that lead me to it. (My purose in life is about mathematics) It all began with my ex girlfriend. We met a year ago when I was 17 and I thought that she is gonna be the love of my life (we broke up after a month, so she wasn't :)) ) and everything was nice and beautiful untill we started arguing about something she thought i did but I didn't. While my girlfriend and I were together I also started learning more. And that was because of her. She was very into learning and I didn't know how she could learnd that much, read that much and all this stuff. I remember when I said to myself "If she can do that I should be able to do that too" and I started wondering what would be the best topic that will help me if i'll go learn about it. And suddently, I do not know how math came into my mind, so I decided to give it a shot. I was struggling so much with it because I almost knew nothing about it. I was asking her how to do this and that problem and I started to improve my skills and go better with it. My colleagues were coming at my home to learn math (we had exams in that period) and I stood out. They started questioning me about their exercices and when I saw that I had some insights, I asked myself "have I really got it, I mean they think I know what I'm doing. Did I really learn something about it? Maybe I'm not that bad. I think this fits for me". This was just the beginning. In the end me and my girlfriend knew we cannot be with each other anymore. She started telling me that I'm immature and that I behave like a clild. I was so frustrated cause I knew that everything she said was true. So I made a commitment, from that day on, I said to myself that I have to change my life and all of this has to stop. I wanted to become more wise and especially more mature. I wanted to show her that I can do it and I can do anything. I wanted to show that she is wrong. And now it has pased a year and I continue to study math from 4 to sometime 10 hours everyday. I 've also read like 30 books since then and got into self development, got involved in calisthenics and learning many other things. I think I grow immensely in last year, but this is just the beginning of the story. It was I think the best decision I've done with my life. I found my life purpose and I love it. For me it is the most fascinating thing in the world. I'm planning to go learning deeper fields and topics about math when I'll go to university. And now my question for you is how did you find your life purpose and what is it? I'm so curious to see your stories!
  2. All of us had at some point bad days. Maybe once a month or once a week or maybe some days in a row. I can say that those kind of days are created, they don't appear of nowhere. They are created by the things we do and we do not along the day, how we think about certain things that happens and how we react to it. I concluded that not the external events are the ones that make a day "bad" but the way we perceive and classify them. Some thing could be at the same time a nightmare or a beautiful dream. You make the difference between the two. "There is neither good or bad but thinking makes it so" I always wanted to see opportunities in everything and being more self disciplined and to construct self discipline I started by building good habits (reading everyday, meditating, wake up early, doing exercices, working on my life purpose and many others) and treating bad ones (watching porn, television, browsering the internet etc) and so far that worked so well but the problem is that when I break some of this "rules" that I made for myself, almost my entire day is going down, I feel miserable and it go worse if I don't remediate the problem quickly. And to do that I apply the thing that Leo calls "do what is emotionally hardest thing to do" and it works pretty well. I push myself to continue the work and my day remediates. Of course that I can't do this everytime because as Leo says, it's hard. Now my questions for you are: how do you remediate a bad day? Do you have the discipline to not slacking of in those things you need to be doing? How did you construct that? What technique do you use and what helped you the most so far?
  3. I thought that I was the only one that found life purpose like that. Thank you for sharing your story!
  4. "If there is no enemy within The enemy outside can do us no harm" It is from a motivational video and when I heard that something clicked in my. It was like I had to know more about what this really mean. That was my beginning of path to self actualize.