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Everything posted by ZX_man

  1. Hey all. I've been becoming more aware of a behavior of mine. I'm an attractive and confident man (19 yrs old) and I would have no trouble getting in a relationship. However, I've noticed that I avoid asking girls out because I am fearful of expectations that I have about myself and my actions in a relationship. Any tips? Thanks!
  2. @Big_D Did you trip alone or with a friend? Did you have a trip sitter? Do have have experience with LSD or any other psychedellic? I'm 19 and planning my first trip Thanks!
  3. I'm speaking mostly about marijuana and alcohol. I feel like these two substances in particular are heavily used/abused in modern culture. Both substances are used for a multitude of things including social purposes, coping purposes, etc. They also have a wide range of effects on different people, both heavily positive and heavily negative effects. It would be really interesting and helpful, especially to a college student pursuing personal development who is constantly surrounded by such substances, to hear how they both effect the consciousness. Also, reasons why they can/can't and should/shouldn't be used as personal development tools similar to psychedelics. Thanks for reading! I'm also open to anyone else if they want to input on the subject.
  4. Hey guys. First time posting here. I've been doing personal development work for about a year now. My thoughts are like a warzone a lot of the time. Sometimes it's so bad that it makes me want to puke. Any thoughts on this? Should I be worried?