Meta Morphoses

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  1. Hi, I'd like to come forward with a suggestion how to experience infinity. You can observe and perceive it truly and be fully aware of it being so. And it won't vanish. So here is what you do: 1) get yourself two full size mirrors 2) place the mirrors parallel to each other at about 2 or 2.5 meters apart 3) place yourself between the two mirrors 4) look into the mirror What do you see ? You look into your face and you see the back of your head as a reflection of the mirror behind you. And that image get's reflected by the mirror behind you. And that is what you see as you focus your attention on the reflection in the mirror in front of you. And there again is a reflection of the whole scene. And that repeats over and over again. That is infinite reflection of yourself. Regards
  2. A) Time is a very useful social acknolegement and agreement. Without agreeing on Time we are not able to meet at all. Being able to meet and socialize is a need for human beings. B) Time is inherent to human being. Actually every biologically life-form. You must bite the bullet that your life is finite. You lie to yourself if you say that that is illusion. So you better start to meditate your own death. C) Timelessness. You can experience timelessness. When saying so you experience the presence of being or doing and not beeing aware of how much time you spent in that state of mind. Commonly called "flow" state (when referring to nowadays happiness research and quoting .) D) Mankind would not have been able to navigate around the earth and exactly know on which longitude the sailing ship is. In the field of blue water sailing (with no coastline in sight) it is not enough to have instruments for astronomical navigation. You also need to have exact and precize knowledge of what time it is. With the astronomical instrument you measure the latitude. With a clock you can set the noon time once a day. Having a second clock that is set to the reference time - not being deviated the precizeness by waves and tides and let's say Greenwhich mean time - you then have a time difference between the clocks by which you can calculate the longitude. One revolution of the earth in one day is 360 degreeds or 24 hours. E) When Einstein came out with the special and general theory of relativity there was a new way to describe physical reality in terms of 4-dimensional spacetime. To have this distincted from absolute time one need to understand how inertial systems move relative to each other and how that creates gravitational forces. Then you need to understand why time passes slower in the presence of large masses (gravitational force). Once that is understood you have a satisfactory means to understand the perihel movement of the innermost planet in our solar system. Hence you have means to navigate a space ship within the solar system and ability to travel to - let's say - mars or to crash a probe head into an asteroid. F) According to lambda cdm model of the univers it is 13,8 billion years old. G) To consciously understand what time else can mean you may want to take up some long lasting bet (, Regards
  3. Hi, hope I post this correctly in the discussion thread of philosophy. I'd like to tell you a joke. Here it comes: A man is knocking at heavens doors. Saint Peter looks at the man and consults his book with the register and diary of sins. Saint Peter turns to the man and says: "You spent your lifetime with computer games and did not develop any talents that were granted to you. You gave away the most precious things in life while ego-shooting in virtual reality. There is only hell for you." The next day Lucifer notifies Saint Peter that he wants to have some consultations between heavens and hell. He says to him and complains: "We need to talk. What kind of person have you sent us the other day ?! He has destroyed our heating device, suffocated the devil and killed all the demons on duty. He runs back and forth throw one end of hell to the other and yells and roars in rage because he cannot find the transit to the second level." If you like this joke give me a thumbs-up or comment. Thanks, ;-)
  4. I like this guy. Especially his remarks on infinity and the quantum mechanic field. I really hope he has read Greene's "The Elegant Univers". Astonishing how naturally he accepts the idea of multi-verses.
  5. Hi, I just recently came across a thought of how self-actualization actually started in the history of men. Perhaps you know this kind of story: On an attempt to improve their being Adam and Eve tried to taste the fruits from the tree of insight in and awareness about the good and the evil. They realized the fact that they are naked (in the deep psycho-analytic sense of being "naked"). They tried to cover their nakedness (the second act to improve or self-actualize from what has happened). They were forced to leave paradise. Ever since men tries to grasp what reality and truth is like. Perhaps you may also go along with another kind of story: Evolution theory tells us that men stem from ape. In former times we all were ape. And there was one ape who must have started a self-actualization journey. The result was the emergence of humans on the earth. As there is a distinct difference between apes and humans today one may deduce that some apes failed the self-actualization journey and some other succeeded. Given the ideas of evolutionary psychology and the description of the mind as a scorpion-stung, drunk monkey - what are those parts in your brain that root back to the ape that was not yet on the self-actualizing journey ? I am very much interested in what you guys think of both stories and the idea of evolutionary self-actualization.
  6. What can one do in order to become a life-long learner ? Here is my tip: 1) Set the homepage of your browser to . 2) Whenever you start your browser - read the article. What are your ideas to overcome lazyness with being a life-long learner ?