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Everything posted by Drivro1

  1. @Birdcage Why? it still bogles my mind
  2. I don't know who watches that crap but I like women of all shapes and sizes.
  3. @Schulzy Ye, no sh** Sherlock.
  4. Eather he is bat s*** insane, or really good troll.
  5. Psychedelics is a slippery road and you can easly fall off of it.
  6. Why do you take out all scientific evidance when talking about these things? Define awarness trough science.
  7. I like Kate moss, she is hot as hell
  8. Also when it comes to god, people like to zoom out and express their opinions about it, even do noone really cares and it woun't change shit.
  9. @Schulzy Ye but I'm talking god in general. Not specific god.
  10. @SchulzyWhat are you talking about?
  11. I think god is cultural concept created by humans powered by our need for saftey and understanding.