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About mikey_mac

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  1. Today....I don't know. Regret is scaring the s*** out of me. I feel like I've been doing a bunch of things and not much to show from it. Not sure if I do things from me or for other people to gain approval and such.
  2. Need help thinking through somethings. I'm contemplating which matters more: lasting impact in other people's lives or living a life of my interests (with minimal/no lasting impact) I think I want to help the world because I want to be liked. Will I have a better life if I focus on my interests and spend time doing enjoyable things. Part of me could not stand the thought of me doing frivolous things like making music or building with legos, then the other part totally envy's people that do what they love. I think I really want to do something that has a relevant lasting impact, but then in the end it doesn't really matter. No one will remember you and the impact may get washed away in the sea of time after a few years. Think of all of the people that fought and died for our freedoms and all the gov't has to say is WMD and terrorist and we let them take it away. Thinking about it....I think I want to change/impact the external world, so I don't have to change internally. Anyone have any thoughts or is struggling with this?
  3. Lorcan, I so feel you! I'm still trying to figure out if I should dedicate my life to the same cause....and is it even worth it. People have accepted the status quo of the current corruption and/or they are deluded into the mainstream propaganda. You can't change people who don't see a problem. I believe the gov't at the core is corrupt because everything is backed by violence, corrosion, and aggression. I have thought about dedicating myself to eroding the ideological pillars that props up gov't. I could share if you want, I don't want to make this overly political. So my advice, is try to find the corruption that really lights you on fire. Research if there is a deeper root cause and how to perpetuates. Research on solutions that are solving this problem. Then move into that direction and never forget your bigger purpose. Share the #1 corrupt thing and I'll see if I can come up with an example.
  4. I went through the life purpose course (yes Amazing!). I'm having trouble making my life purpose more specific. I think I'm scared to make the wrong decision. And I'm not sure how passionate I am about things. I know Leo mentioned that we should "dig deep" and get more life experiences. I know I need to do these things. Just seeing if anyone else may have more insight or help. My purpose(s): Solving practical problems with technology that awakens cultures to simple authentic knowledge. (version 1) Solving cultural problems with technology, knowledge and truth (version 2)