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Everything posted by Scholar

  1. What you don't understand is that people are not going to be desperate to prove the fact that someones baby was beheaded. The sad thing is, people are so utterly skeptical and using this as a disinformation campaign that the government is actually starting to be forced to show the images, which is insane. We will find out eventually whether or not it was true and will have it confirmed. Anyways, here is the most robust confirmation I have heard so far:
  2. We know they have burned babies alive, we know they have killed countless of babies, we know they have beheaded people. It's not even remotely a stretch that they would behead infants. The prime minister of Israel released some images on twitter, they don't contain beheaded babies from what I understand, but you can look it up yourself if you want.
  3. It's not made up, there have been claims and reports from people, it just has not yet been verified by independent journalists. There are also reports from eye witnesses who describe a baby having been cut out of a pregnant woman.
  4. The simple reason for why HAMAS did this kind of attack is because they are a completely radicalized terrorist organization. They use palestinian children as human childs. You cannot hail these people as resistance fighters. The palestine conflict is an excuse to them to do what they do, and they use the valid frustration of palestinians to radicalize them for their cause. Now, in the bigger picture, you can blame Israel for causing this situation, even though it is much more complex than just blaming one party fully at this point. However, who is to blame does not matter any longer, because HAMAS crossed the line, there is no going back from here.
  5. During the holocaust when polish people were literally genocided it would have not been okay to resist the nazis by killing german civilians and gunning down babies in their cribs. This has nothing to do with resistance and people who frame it this way are ideologues. In the last year more ukrainian civilians have been killed than Israel has killed palestinians in the last 15 years. If ukrainians went over the border to execute a thousand civilian, including children, women and the elderly, in a last ditch attempt to win the war, I would say at that point Russia should just win the war and end it, even though I am against the russian invasion.
  6. Still better than the empty talk in this thread.
  7. Muslim council being more rational and reasonable than half the people in here, look at that. Should tell you a alot about how much you guys lack in development.
  8. For those of you falling for the hate of all muslims, remember that the Imam of Peace exists:
  9. The socialist-left's response to the terrorist attack in general.
  10. What do you think of the socialist-lefts response to this?
  11. They are evolving so rapidly that the Princes have to pretend they are all conservative lest the religious fanatics start a civil war.
  12. Well it doesn't even make sense to compare one group to another in this way, because the amount of diversity in cultures and so forth is different. Of course Arabs aren't inherently brutal, although Islam is a factor even if people want to deny it. I just am suspicious of the claim that a fair historical analysis would lead us to conclude that the europeans were more brutal than arabs. I would wager the differences were negligable.
  13. Okay if you are going to do such a naive historic analysis then I will dismiss it anyways. What Ghengis Khan did alone was orders of magnitude worse than any world war and any genocide. How do you think the persian empires were built? How do you think the Ottoman empire was built? How do you think egypt was built? Do you think it was rainbows and butterflies? Islam, the religion of warriors, you seriously believe that they were any better than the europeans? The colonialism is a different question, although you should look at the arab slave trade if you want to know how brutal the arabs were in regards to the africans. It is correct that the Europeans had more capacity due to certain historic developments, but that's not because they were more brutal, but because they were more advanced. But you are missing that in the context of these rather recent historic developments, if the arab world had gone through these developments first, the brutality would have been at least as bad, if not far worse, than that of the europeans. And mentioning the holocaust and the world wars, you need to realize that these happened as a result of a falling away from stage blue and transitioning into orange. This did not occur in the middle east, and there is still potential for such things to occur, even though it is less likely due to how stablized the world is today. Either way, that is an incredibly simplistic analysis, and like I expected, it just shows how silly it is to make such generalizations.
  14. You are lost if you listen to Hasan. The probability that Israel is going to get sanctioned is very low, if the US was in a similar situation as Israel, it would bomb palestine into non-existence. They might complain here and there, but the optics of sanctioning Israel now, alone, are a reason for them not to do it. In fact, if in place of Israel the US, Russia or China was involved, the palestinians would long have cease to exist. And if what happened today happened to any of those countries, they would without much moral qualm genocide the gaza strip completely.
  15. I am highly suspicious of this statement. I would be surprised if you could actually do a genuine historic analysis that would allow you to conclude any continent was more brutal than any other. You can argue that during imperialistc times, when empires were at their heights, some places had more peace than others, but to make such a generalization seems out there to me. You have to also keep in mind that europe developed far later than arab countries, so you can't really compare them one to one in the time line. But even then I am suspicious of this statement. Where did you get this information from?
  16. I truly believe this is signifantly worse than 9/11. It's a different order of magnitude in terms of the terror it caused. I mean, killing and beheading infants, that's just asking to be nuked into oblivion.
  17. It seems like we have confirmation (by the BBC at the very least) that some of the infants slaughtered by HAMAS were beheaded. Now, I want you to put this into context. Imagine such an attack happened in the US, say after a hypothetical situation in which Mexico was treated akin to the gaza-people. If this had occured, even today, I suspect it would no longer matter who is in the wrong or who provoked who. The US would probably sent Mexico back to the stone age, with little regard to how many mexicans would have to die in the process. I would not at all be surprised if after such an attack hundreds of thousands of mexicans would be killed. The response would be completely asymmetrical and disproportionate. There would be no conceivable world in which there was any room for negotiation or peace at that point.
  18. Yes, Israel feared this precise moment for a long time. Instead of confronting the issue (which as you point out is realistically leading to more death and war) they basically pushed it under the rug. See the comment I quoted above from an Israeli.
  19. Holy shit the footage of muslim communities literally celebrating the killing of civilians. In New York, quote: "There was some sort of rave, desert party, where they were having a great time until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters..." - pause for appaulse and wooing from the crowd - "...but I'm sure they are doing very fine despite what the new york post says.". At least 260 people were killed and women were raped next to the corpses of their friends, and these people are literally cheering it on. And we are talking normal lefties here, not some radical islamic group. This is genuinely revealing.
  20. Exactly, and this, to Israel, was worse than 9/11. So the likelihood that they will somehow realize the limitations of their ways in relationship to the palestinians is near zero. This will cause much more suffering.
  21. I don't think most people in Israel are more developed than Shapiro.
  22. This is what it looks like from the jewish perspective. Warning, includes very graphic footage.