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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @nightlight It's not women you're addicted to, it's the excitement and the challenge of the chase. Once you get her and the chase is over, you look for the next 'fix'. Leo's recent vid about overcoming addictions has the solution:
  2. You want to be self-realized? Get out of your mind, literally. It's that simple
  3. @Dustin Dustbin Transcendent Morality Leo was talking about in the video is the answer. It all depends on the progression of the collective consciousness. This could take hundreds of years for humanity to get there. Start with yourself today.
  4. @jes Read the whole thread
  5. All your YT videos already have auto-generated English and Russian subtitles , but they are not quite 100% accurate. I tried to find a way to edit/ fine-tune already existing text and there was no option for that. The only way to re-do it would be to start over from scratch, which I can do also.
  6. @jes PMS side-affects are primarily caused by hormonal dis-balance in your monthly cycle. So the key is to keep it balanced. Maca root and DIM supplements (natural herbs) are great for that. They balance estrogen, keep your mood even, and boost energy. I take DIM-D by Pure Essence Labs - a supplement that contains DIM with Vit D, Calcium D-Glucarate (helps flush excess estrogen), Green Tea and Lycopene. I buy mine online from Vitacost, a monthly supply of 30 capsules for $20. Also, make sure not to expose yourself to toxic chemicals in your environment - heated plastic bottles and tupperware, household chemicals, car exhaust fumes, etc. They all contain bad estrogens that contribute to hormonal dis-balance and mood swings in both women and men. Also, if you consume meat, eggs, cheese, dairy, choose only those that come from hormone-free (preferably organic) animals. Here's a good article about bad estrogens:
  7. @jes Do the 'grey rock' move I was telling you about. Next time he calls and starts rambling blah blah blah (it's all lies anyways), listen to him for 2 mins and then say nonchalantly, "You are right. Sorry, dad, but I got to run now... busy schedule today" and hang up on him. Don't wait for him to ask you questions or keep yelling at you, just hang up. Those 'you are right' words are very powerful against a narc, because the whole reason they say and do what they say/ do is to get a negative reaction out of you, and by seemingly agreeing with him you don't give them that satisfaction/ supply he needs to feed on. Do this technique a few times and watch his rage start to diminish toward you. Hugs
  8. You're welcome Knowledge is power.
  9. 'Keeping up with the Jones' cultural syndrome comes to mind.
  10. Do you know if stay at their guest house for that week is included in the price of the retreat?
  11. 9/24 - 10/1 is a retreat date at the Zendo?
  12. Thought you guys went there for a retreat. I live in Florida and could fly over to NY for a 1-2 week retreat. Abra said he'd let me know when/ if they hold one. Would be fun to see you guys there
  13. @Mal Oh the paradoxes of self-actualization.. got to love them
  14. This might be YOUR reality, but it's not THE reality. It's like saying Mickey Mouse cartoon is reality. You are what's watching the cartoon, not the illusory character in it. Hugs
  15. Yes, the problem is you refusing to say NO to your abusers. Why are you hanging around those people and feeding them your 'supply' anyway? They're only getting stronger as you're getting weaker. Go No Contact on them even if that means for you to live temporarily in a homeless shelter. Hugs
  16. There are many good YT channels about narcissism, made by both men and women. It's a very good skill/ tool to have to be able to identify and counter-act a toxic person. Those who are not equipped to do that, will invariably and unnecessarily suffer. Knowledge is power
  17. @jes I take 500 mg of Glutathione daily, it's a potent anti-oxidant that counter-acts free radical damage (including from excess sun exposure) and helps skin stay even toned. Best value I've found and purchase is L-Glutathione by Earth Natural Supplements, Amazon, around $30 for 200 capsules.
  18. Not mine, but she has good info on narcissism and is quirky to watch
  19. Enlightenment is the end of the energy of seeking. It suddenly can vanish, suddenly be there no more. And what is left when the seeker collapses is completely unknowable and can't be described. But you could say in words that all that left when the seeking ends is which is already free-flowing unboundness
  20. "The ego is not a thing, but a subtle effort, and you cannot use effort to get rid of effort - you end up with two efforts instead of one. The ego itself is a perfect manifestation of the Divine, and it is best handled by resting in Freedom, not by trying to get rid of the ego, which simply increases the effort of ego itself." "The very desire to seek enlightenment is in fact nothing, but the grasping tendency of the ego itself, and thus the very search for enlightenment prevents it. The perfect practice is therefore not to search for enlightenment , but to inquire into the motive for seeking itself. You obviously seek in order to avoid the present, and yet the present alone holds the answer: to seek forever is to miss the point forever. You always already are enlightened Spirit, and therefore to seek Spirit is simply to deny Spirit." "As Hubert Benoit said, it is not the identification with the ego that is the problem, but the exclusive nature of the identification. When our self-identity expands beyond the ego, into the deeper psychic, then even into the Unborn and One Taste, the ego is simply taken up and subsumed in a grander identity. But the ego itself remains as the functional self in the gross realm, and it might even appropriately be intensified and made more powerful , simply because it's now plugged into the entire Kosmos." - Ken Wilber
  21. @Water Ken Wilber's integral school of knowledge recommend to work on developing your ego first in order to be able to transcend it. From that perspective, what you're doing makes perfect sense and could potentially get you ahead
  22. @jes If you have to be around a narcissist, you need to learn a technique called 'grey rock'. I use it at work and in life in general, and it works great. Here's how: P.S. And no, you won't become a narcissist by doing these techniques.
  23. Yes, but the body/ mind structure (ego) called 'I' will be gone for good. And that's what Tony Parsons was referring to.