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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @jes Hi Dear, I just watched this video (she gives great tools in dealing with toxic people) and thought this information could benefit you too. Knowledge is power! Hugs
  2. @Ivansmarks Please watch these (and his other related vids). Tolle's teachings helped me understand how thought process works and how to heal from destortions of the mind. Hugs
  3. @Ivansmarks Your fear is imaginary. There's nothing to be afraid of. Your room is peaceful and quiet and you're in a comfortable bed. Turn off all the distractions and try to relax. Count sheep until you fall asleep....
  4. What about darkness that you're afraid of? Have you tried to use night-light and count sheep?
  5. @Atom Thank you for your trust and sharing! You're a very special human being with a lot of great insight and wisdom. Hope to see more of your input on this forum. Hugs
  6. 'Pushed in' were the words @Atom used in his post. Eckhart explains in this video the reason we often feel imposed by thoughts. He advises not to take thoughts personally and seriously, for that reason.
  7. Thoughts come from and are 'pushed into' our psyche from the collective consciousness/ unconsciousness. That's how our mind gets conditioned in the first place. Eckhart Tolle elaborates:
  8. yes, for the ego.. My ego says thanks, no swimming with sharks
  9. In the scope of Reality, shark is me and I'm the shark, and all fear is really an illusion
  10. If you mean the outward beauty, in a nutshell - motivate yourself to maintain good health. This means saying YES to: - wholesome diet from the earth/ sufficient hydration - exercise - good sleep pattern - stress busting techniques/ positive attitude And saying NO to: - conventional diet/ dehydration - artificial enhancements (too much make-up, fake boobs, plastic surgery of any kind) - smoking, drinking, overuse of meds - chronic stress - sleep deprivation - lack of exercise There are some folks at my gym in their 80s and 90s that still flex muscle, swim laps, and do Zumba dancing, and they look great! They tell me healthy diet and love for life and laughter are the keys. And they don't seem to mind wrinkles here and there, because their wholesome lifestyle helps them to age gracefully.
  11. The narrator says that human beings are not usual food for these kinds of sharks, so there's low risk danger swimming with them... so how then is it supposed to test the resilience of our mind?
  12. @abrakamowse Abra, I had to use Leo's 'thought flattening technique' to not be creeped by your new avatar pic
  13. Thoughts are energy forms that originate from the collective consciousness/ unconsciousness and manifest themselves through human psyche as 'thoughts'.
  14. You don't kill anything. Work on developing your ego in a responsible way (self-actualization), so you can successfully integrate and transcend it.
  15. Good night sleep is one way. Various home remedies (google for ideas) is another. I do facial exercises (check out the link below) - these tone up your facial muscles and bring blood flow to the surface of your skin which also eliminates dark circles. Dry saunas are great for that too.
  16. My opinion is that music is a distraction from the state of being (a form of 'monkey chatter') and that we do it out of fear of emptiness. Recently I was doing my quiet sitting when all of a sudden an urge for humming a tune came over me. And again and again. When I looked deeper at what was causing the urge to rise, realized the tune humming was simply happening as a distraction from experiencing emptiness. That said, I personally love music, especially classical one, and that was quite a subtle, yet very powerful realization for me.
  17. Short and sweet. You're a girl with 'full life' going on, no time for long chats and mushy convos. Leave him wanting to hear more of you later. Same with your dad, short and sweet. "You are right. Thanks, dad, for caring. Gotta run, busy day today. Catch'a later". And do it with your natural feminine voice.
  18. High pitch is a attribute of a feminine woman and is very attractive to men
  19. One way is to balance your hormones. Acute high pitch comes from elevated estrogen levels in the body.
  20. Spiritual 'monkey chatter'.. sound familiar, anyone?