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About Andraz

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  1. How does one tell authentic and egoic desires apart when it comes to finding their life purpose? Let's take this very simple example. An athlete enjoys a certain sport. They do it because they feel in the moment doing it. Is that an egoic desire and therefore not the appropriate life purpose for them? Does Leo's life purpose course answer questions like this one? How did the course help you personally?
  2. Thanks for all your answers. Some great insights here. Really appreciated.
  3. I believe I didn't phrase this properly. I'll give you an example. I listen to a certain style of music. I don't like certain styles of music. Is me creating music that I like an egoic pursuit? Can an artist be enlightened, since creating art is creating what one finds beautiful? I know it is a weird question.
  4. When watching Leo's video "What's Wrong With Ego" a question came up. Is it the ego that decides whether some things are good/bad, important/non-important, beautiful/ugly? If so, is art, which is essentially something people create for the sake of creating something beautiful, inherently "wrong"? I would love to see your opinions on this.