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Everything posted by AlldayLoop

  1. This. But Leo seems to be strongly for just psychedelics as opposed to both, which could be dangerous advice for majority of people. I understand that his teachings are for advanced practitioners, but I’d bet a good number of his followers are “newbies” and will fall into a trap of thinking they’re more advanced than they really are. They’ll follow the advice blindly and probably do more harm than good to themselves. Just hope Leo understand that his teachings are powerful, but at the same time have a high risk factor. “With great power comes great responsibility”.
  2. There should be no doubt about this. A very basic example would be like if you were with your family and they called your name. You wouldn’t have to question first whether or not they are talking to you or not.
  3. He’s back, but unfortunately left again. I wonder what’s up? Wish he could communicate with his audience before he leaves every time, lol..
  4. @Leo Gura While your points are valid and honest, I think the vast majority of people are simply not ready to experience what you call the Absolute head on, no matter the level of commitment or experience. This is not to say that your approach is ineffective, but rather it seems like an approach exclusively for those who have exhausted every and all last possible option that would be able to then do and practice seriously what you recommend. I think @winterknight’s approach is less taxing to the ego, since it allows the ego more wiggle room. That is, if Leo is comparing say a year’s investment of therapy vs. a few psychedelic breakthroughs. I would imagine that the process of going through the ego backlash and shock for most people who do the latter would be much more demanding than therapy long term. But then again, one’s desire for the Truth is ultimately what matters, and my opinion probably seems like hogwash compared to the experiences you two have
  5. I wish you the best @lukej Sending love from the USA <3
  6. “Who looks outside Loves; who looks inside Loves.” -God Hehe sorry I kid, I kid
  7. @Omni Thanks for your perspective! I will definitely keep that in mind. I think it ties nicely to this topic of self-bias because as you can see with my example it’s not as simple as “humans are more important than animals”. Actually, we are our own worst enemies and in our ignorance we create more suffering
  8. This question would not arise if you were fully conscious. You continue to learn whether you’re ”awake” or “not awake”. But are you conscious that you’re beyond all that? And which “I” are you referring to when you say “I finally understood it”? — By the way, I’ve had these experiences before, that’s why I just wanted to point out the trap of claiming the feeling of “I figured it out”.
  9. Thanks! But I also think it’s equally important to realize that there’s nothing to ruin
  10. Not about enlightenment per se, but about those first few ego backlashes you experience when the people close to you are finding out that you’ve commited yourself on a radical spiritual path
  11. How does anything happen? How are you breathing? How are you reading this response? How did you wake up in the morning? Dude, take it back down to Earth. Even basic things like I’ve aforementioned can’t be discovered with a logical answer. Any logical answer to even those will be partial truths. You is
  12. This. And don’t think you’re a failure if a girl doesn’t respond to you for days. I’ve literally texted hundreds of girls, and they’ve all flopped one way or another. I’m now texting a girl and she texts me first thing in the morning without me having to try
  13. Thank for the feedback guys. If you didn’t know already I am on the autism spectrum, but was diagnosed late. I’ve always felt like the black sheep and was never comfortable with people because I always felt I had to act a certain way to be loved. This is what I’ve noticed especially with my extended family in recent times. I’ve started to realize that their love is highly based on conditions. They don’t want to say it to my face because they don’t want to hurt my feelings, but I can tell that they don’t agree with the path I’ve taken. I was with my mom at a therapy session one time. She opened up about how her siblings are upset and critical to her about listening to the stuff I’ve discovered. Stuff about nonduality, God realization, using marijuana for spiritual purposes, etc. Her family is dogmatic and their love is highly based on a hierachy. So the fact that my mom is listening what I’m sharing, her siblings thinks it’s disrespectful and that I don’t know what I’m talking about. So yeah, a cat doesn’t give a shit that I smoke weed, have seen God, that I don’t follow a religion, or that I’m even autistic
  14. There’s a very interesting story about Super Marios Bros. The sequel, Super Mario Bros. 2, was only released in Japan because it was notoriously difficult. The Nintendo of American spokesman, who tested out games for western audience release, flat out rejected it after he couldn’t get past the first few levels. He was known to later say: “Not having fun is bad when you're a company selling fun” This video explains it much better than I did:
  15. Do you have one of those smartwatches that constantly reads your heart rate? It would be interesting to see what levels you get during your trip, and during the comedown. Of course, they aren’t medical devices and aren’t 100% reliable, but it’s still interesting data nonetheless.
  16. It’s great that you mention this. We are so biased as humans since we have survival needs. Notice how these are all just concepts, yet each of us identify with them to various degrees, and our emotions are affected based on what degree of attachment we have to them at a given time: - “I don’t want to be alone” ; “I want to be alone” - “I don’t want to die” ; “I want to die” - “I identify as a being a man in a woman’s body” ; “I identify as being a woman in a woman’s body” - “My girlfriend loves me” ; “My girlfriend is imagined” This list could go on forever and ever.
  17. I live in New Jersey; weed is only legal for medicinal use. Ironically, weed was legalized in NJ specifically for anxiety disorders just a year and a half ago. What I’ve discovered is that high THC strains are notorious for triggering panic attacks and bringing out psychosis. Actually, my theory is that the psychosis has always been in the person, but they learned how to suppress it from years of unconscious habits (i.e. human survival). Weed just brings it to light at full force; thus the panic attack. I see this as a good thing because you actually see the severity and consequence of suppressing those deep psychological issues. There is a way to not trigger severe panic attacks on weed. Obviously, you have to have an experimental mindset because weed is so complex and there are an endless selection of strains. I’d advice to start slow and find the strain that seems to work for you; I’ve been able to experience deep insights about myself without going crazy (but I’ve also had crazy experiences, and those have been helpful as well... definitely don’t recommend that for newbies). They even have a strain called ACDC that is high CBD and only little amount of THC (ratio is about 10:1). You can try a 50/50 mix of ACDC with a high THC strain, and that could negate the trigger of panic attacks. Here’s a overview of CBD from that you guys could read here. This is a quote from the website how about how CBD works: ”There's a big catch though! CBD often seems to work better with THC (basically, in the typically consumed or inhaled form of medical cannabis, rather than as isolated CBD). This is often referred to as the "entourage effect" – that a single ingredient might, maybe do a little something, but you need the whole crew of compounds in the plant to have full efficacy. The problem here is that the whole crew can make you high, which is not typically desired in continuously-taken medications, and may even increase the risk of psychosis with longer term use.”
  18. @ethanb121 Your best bet on an SSRI is a slow taper if you have been on them for a while and if your dose is high. Please be smart about this.
  19. Based on your username, you are still asleep. I would recommend contemplating for 100,000 more hours and then maybe you’ll have a glimpse of you
  20. I can attest to this. A marijuana edible made me experience death and I was scared shitless, so I can’t imagine what 5-MeO would do to me.
  21. I personally take an SSRI. I don’t doubt that it does help me stay functional, that is, I am able to go out there and do what I need to do. It’s not a panacea, and there are probably long term consequences for taking them for a long time for most people. However, not being on them at this stage of my life is worse for me, as I fall deep into old bad habits. My ultimate goal is to not depend on them. The choices I make now will dictate how long that process will take, but there’s no rush for me to get off them. You have to be honest with yourself and ask why you’re taking them. Other people will say what they have to say, but realize that majority of them have never had to deal with a mental health disorder.
  22. I heard there’s another way to get “direct downloads from the mind of God”... ... through Torahnts (okay I’ll admit that joke was dry af lol)
  23. This doesn’t sound right. The therapeutic dose is 10mg, with 20mg being given if 10mg stops working. How did you manage to get on 50mg??
  24. I cried feverishly when my cat (that I only had for 5 months died). I didn’t shed a single tear or have any emotions when any of my relatives died. I guess the way I process emotions is atypical to most, so I’d be interesting in exploring it more.