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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. I haven't done rapé together with shrooms. But I have done it together with ayahuasca and peyote. And as far as calming an Ayahuasca trip down it can be true as far as it will help you purge if something wants to get out on Aya but is stuck. Some Shamans use it during the ceremonies while others don't. The Shaman I have been to uses it before a ceremony, during and after, to those who wants it. He describes it as an opening within the opening. And I hear what he is saying. It can really have profound effects if you accept it in your body together with the other plant medicines. It will make stuff more intense for awhile and it might be uncomfortable if there's people around you. Especially if you're gonna start purging. So my advice would be to do it in a secluded area if you are gonna be outside.
  2. @Emerald Thanks, I will check out that book
  3. @Emerald I have just started getting into the Tarot. I have the Hermetic Tarot deck. Beautiful illustrations. Though I bought it for learning to do Divinations and contemplations specifically, Major Arcana. I will probably get deeper into it as I progress. Any literature you recommend on the Tarot?
  4. @ajasatya Interesting. Is this group based on Catholicism like Santo Daime or is it different? What would a typical ceremony look like? If you wouldn't mind sharing.
  5. Cool. I bought the e-book and started reading the opening pages. Seems very interesting.
  6. I believe it is much like a good Tarot deck. The cards themselves don't have any meaning, but they become full of meaning to you once you start playing with them and raising your intuition. So they will start having meaning to YOU, in a significant way. It's a sophisticated system that have a lot depth to it due to how much have been experimented with it over time. You could create your own system, but chances are it will be shallow. Hope that made sense. Same goes for numerology probably, but I haven't looked into it so I don't know.
  7. @Matt8800 Yeah I have no doubt about that. I have seen objects move infront of me aswell. Two noteworthy times were once at a friend. This friend I have known since kindergarten. She actually made a moonharp in school when we were like 7-8 years old. It's now we look back and laugh at how funny and interesting that is. She has always been very special. Anyway, she had an older brother that commited suicide some years ago. I was at her apartment and she was going out to get the laundry. And she had a thing he had painted on the wall. And it bounced from the wall several times. That was less than a month probably after he had died. Another time I was lying in bed and a pet bottle just started moving infront of my eyes. So I guess a clairvoyant would maybe see the actual entity doing these things, right?
  8. @Matt8800 But for the servitor you created with the bullhead and horns. Do you see this servitor visually or is that also more of a knowing for you?
  9. I say both. Listening Bach on DPT are some of the most beautiful experiences in my life. You can see clearly how he constructed the music in a vertical way. Like a master architect but with sound. Can't really describe it with words and it doesn't make sense logically. He was a true mystic. It's also great to turn of all the lights, lay in bed and be taken. So try both. But go for music done by a true artist.
  10. @Leo Gura Well, if we play with the possibility that humans could get the ability to actually materialize stuff in an instant, right before your eyes, I think they would be so incredibly developed that even having agendas would be absurd. The only reports I have seen of this is basically Jesus and Babaji. And by reports I mean other highly advanced beings that have written or passed on reports about it. Make of it whatever you want, I have no idea, I just find it really interesting. If Babaji existed/exists he could supposedly materialize "physical" structures in an instant. So yeah, it seems that you can go deeper and deeper, and the deeper you go the more power you can attain, maybe even changing "physical reality". That is why I also don't think that simply grasping the emptiness gives you a complete understanding(not even close). It seems that the energy/vibration is where the shockingly mystical stuff is and that's what you want to penetrate deeper and deeper into if you really want to get your full knowledge. It also seems to me like this can be highly seductive and if you are not well equipped you can get lost in this mystery. So I want to go in with humbleness and great respect regarding this, but I definitely want to go in. I want to get as full of an understanding as I can get.
  11. @Leo Gura Swami Vivekananda has written a bit about this in his book Bhakti Yoga. He writes about Ishvara, the creator aspect of Divinity, in one section. Whatever is the case, it's an interesting read.
  12. @Matt8800 Yes, I own the book actually but I haven't started it yet. I like Daniel Odier, I will definitely go through his practicial books. I have bought Kreiter's book on the Magnus Opus as well and have taken note on other books you have recommended here. There are just TOO many interesting books to read lol. I am currently going through Michael Donald Kraig's output. And I also want to get deeper into the Kabalah. I am very drawn to the Sephiroht. Books you need tend to naturally present themselves at the right time This thread is great btw!
  13. I am deeply fascinated by it, along with traditions that @Matt8800 has brought up. I have done banishing rituals daily thanks to him that are truly life changing for me. Back to Tantra. It is an amazing tradition that fuses Shiva (the vibrationsless void) with Shakti (energy/vibration). I have not found another tradition that is so incredibly rich and beautiful.
  14. The tantric path also empowers the feminine. And no it is not about sex, there are some rituals that were about sex and this was packaged and marketed in the west as that. So here, when you hear the word Tantra you make associations to sex. Just like when you hear Yoga you think about stretching poses. Look up Shaiva Tantra. Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Wallis is a great book about this old tradition. Of course this tradition has been demonized in the east as well because of what you bring up in your post. From what I understand tantrics are seen as weirdos and outcasts in India by the more traditional hindu systems.
  15. @tatsumaru Ramana had his realization when he was 16 due to his extreme fear of death one night. He got struck heavily by this intense fear and chose to let go and accept death fully (that is the well known story anyway). I think that is what you misunderstood.
  16. @Aeris Alright. Was just curious. I have self-medicated on weed for about a decade myself. It is very likely I have adhd, and I myself play music, lol. Funny how many correlations there are between adhd, creativity, self-medication and weed. I have not smoked for over a month now, but unlike you, I get very hooked. I end up smoking all day.
  17. @Giulio Bevilacqua Work on sustaining yourself so you can work towards enlightenment all of your free time. There are a lot of ways this can be done. You can do it by working on being financially secured. You can do it by working on being concious and do practices all the time, even in hectic environments. You can become a monk. Volunteer at ashrams etc etc. The list goes on. But listen to what YOU want to do. It is your decision, don't get influenced by people telling "you don't have to do this, you don't have to do that". What they think is a bad way of going about stuff might be an optimal way for you.
  18. @tatsumaru According to your Zen teacher Ramana feared death post enlightenment? According to my mom your Zen teacher is full of shit.
  19. It's obviously slang for penis. Leo experienced some biblical shit in Mexico. The wrath of God!
  20. @Jed Vassallo You can go for physical pain. Like sundance rituals or taking on those gloves that has shitloads of bullet ants in them (one bite from one ant is supposedly extremely painful), or sweat lodges etc. There is a reason people put themselves through extreme physical pain, because the spiritual growth is fast. Just throwing out ideas.
  21. @Aeris For how long have you smoked weed daily? Do you take periods off from weed?