How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. So I’ve been doing The Work of Byron Katie for four months, and these days I get many glimpses of the absolute truth. For example, during one of my sits, I became conscious that only what I’m percieving right now is true. That means that the rest of the world doesn’t exist, because right now it’s only a belief, not in my direct experience. I also became conscious that even the room that I was looking at is not true, because that was just a belief too. I wasn’t actually looking at a room, I was only looking at a form of colours and shapes, and without my beliefs they meant nothing. In another of my sits I became conscious that I was awareness. Actually this experience happens many times when I do the work. I became conscious that I wasn’t the body, because I was only experiencing it as sight and feeling. That created a distance between me and my body. I became conscious that the world that I was experiencing this moment only comprised of sight, sound and sensation that I was experiencing. Pretty cool, do you not think, given that I’ve only been doing The Work for four months. A reason to consider taking up this practice.
  2. @SoonHei that’s a belief. Whether the belief is true or not is up to you. But you need to distinguish between what is in your direct experience and what is a belief.
  3. I have to add that I really don’t have any spiritual talents. I’ve done Leo’s self inquiry for three months and Kriya yoga for four months. The results I got from The Work is astronomically higher than the results that I got from all of those other practices combined. Do not overlook this gem called The Work!
  4. What would happen to a stage red or blue person if they somehow received full emotional mastery and enters a constant state of bliss and joy. Hard to think they would carry on being a warlord or inforcing religion (now they no longer have fear of disobeying god). So how would that person start acting tomorrow. What stage would they be in? I know that Ken Wilber said in his interview with batgap that ‘waking up’ (enlightenment), ‘growing up’ (spiral dynamics) and ‘cleaning up’ (emotional mastery) where separate things and mostly unrelated. But when you think deeper, you can’t imagine a guy who is in constant bliss chasing money or attacking people. What stage would such a guy be in. What are your opinions?
  5. @Leo Gura Ok, but hypothetically, if a tribe in Africa somehow received full emotional mastery this instant, how would they start acting? How would they start living?
  6. @Cudin I’m not saying you shouldn’t play with animals. But your internal state, you must not have feelings of sorrow for animals. It’s delusion. Because animals don’t exist! Nonduality 101.
  7. @Cudin Spiritual teachers have transcended feelings for animals. You should too.
  8. Very influential Muslim speaker. He’s known to have converted many thousands of people to Islam.
  9. @Leo Gura You once said that being conceptual was your greatest obstacle of being enlightened. Does that mean that reading a science book or some other conceptfull book will slow down our path to enlightenment, because we’re filling our heads with more concepts.
  10. @Leo Gura does that mean that stage yellow is moving us away from enlightenment, because it is full of concepts. Stage yellow is more conceptual than stage green, so does that mean it’s harder to become enlightened as a stage yellow guy than a stage green guy?
  11. @cirkussmile he doesn’t interview people worldwide. Most of the people he interviews are in North America.
  12. @cirkussmile watch the interviews! A lot of them haven’t even had an enlightenment experience. Let alone being enlightened and embodying enlightenment. The only enlightened people that he interviewed in his long career include Rupert Spira, Mooji, Shinzen Young, Francis Lucille, Fred Davis, Tony Parsons, Adyashanti, Daniel Ingram and Ken Wilber. There are a few others but their names escape me. You can say that around 50 of his interviews are with enlightened people. The rest are with people who had instant glimpses, women who claim they are working towards enlightenment (they’re not), and scientists who only study enlightened people. But then again, when you look at the number of videos he has, this should be obvious. Do you expect there to be over 400 highly enlightened people around. Not even close.
  13. @Paulus Amadeus most of the people he interviews are not enlightened. Not even close. Granted he does interview some highly awakened people. But very few of them.
  14. @Chrissy j once Byron Katie was having a surgery. The surgeon asked her if she should be resuscitated in case the surgery went bad. She said that she couldn’t decide between whether to get resucitated or not because she really didn’t care whether or not she died. Her husband made the choice for her to be resuscitated. True masters really don’t care about their own life and death, let alone anything else. It depends on how much you embody enlightenment.
  15. My mom is purple/blue. She is too strict about Islam. In the past, she used to tell me and my siblings about the different clans in our home country, and how she hated some of those clans. Nowadays she is a lot more into Islam. One of the reasons is that as she gets older she is becoming more conscious of her death and the limits of this life. And she is becoming more religious than she used to be.
  16. @Silvester you can attain enlightenment and live in 100% bliss all day.
  17. When we ask the question ‘is it true?’, how do you know whether something is true or not? Is it by your direct experiences? The reason I’m asking this question is to help my own self-inquiry practice. I’m not posing this question for a metaphysical discussion. Any ideas are appreciated.
  18. @Arkandeus not very convincing for self-inquiry. But generally, I think you’re right.
  19. @Leo Gura the premise that ‘only my direct experience is true’ is what I’m struggling to accept. For the past two months, I have been using that premise to deconstruct a lot of my beliefs. When I ask ‘is that true’, with that premise I could see that it wasn’t. But for the past few days, there was a huge resistance from my mind that my direct experience alone is true. My entire body started resisting that notion, and I feel pain in my body whenever I try to use that premise for deconstruction. My mind is telling me that my direct experience needs my interpretation in order to get the truth, and that my direct experience without my interpretation formed an incomplete picture of reality. Any advise? @ajasatya my current self-inquiry method is to use the question ‘is it true’ to deconstruct my beliefs. So I need a sort of basis for what truth is. @Victor Mgazi my mind is currently rejecting the idea of ‘seeing is believing’. If my perceptions only was truth, the world would look very strange indeed. My entire body is reacting against that.
  20. @Etagnwo but how can you be sure that bacteria doesn’t exist? Can awareness prove that they don’t exist?
  21. @Victor Mgazi I know that perception is reality. But is there more to truth. For example, you can’t percieve bacteria. But are they real? Is it true that bacteria exists?
  22. @Etagnwo I’m talking practically. I’ve watched Leo’s videos and I’ve heard the concepts of infinity and nothingness to death. But really, in your day to day life, how will you qualify something as being ‘true’? What measures do you use?