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About TriniVal

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  • Location
    San Francisco
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  1. This is what I am trying to figure out! Time waits for no one and I feel like I should be where I need to be by now...I don't know. My goal is to follow Leo and make it work this time for good!
  2. Hello everyone! From a very young age I have internally known I would be successful in life. I want the finer things in life. Do what I want when I want because I have my own successful business. I am now 43 and this hasn't happened. Not because I haven't worked my ass off trying to get there. To give you some background info about me, I once had a radio show in Los Angeles. I thought this was my calling and it was for several years, but I pulled back and went into the business side as an Account manager in Radio syndication, so that I could raise my daughter. I was successful doing this. I had my own office, great salary and worked for a major network. Then the economy flipped. I lost my job, home, car and became depressed. I lost everything I worked so hard for. So now here I am lost. I tried to go back to working for a company, but it didn't last because of this intrinsic need to be my own boss and be extremely successful at it. It's not working! I can't seem to get on track. Every time I take a step forward, I end up several steps backwards. Unfortunate things keep happening to stop me from achieving what I feel deep within me is for me in this life. I am at a lost. I feel like why would God instill this need in me, but I can't ever seem to get there. I hope that I am explaining my issue properly, because I'm confused. HELP!!!