Dustin Dustbin

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About Dustin Dustbin

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  1. Indeed.... my own words exposed my resistance to the idea even as I was explaining that I understand it. That's interesting.
  2. I see it.. At a minimum I must go outside of my body to perceive the tree. This is very helpful. I also have some grip on most of the rest of it but need time to work on it a bit. The only real snag is in the idea that nothing was here before me or after me. I've been operating under the assumption Abraham Lincoln and such historical stuff was here before me. I haven't given much thought to what will be here after me because it causes me discomfort....I'm gonna want that stuff and I'm not sure how can do that.
  3. I find it very difficult to escape the perception that the awareness is anywhere else but inside of me. I've had much better luck in moving my awareness to other locations than where my physical body is located at the time but still there remains a sense that I'm looking through my eyes "over there". I've also had good luck in understanding (fairly forcefully) that I'm at least as much in my body as in my mind but as of yet can not escape the feeling that my perception is located in my person. I'm not doubting you because what you are saying makes sense it just doesn't ever feel like I'm anywhere else. I've pulled energy from trees into my body but if I could understand how I was already the tree this step would be unessesary. I have more to unravel......
  4. I've had a similar experience. I got stuck in a garage because a huge downpour started and I wanted to wait for the rain to slack off before running out to my car. I was standing there doing absolutely nothing but in my eye line was the windshield of a car. As I saw all the raindrops hitting the glass and forming trails of all random patterns flowing this way and that a sort of vision came to me of how total organization was forming from completely random circumstances. It got deeper and deeper as I could "see" conectivity of everything. I began to smile a huge smile (must have looked like a maniac). Anyhow my description does not begin to describe how perfect and beautiful what I saw and understood that day and like you I tried to hold onto it but couldn't. Now all I have is a very weak memory of a glimpse of what I saw but it the moment it was entirely magnificent.
  5. Whoever gave you that idea could have been wrong.
  6. I will give this some thought. Thanks.
  7. Don't be so hard on yourself. I mean myself.
  8. If this is true and free will is an illusion, is ultimate reality that I am nothing but an eyeball of sorts? Everything is me, I am all, and I have no control over any of it so witnessing is all there is. And beyond that you hinted that all of source was actually nothing so the next level would be that I'm actually helplessly observing nothing... Is this what you are saying or am I totally lost?
  9. Yeah, the idea of giving Hitler a high five and saying "love ya bro" is not easy to take. It says that there is absolutely nothing wrong/right good/bad not only from a moralistic view but any view. Examples used here have been your entire family killed, pedophiles, terrorist, now Hitler. All totally cool and even lovable trippy.
  10. I hear ya... One of the main points of the video is that there is no right thing. You just said right thing 3 times there. And this is my confusion. I'm not sure if I can see everything as blank reality even if I agree that I don't want to moralize it. I understand the concept but there is a problem with it... For me to sign up for this forum there was a long list of rules.... I had to agree to those rules in order to discuss the idea of the problem of rules. Anyhow, I hope it gets across that I'm trying to understand not disagree.
  11. So I think this means that if I either walk away or stay and help either is just the choice I make and that's that.... reality. If I don't apply any morality to the situation I basically just become an observer of what happens, what I choose to do or not do and the reality of the moment. Perhaps at this stage if your entire family gets murdered it does make sense that it's just a thing that happened. I also get the difference between being motivated by blind rules vs. choices made by more "pure" motives but the problem of up without down makes this part incredibly treacherous. I can't on one hand tell somebody their construct of a rules/morality based is wrong then offer to explain why my construct is right. Everything has to be in the reality not just the murder and pedophiles but the robotic moralists are also real. Unfortunately I think I'm more confused now than when I started.
  12. I appreciate your replies and agree with what you are saying Mal, my confusion is on understanding this bit.. "Taking action to prevent a rape in the moment is not moralizing. It's just being human" Why would a human bother preventing rape unless there is a reason? I have no desire to prevent a butterfly for example.
  13. Control aside in my example I'm either going to walk away or not. I can't escape doing something and thinking something about the rape I'm witnessing. I guess I have a much easier time accepting it as all part of the whole if it happened yesterday than if I walk up on it today. In the moment it would feel very wrong to me and I'd find it impossible not to take action no matter if I had actually or only perceived control.
  14. Fantastic video! I've been working on some of these concepts for over a year so it was great to take in this larger scope view of things. One question I have is about relating to situations without moralizing them, or labeling them good/bad yet still declare them "not cool". Take the examples of heads being chopped off or your family getting killed.. I understand that reality is just doing reality (everything) but I prefer to take action should someone try to kill my family and I sense the entire episode as negative. I don't like it it all in a strong way. How do I interpret this strong negative feeling that I want to fight against and simultaneously hold it as neutral? I totally get ranting against morality and that good/bad are fairly silly notions. I also get that rape exist in reality and fragmenting reality is risky BUT.. if I walk around a corner and witness a rape I'm hard pressed not to immediately judge that as wrong/bad and take action to stop it vs. accept it as a part of the whole of reality, sip my coffee, and walk away. So I'm confused on this aspect, any thoughts on how to reconcile the above?