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About NNNeuroses

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  • Birthday 09/26/1978

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  1. First I'd like to thank you Leo for your videos, I've reached a point in my life where motivation is needed, and your videos definitely compliment my erratic liestyle with new ideas. Unfortunately, all the concepts you discuss in your videos are, to me, just that. Ideas. Thing is, you've made it a lot easier to accept that fact that they're simply ideas. I have come up with a lot on my own, and it has gotten me into more serious problems in my life, than I can handle at any given moment. I have been unconsciously living in my own house of sand, without foundation, for most of my life, and even today. As we speak I am emotionally broken to the point where communication has become an idea in itself, which literally means there is none, and never has been. There have only been nonsense coming from my own entity, dug in my own ego worse than an Alabama tick, and when I hear words my own brain tries to decipher it, and at that point I'm already screwed because my own thinking has gotten me basically nowhere in life, and no idea how to interact. So that's where I'm at. I just tried meditating today to try and get a little insight into how my own choices and behaviour have, literally, destroyed my life and those around me. Whom love me. The main point I want to get across though is how grateful and honestly willing to change my life your videos have provided me with the courage to look inside. Many thanks and I look forward to continuing a lifestyle conducive to personal and spiritual recovery, god willing.