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About Ryna

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  1. I am a fan of the internal family systems approach which is a form of psychotherapy that I find incredibly useful for doing shadow work. You’ve already recognized that a part of you has a problem with feminism and I admire that you are taking steps to overcome this bias. At the same time it can be helpful to recognize that this part of you has good intentions. It is doing it’s best to protect you from something. So see if you can get curious about this part of you and if you can find some compassion for it that’s great. If you’re able to get curious about it ask this part of you directly what would happen if it didn’t do that? What is it afraid would happen? And then don’t think of a response but instead just wait for a response to come up. It will come up in the form of a thought and it may give you an insight into what kind of wound is there and why this part feels it’s necessary to do its job.
  2. Internal Family Systems Therapy!
  3. Check out a form of therapy call Internal Family System. It's incredibly effective. Good luck!
  4. Haha I see what you mean! However, most people define happiness as the presence of joy or other pleasant emotions, but all emotions come and go, just like everything else. For that reason, happiness in that form is not available on a continuous unbroken basis. But what if that's not what true happiness is? What if happiness is simply the end of unhappiness? In other words, "peace of mind". The absence of things like guilt, blame, pride, worry/anxiety, expectations and attachment to outcomes? The end of a narrative that claims ownership over everything that happens and has ideas about how life should and shouldn't be. That type of happiness is available on a continuous basis. And I get the sense that this is where Rupert is coming from. Well, that's my two cents anyways! =)