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Everything posted by charlie2dogs

  1. death only applies to unconscious functioning human identities. there is no death for an awakened being. an awakened being is already functioning in the state of being that they will be in when they step out of the body they created for themselves to experience this life with, and when they leave it, they leave it as a liberated being, the rest will leave their body still programed with their false belief systems, their quantum memory, their warped perception of life, and this idea that you will continue forever until you get it right, is just a newage teaching, there is no proof of that.
  2. Mal you are only making yourself look bad, get over it and move on, you dont have to read my post, and no one is forcing you to respond to them, you point people to other so called teachers because you are not the teacher, and that is all you can do is point to others, if and when you become the teacher you wont have to send people to others for help,
  3. Mary, there is a huge misconception about enlightenment on this forum as well as all over the world, most of it is just newage nonsense. Stop seeking enlightment, there is something more important that you need to do, which will carry you to enlightenment after a time, when your consciousness is evolved enough for it. first you need to come to the realization that you are not this body, the real you that gives life to this body is what you need to become one with, and then you will be enlightened.
  4. you are a deceiver mal, get over yourself,
  5. you have already shown just how little you know about enlightenment, so your view of me means nothing
  6. how would you know that you are not enlightened
  7. funny Linas
  8. you can private message me if you want to when you have questions you dont want to put here, don't worry about me, im in good hands
  9. the third eye chakra, is an increased state of awareness, it isnt enlightenment, in the chakra terms the crown chakra represents enlightenment. a master told me once that there was no bridge or road map from the third eye to the crown chakra and no one could take you there. i didnt know what that meant until after i had made that leap of faith into the unknown, willing to give up even life to reach that place of self realization, i never really got into the chakra thing, but i know what was being meant by those using the terms. the energy is in the vital body, that surrounds this physical body, the physical body is just a replication of the vital and mental body, or consciousness.
  10. my advice is no advice, you are where you are supposed to be, remember that statement
  11. mikey that was my philosophy at one time until the pain i was creating made me realize that it was bs
  12. i was asking you, and i knew you had no answer, but i wanted to see what kind of answer you would give, enlightenment is not accomplished by studying traditions and perspectives. and enlightenment isnt about slices of pie, you are are you aint.
  13. what does the study of wisdom traditions and western perspectives have to be with being enlightened.
  14. no enlightened being ever charged to aid others in the process. i think you will find that you are talking about a newage movement
  15. this is funny, this new movement you are talking about is just newage mumbo jumbo, has nothing to do with enlightenment, and the new comers will become trapped in the mindset. nothing has changed with enlightenment its the same as it has always been, what has happened is the newage movement has created new meanings for enlightenment, but those only fool themselves.
  16. mikey iam going to give you a little reality, i have noticed you are good at starting topics, but most of it is nothing more than nonsense and bs, has nothing to do with personal growth, isnt it about time to grow up.
  17. did you base your belief on the book radical honesty? sometimes it pays just to keep your mouth shut, and let things be when it concerns others, you can do a world of harm to others with the so called truth of the human identity. its not your place or right to give others your version of the truth, when you dont have it yourself. the author of this book radical honesty is he a self realized being, or a human identity writing a book?
  18. mikey you have no idea what you are talking about, it is just nonsense of the human identity.
  19. why are you seeking silence, it doesnt exist
  20. jes i once had two non physical beings live with me for three months, i cried a lot as they were teaching me realities of myself and of life. dont worry about the tears, there is a reason for them, it will reveal itself at the right time.
  21. who is it that is giving this consensus ,enlightened beings or human identities? you are not enlightened so my question is where did you get all that you wrote about enlightenment?
  22. i spent most of my life helping people to awaken from the dream and it didnt cost them a penny.
  23. i have been nice to you, i just gave you some reality which you didnt understand, and you gave me back a bunch of nonsense and mumbo jumbo. you are functioning as an unconscious human identity right now, the question is will you remain that way until you leave the physical body, or does it even matter at this point.
  24. hey bud, the only way i know to answer that is this, if i talk about god to everyone, they will believe, and in their minds know that i am a religious person. sometimes our words define who and what we are. religion is a tool created to control man, even the idea of god was part of that so i try to distance myself from that and stay with reality.