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Everything posted by ndalian

  1. Hello everyone, I had a question about Lucid Dreaming and the effects of it on you Self Actualization work. Predominately in meditation area. I know that meditation is very different to the practice of Lucid Dreaming and in fact I've heard that if you practice Lucid Dreaming this could damage your meditation skills and even cripple your mentality. Just wanted to see if it is in fact true or a bunch baloney. Thank you
  2. This is a technique, that worked for me almost every time. Go to bed early maybe like 10 pm or 9.30pm. Make sure you eat 2 hours prior the sleep. Before going to sleep put alarm on 3.15 am. When you wake up go for a run for 15 - 20 minutes. When you return take a hot shower and go to bed around 4 am. And here is the tricky part. You shouldn't think that you're going to get lucid that night. Think of it as an exercise or training for your body to get lucid. So point of it is not necessary to get lucid but rather to train your body for lucid dreaming. When you go to bed just relax and go to sleep. Let it go don't think you'll get lucid at all. Might take a few tries before you induce yourself in to lucid dreaming. This is what you'll be feeling when going lucid with this technique: You'll feel your body is rotating very fast. And you'll feel like you have control over this rotation, so you should make yourself rotate more and more. The more you rotate the deeper you get in to the dream state (But don't over do it as you will fall in to a full sleep) Then I usually stand up from my bed and I'm lucid. I know that I'm dreaming because my room looks different.
  3. I had this dilemma for a long time. As Leo mentions in his videos we have very little time here and we have to be mindful of what we do. But there are so many things out there in life and it is very overwhelming for me personally, as I struggle to make a choice between these things. Things that I want to achieve, skill that I want to obtain and a person that I want to become. I always have these priorities in my head that I believe are important for self development and success. But are they really? I would place a task in front of me.. Like I want to play a guitar (For example), Because I feel that it would make me more artistic and in tuned in creativity also because I wanted to play a guitar since I was 12, but never got a chance. And I don't remember anymore why I was so in to it, I just remember that I was... Then I torment myself for not following through or doing anything towards it. Unfortunately or maybe unfortunately I have 15 tasks like that some are spread as long as 20 year mark goals. Some tasks are greater deal in my head then others. My question is How to sort out or deal with the urge to do things in life. Because I know I can't be a guitar player, surfer, parkour runner, RNB hip hop dancer, Animated TV sires creator, MG freelancer.... and many other things all at the same time. It's impossible. It's impossible to be even moderately good at all of those thing at the same time. Now surely I can take one thing at and move one to the next, but I don't have completion point for these pursuits. Not to mention that I understand that eventually I will have to give up most if not all of them to move in to enlightenment and self actualisation. Please let me know your thoughts.
  4. Thank you charlie2dogs, I see your point. I do agree with you. And I feel that you're much higher level in self actualisation then me. I have just started touching this topic and am taking one step at the time. I understand the idea and I believe this is where I am leading towards to. However I also understand that I will not become self actualised in one day and there are many things that are not clear to me, as my mind is still of a rookie. I am not at the "Creator" stage yet. Although moving towards it, I still have a long way to go. What you describing is great, but unfortunately my mind isn't ready to see it in away you're presenting it. And as much as I value this knowledge and see the higher purpose of it, I cannot fully appreciate. It is a process that will last my whole life. But as of now I am looking a more practical solution to my problem. I believe that may be meditation for me and coming my mind, so I can see more clearly.
  5. Thank you Cly, very interesting technique. I'll try that. But I guess in the end it's very difficult to let go of things. Because you will have to anyway, otherwise you wont get good at anything.
  6. I would say do it in a diary. I've started writing it down and it definitely helped me to improve my understanding of the proses. I guess once you get the hang of it you can skip the writing part.
  7. If you become self-aware in a dream you will know it. The first feeling that I had is that I became everything around me (This is kind of how you know that this isn't real, even though it will seem real) You will feel everything... For example you will feel air, trees, floor, your body and other people in your dream and preserve it as yourself. It's really wearied at first. It's like you were wearing a suit all this time and that it's off your everywhere... And because of that you know you can do anything with yourself and this is where fun begins.
  8. I agree with @stephan. You definitely need a plan. Don't ask yourself why she is with you. Ask why do YOU question it. You don't believe that your a men of value thus all the doubt. Doesn't meter why she likes you. More importantly why don't you like yourself? I actually been in the same boat in the past. I was dating a girl that I felt was waaay out of my league. I was questioning why she liked me and why was she with me, And it got out of control I grew more and more insecure, I started being more possessive of her, because I felt like someone else will come better looking and still her away from me. So eventually she dumped me. I was devastated, but not surprised. After long 2 years I finally got to realisation that I didn't love myself and that portrayed on to her. I came to a conclusion that it doesn't meter who you with. Really it doesn't at all. All that meters is that you have to love yourself more then anybody else and you will feel fulfilled and valued. I have an interesting proposition for you. You can take up on this advise or not up to you. Take a brake from your current relationship and see how your mind reacts to it. You will feel like you have lost something of value to you and you would constantly want to get back together again. But instead take some time to work on your self esteem and self growth. Think about things you want to achieve. Maybe you want to learn a new skill, read interesting books or start playing a sport. Concentrate on thing you'd enjoy doing on your own. By that of course I mean eudemonic things Thing of high value. Eventually you'll see that your self esteem has grown.
  9. Thank you Vibivub, I've been practicing Lucid Dreaming in and out for 4 -5 years now. (Nothing too serious though) I've noticed the past year or so I've been having difficulties flying from a spot. Now I always have to get up on a high ground and sort of glide instead of proper flying like I used to do. I don't know what it means. I even get frustrated sometimes in my Lucid dream when I try very hard but can't lift myself up, so I wake up.
  10. It is overwhelming to have so much information and resources for learning in our days. I often guilt myself in to wasting time researching or reading or even doing things that essentially are not relevant to the subject of my pursuit (or so I think?). And because we all have very limited time every day that we can spend on our varies pursuits (By that I mean absolutely anything that you want to achieve… Like write a book, learn a new skill, finish your personal project, launch a YouTube Channel, become fitter and healthier…) it is important to spread that time in a way that can maximise the result. How to manage that? How do I know, that what I’m doing right now is not procrastination, a comforting get away from my main objective?
  11. Thank JevinR, I think you're on the money here.... I need to find someone else to share my project with, so I can have a second opinion on the management of the plan and progression of it. Like a producer I guess... Actually that gives me a lot to thin about... Thank you guys.
  12. Thank you. I do have a plan and it is all well written as far as I think.... The problem is that I change this plan all the time, because I start to doubt it as soon as I see articles like this... Because I created this plan myself and I generally don't trust myself as I'm not a professional at this. (I mean I don't know how to run a YouTube channel in a way that it can basically become your business... Plus I have never build a fully functional animation series)
  13. Thank you JevinR. But the problem that I'm having is not time management or planning how you spend your time. It's more about trusting yourself to be competent to create the planning and management in a way that maximises what you ultimately want to achieve. I'm talking about researching and youtubeing and going to forums with the purpose to find information and to study the subject only to realise that you being procrastinated by walking away from the main focus of you pursuit... For me an example of that would be is that I want to Launch an animation YouTube channel for entertainment. My pursuit and passion is creating my own stories, characters and building my own animated series. By using YouTube I want to shear it with the world and ultimately create an animated in a form of an online business, that could fully support me. So I started researching YouTube marketing and online presence and then realised that I don't even have a Pitch for my show and all of my character are underdeveloped, so I though I should go back to the main passion of mine.... a few days working on that I stumbled across an article about animation YouTube channel and how they are not the best approach to raise your awareness on YouTube if you want to be successful in running your own YouTube channel. So I thought maybe I should research how to promote content on YouTube first, so I can develop stories in my show that can appeal to my YouTube audience. And now this became chaos… Jumping to one topic in to another… Week after week and I haven’t progressed with my pitch yet.
  14. Wow this is interesting... Thanks.. Let me check it out.
  15. Thank you , Actually I thought about that, sometimes what I should be doing feels comfortable, because I have finally achieved something or have created something that I feel like a step forward for my pursuit (Or is it though?)... so this is where it gets confusing... It doesn't feel comfortable all the time, but when does how do I know that this isn't procrastination?
  16. I'm also interested in this area. I'm planning to go for a 10 days retreat for the first time. My main objective is to strengthen my self discipline and will power. Because this is a secluded meditation retreat with very strict rules I'm hoping it will give me a boost to practice meditation on my own.