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Everything posted by Afonso

  1. @Azrael Thanks. The more I meditate and Self-Inquiry the more I notice that I don't have control AND that I'm always at the same place (weird huh? do you also experience this?) This enlightenment thing is really pulling me towards it. I will spend the upcoming vacation meditating and inquirying ~6 hours per day and reading by night.
  2. 1) Is death irrelevant to you? 2) Can you clearly see that free will is an illusion? 3) You said you didn't quite understood what happened the morning you Woke Up. But isn't waking up supposed to be like an extraordinary shift in perspective, how could you not "get it"?
  3. @Leo Gura After doing ~4 hours of Meditation, I did a 30 minute Self-Inquiry and I my mind exploded.......................... I got this huge energetic release PLUS huge huge pains in the top of the head.
  4. I'm 17 man, doing a lot of consciousness work!
  5. Mine is 60 minutes. I remember the first time I did 60 minutes, 5 months ago, it was literally torture. Now it's easy. I bet I can do 2 hours in a good day. What about you? What has been your longest meditation session? No pauses, no switching positions, just sitting throughout the whole session.
  6. @Leo Gura In your retreat videos, you do a lot of Mindfulness Meditation with Labeling. Does it boost the power of your Self-Inquiry? Do you use exactly the same technique as described in the video of Mindfulness Meditation? Where can we learn more about that technique and study it deeper? In the West, Mindfulness looks like another vague term for formal Meditation, but I'm seeing it's not the same thing. Thanks!
  7. I used to be the Top Student in 10th grade an 11th grade in my school. Top Student! Literally! 12th grade has become another story... Now, since I've been raising my consciousness, working on myself and meditating a lot for over 7 months, I find myself with NO MOTIVATION to study. I think I only studied because I had nothing better to do AND because of extrinsic motivation. I find myself, now, in no position to study hard. Not interested, don't care about having top grades and don't find myself too much affected by lower grades. Is this a common theme for you guys? Don't get me wrong, my grades are not a disaster. They're pretty above average, but not Top Elite like they used to be. I seem to just not give a fuck anymore. I don't really know what to do.
  8. ahaha that's fucked up, keep going you might start flying or something
  9. My head starts hurting a lot when I go beyond 40 minutes. A lot of tension builds up inside my head.
  10. I just became conscious that I don't have a fucking clue of what all this is, yet I wondered around doing stuff thinking that I had it all figured out. Fuck....
  11. @Leo Gura please answer this, I'm at the same position. I love growing, personal development and I have this thirst for TRUTH. but my flow states are writing and programming......
  12. @Danielle @Shin @WelcometoReality Is this how the process unfolds? This is all very new to me. I was not intending for any of this. I am just meditating, self-inquirying, and going back to stillness every moment. It was just out of the blue. The feeling had been lingering around for some days. But somehow it has come stronger. I do not know. What the fuck. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
  13. I have a basic idea of what enlightenment entails, and so I'm doing the practical work of meditating, concentrating, self-inquiry, etc. However, I cannot read more than 50 pages of books about enlightenment because I get so confused about the Self, Brahman, stages of consciousness, existence vs. non-existence, the ground of existence, reality. At some point I just give up. Any recommendations?
  14. @Leo Gura I'm still doing the Concentration Practices so I can boost my Meditation and Self-Inquiry. But I'm not clear if I'm reaching Access Concentration or not. I use the same method as you (repeating sound in smartphone app). At some point in my session, I can "hear" the echoes of the beep in my head. Is this a sign of access concentration? Confused
  15. @hinawashi I also experienced that shift in judgement thinking, although I didn't do any spiritual retreats. I just meditate, concentrate and self-inquiry daily. When I was judging others, I kind of went unconscious. Now I realize that all that criticism was nothing more than a revelation of my unconscious. Now, I know it's useless to criticize and I just feel compassionate towards others, knowing that if I had not done the work of raising my consciousness, I would be at the same place. Leo talks about this in his video Dark Side Of Meditation.
  16. @Leo Gura If a bot in a game suddenly realized that it was not an entity in the game but the whole system at work, would that be analogous to enlightenment?
  17. Systems of thinking, frameworks of thinking. I have to think along the lines of some logical principles and structures to create something! I love that. I really love that. I started programming when I was ~13, so I'm thinking of developing Artificial Intelligence. I have just articulated my life purpose and it is this: My ideal medium is certainly Writing/Programming. I do feel some excitement reading that statement.
  18. I finished the part of finding my Zone Of Genius in the Life Purpose Course, and it all boiled down to this: "Learning and developing frameworks and systems." What has moved me since I was a child and to now (though I couldn't articulate it before) was to understand how things work and then create and build something upon that "framework/system", whether it is in mathematics, programming, personal development etc. I get my juices flowing when I'm constructing a model of all the principles and rules by which something works and when I'm creating my own meta-frameworks, whether it be on paper, computer file, etc. Is this too vague of a Zone of Genius? I think it does touch my core very deeply, but something tells me it's still too vague.
  19. Cross the values that you definitely don't consider THAT important From those values cross the ones that you think you could definitely live without. Order the remaining values Choose the one on top