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    Hudson Valley, NY
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  1. I think you should try to find peace about the situation regardless of the opinions of the people around you. You can only accept what's happened up the the present moment. You can't change it, so you're best to find peace with it. Come up with a plan for how you'll begin doing better. I think you know deep down what needs to change or be different- if not, find a quiet place and try to search it out within yourself. Make the changes, and you will be well. Just my humble opinions,... I hope you find peace!
  2. Hi! The first thing that comes to my mind is that, well, you should start a business and/or website and build it around art and art supplies. You would be passionate about the products you're working with and selling & you would also be able to make good money. You don't even have to display your art at all if you don't want to. Or, you could do your personal artwork to demonstrate the products you're offering- maybe through a blog, YouTube, instagram, your website- whatever you feel is the right fit for you. I suggest you play around with this idea and see what comes to mind. Explore other avenues of making money in the art community without selling your own art. What do you and others in the art community like and/or have a need for? You can resell quality products for a profit or you can create your own. It will be hard work at first but almost everything is. You'll have to make a big time commitment and focus on getting everything set up. But more importantly, I think in the end this would be a very fulfilling route should you feel lead to choose it. Hope I've helped spark some new ideas! I hope you discover the passion and career you're looking for!