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Everything posted by mathieu

  1. @Falk hi thanks for that insight too. I think that would also work well when I insert that in my sentence-completion exercises/habit every morning. Something like, "If this is my last day today, I would....." :))))
  2. @FindingPeace hi. thanks for that insight. I am not implying that I am "so sure" I have the time in the first place. I believe it is the default way of thinking of an ordinary man that he/she have the time in the future. You were right the any of us could die in the next 10 minutes, or say tomorrow or next year. But, why do people live like they have plenty of time? also me or maybe you? Maybe the problem is that it's hard to make yourself believe that you might die sooner. Yes, it's hard to fool your unconscious mind. You might agree that we can die at any time, but your unconscious mind can't just believe that easily, unless you have some incurable illness or some disease. yeah, I believe generally people assume we have time in the first place, because i believe that's the default way. so my question might sound like, HOW to trick your mind to make it believe that you will die soon? is it possible?
  3. I have this feeling of envy whenever I saw my friends' pictures. (maybe others have this feeling too). seeing their achievements posted, their vacation pictures with family and friends, group hangouts, celebrations, selfies with their friends and girlfriends, or just random selfie at their nice place. I just feel envy. Maybe it feels to me they were boasting, showing too much pride. or is it just me? For me, it's really like that. But I want to explore this feeling of envy. I am 22, M, I grew up introverted and socially awkward. Since I am fan of self improvement, I purchased Leo's life purpose course and started finding my life purpose, hoping that I could be my authentic self soon. I appreciate any insights about the issue on facebook. Thank you.
  4. @ChimpBrain you were right, the core issues must be resolved first. not just by avoiding the issue. and that makes real growth vs. fake growth. @Rodrigoit was also a struggle for me to care less about what other people think of me. Leo's process of finding life purpose as well as finding your authentic self was like a complete package to solve core issues!
  5. @Man in the Mirror Wow! Thank you so much for sharing that video! I couldnt agree more about what Eckhart Tolle is saying. We really need to let go of our delusory identity, and you can be who you are w/o needing to interpret to yourself or to others.. also you try to polish yourself like to compete with that image you saw on facebook. and then, you will end up on becoming an artificial construct. Those lines by Eckhart was amazing. That is what exactly I've felt. If facebook was used "that" way, it really makes yourself worse. @Saarah thank you Sarah for sharing that. I will watch that video of Leo later. and @Jon Snow I was blown, you pointed out the real issue, FOMO (fear of missing out). it's new to me. that fear made me stop from seeing my facebook timeline because sometimes I might be surprised like "Oh, they are travelling there" "oh they've got new relationships" while myself is really missing out. It was like I really need to conform, because they do. But I am so lucky to have this awareness and have these people like Leo and like you who would help improving ourselves.