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Everything posted by universe

  1. Depends on where you want to go with this. There is a huge wave of coaching programs. Because there is such a high demand. And people are willing to pay much more for a training to become a coach rather than just for coaching itself. I would ask myself if the difference is worth it.
  2. Ehm ok. Some clothing is fine I guess. I actually wish my gf would want me to buy more cloth for her But who am I to judge...
  3. @Butters I don't think marriage is necessary here. But in general there is some truth to this statement. With the caveat that it's also important who the man is, who attracts this woman to his life to begin with. And what he makes out of the great or not so great partner. In general living with a woman will make you ditch some things. For example, playing video games all the time, watching TV, in general being lazy. Most women will not tolerate this behaviour in the long or even short run. Because a woman needs to see that you are working on yourself or doing something with your life. That's the first thing. From here it can go on kinda like this: A: She has a bad influence, for example (she might be afraid she can't keep you, so) she makes you stop going to the gym, gives you bad food or even drugs. On the other hand a woman like this might also makes you spend substantial amount of money on her and she wants stupid stuff. Like clothes, bags, fancy restaurants etc. B: She has a positive influence, for example she might be pushing you towards your highes goals. She sees you are fine doing X but she knows you could be even better at Y (which also aligns with your and her values). She encourages you to stay healthy, does workouts with you. She likes to eat healthy, so you both enjoy healthy meals together. When it comes to money she rather spends it on education and advancing her career. Or she just doesn't need so much money, so you are free to invest it into your business/career etc. I think you should never underplay the role to which you will be shaped by what your partner / the opposite sex expects from you. That's why it is very important to choose the right partner.
  4. Being present and non-judgemental. Of course, you also each got your own therapist or better yet, learned how to heal yourself/allow emotions to be there.
  5. Great topic. Reminds me of this guy (who was also blown away by this) https://www.actualized.org/insights/interview-with-cia-spy Around the 1h30m mark. I think it comes from us maybe sensing that we are imagining reality (us) and we look for others to validate our perception of reality (us). But I like your description of belonging as a universal force as well.
  6. It seems like some of you should really be more aware of which kind of people, you decide to spend your time with.
  7. It's a whole paradigm shift. As a man it is really hard to understand this. I was this girls age when I understood that women find intelligence attractive Sure. You can be hot and some men will still like you. Same as you can have ambition and status as a man and some women still like you. The question is, what am I doing to attract these people in my life and what am I doing that will make these people avoid me.
  8. If you are at incel level in the dating market most dating coaches could not help you. Those are hard cases, most dating coaches are not equipped with the right tools for the job.
  9. It's always fascinating for me as a man how women think men view the world. Guys take notes. If it took her 20 years to understand that men are attracted to looks. How much do you think women care how you look on a 1-10 scale?
  10. Not everyone can be your client. Set some standards. By setting boundaries and communicating clearly you will attract the right kind of people into your business. And people who do not align will stay away.
  11. You have a twin flame with Love. Also, you are Love. One Love. ❤️
  12. It's not about blaming or being at fault. The trap lies in not taking responsibility. If you want to achieve real Growth in your life, taking on responsibility is the first step. Your life is not as you want it to be? Well... you are responsible. Enjoy ❤️
  13. Belief that it will help you. Some drink alcohol to feel better, which definitely has side effects. Some take psychedelics which can also have side effects. The belief that this will heal you and that it will cure you is one of the deciding factors for it to work. And you don't have to take them forever. See it like a medication you take when you break something in your body for example. Let your body heal and then you won't need it anymore. ❤️
  14. So you say you don't like any particular group more than any other. Seeing all as equal. But when it comes to disliking groups, you do hate some particular groups more than any other. Seeing them as different.
  15. Yes, don't condition your happiness. And every action (and non action) you take out of abundance will bring you more and more of it. And it is even more about the stuff you don't do. ❤️
  16. In which way to feel or to act do you think you are manipulated.
  17. It's not weird to smile when you feel happy. Are you happy?
  18. It's not about promoting your YouTube channel. YouTube has huge user base already. Just make watchable content and interesting titles, that people actually click on. YouTube will recommend it eagerly to their users. Bit by bit at first. But it will progress. Promoting your channel outside of YouTube is like selling people Pringles in the subway. You can technically do it and some people might buy, but it is much better to sell it to big supermarkets and let the customers grab it while going grocery shopping.
  19. You can't be in it for the money only. Make sure that your business is also aligned with your life purpose and your heart.
  20. Don't do my boy dirty. There is nothing wrong with dog consciousness.
  21. Are those things you have already done? Everyone has different experiences growing up. So it is important to know what you have already experienced in life and in which direction you want your life to go.
  22. The question is more do you want polyamory or not? And to what extend do you want it. Have some rules and boundaries for it.
  23. All friends of your ex had red flags?
  24. In a traditional relationship a man would be happy to buy things for you and be generous. So either you don't have a traditional relationship (ie. you are more in your masculine energy and he may be leaning more to the feminine) or there is something else going on. 1) 5 Love Languages: Everyone has different love languages, talk about them and understand your and your partners love language. 2) The issue is his relationship with money in general. If he is strict with his money and cheap in general, of course he will project the same on you. Or as others have mentioned, like trauma or saving for a specific cause. 3) It could also be, that he is not happy with something in the relationship and that is what is making him decide not to spend on you on purpose. But then he would switch from generous to cheap, back and forth in different phases.
  25. Great and important video. Worth to watch every now and then. Congrats on the free learning opportunity.