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Everything posted by Wesley-

  1. I'm maintaining consciousness most of the time, gradually i know that most of the people around are emotional and are not thinking. now i can distinguish emotions and try to isolate them. i share with my friends and they don't understand. I want to talk to wise people, exchanging thoughts rather than superficial chatting I feel the emotion of loneliness after awaking, it is difficult to find co-minded people around me in life. Is that the process that everyone must go through?
  2. The idea of faith came to my mind while at gym, exhausted at the moment and decided to go few reps further. The will power at that moment is so concentrated just at one thing, to accomplish it. I felt so powerful. It lead me to think, what is that power? I wonder, it is the faith. Where faith come from? what faith actually is? I questioned, i believe, faith is inherited from the mother, the sufferings and determination at the point of giving birth. Your survival was built upon the mother's willpower. That's also a transformation of the mother's life. It is the source of true power. Make sense?
  3. @Khin seeking understanding is just like seeking fame and money, being needy for acceptance and happiness. The fulfillment can be found internally. Nic makes a point here.
  4. @Nic understood and appreciate that ! thanks nic
  5. this Eckhart's video directly point at this question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqr98O8QT3M Also, Leo's talked about how to exploit people around you.
  6. Last night i sense the power of my consciousness, I foresee the higher self which created an intense contrast with my present life. I feel like looking down from the top, seeing my ego is living in a disappointing life, like a prison. So disappointed with presence, however, i'm not knowing how to do with it. I want to break through this prison, I want to lift my ego up to a higher level.