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About Sufi25

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  • Birthday 10/25/1996

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  1. @Someone here For me Islam is like a beautiful flower garden. Colourful, peaceful and full of life.
  2. @Davino First of all thank you for reading through my script and second of all thanks for your very wise and helpful answer and advice. Yeah it was not particularly an outlook on the future of Islam per se, more an outlook on the future of religion in general. Nevertheless I called it the future of Islam because it is the tradition that resonates with me the most. The title could have also been "the future of Christianity". I think in the future there wont be any differences left between the religious traditions. They will all dissolve into eachother.
  3. Hey guys. I have written a two-page script, which explains how I see a future Islam. Id really appreciate it, if you could read through it and tell me your opinion on it. Maybe you have some suggestions and would add or change something. You can find the file in the attachment of this post. Thanks guys and wish you a good day. Peace. The Islam of Tomorrow.pdf