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About twosees

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  1. Now I can detach from the plans? won't worry as much when they don't work. Just accept and tweak.
  2. @AnonJohn that lightbulb revelation doe! @JeffR1
  3. Will do thank you @Harry. Appreciate and yes if thats what it takes to get out off th bull shit i am going to shell shock myself. Keep in touch brudda?
  4. @Stiliqnnnman Ayyy Bro what's up. It's good to hear that I'm not the only one on this journey. ? I crave awareness so much but it doesn't show in my actions lol. I wanted to ask how do you not beat yourself up?.. I can have will power for a few days but then if I do something wrong, I justify myself to do another wrong thing... How do I fix this stage? Thanks for taking the time to reply earlier. Means a lot *Bro hug*no home*???
  5. Hey Gents, ladies. I'm happy to hear that Leo has rolled out a self actualisation forum. This is exciting. And I hope it'll. I've been watching Leo's videos for quite a while now but I get stuck in this ruts he keeps talking about in 'How to Get Shit Done '. Where you watch material but never actually get things done. I'm having trouble manoeuvring and transitioning into a whole results orientated person. .I then get stuck in neurotic behaviours like overeating, wanking( Lord please make it stop) Schools become a bit of a bust. I'm only 18 by the way. This is my final yyear.