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Posts posted by Carbon

  1. I found 6 months ago. Before then, I was seeking spiritually but felt overall very lost in life with little sense of direction. Today, my imagination and dreams are exponentially beyond anything I could’ve conceived back then. I’m getting coaches, working on a startup, and reading amazing books. I broke through so many barriers I didn’t even know I had, and I know it’s only the beginning. 

    I just wanted to post my appreciation because you may forget sometimes how significant of a difference your content is making to some people, how my trajectory is now set on a course beyond what I knew was possible. 

    You not only opened my mind but set me on my own course to discover my own insights and path in the world.

    I plan to make art, bring people together, and work to embody the universe as deeply as I can. I still have a ton to learn and honestly feel somehow more ignorant the more I tread this path. 

    Thank you so much, truly. The work you put in to build this is not under appreciated.