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  1. @ZzzleepingBear Interesting point. Thank You
  2. @DianaFr Thanks for your recommendations, I appreciate that you took time to answer. I am just curious of how you see it based on your understanding of reality, not necessarily from a strict scientific standpoint. Like what do you think is really happening when a celebrity endorses a product? Or as you mentioned: What is a brand? What is a celebrity? Why is there a match? I'm asking out of curiosity.
  3. Hi guys. I am currently working on my bachelor’s thesis in university. My goal is to answer a specific question in the field of behavioral science. Here is why I am reaching out to you: I want to go as deeply as I can and answer it as holistically as I can. I know that I am limited by the guidelines of my professor, but this is more of a personal ambition of mine. I really want to reach to the root of this topic and I am sincerely interested in hearing your understanding and wisdom. My research question is this: How is fit between a brand/product and a celebrity endorser defined? To clarify what is meant by that, here is the question formulated in other words: What is it, that makes an advertised brand MATCH with the celebrity, which endorses (advertises) the brand? For example: James Bond (Daniel Craig) is appearing in the advertisement of the car brand Aston Martin. What is it exactly, that makes them fit well together? How is a good „fit“ defined? Please tell me your most fundamental and holistic explanation. I am aware that all concepts are interconnected, so please don’t think that your answer is irrelevant or too abstract. Also, I am familiar with most spiritual concepts and terms, including Leo’s work (Thank you Leo for showing me how much depth there is to everything, I would love to see your view on this topic).