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Everything posted by Laura

  1. Hi everybody, I thought to open this topic about this test I found really useful to understand and to conceptualize the negative interpretation patterns. I found out about this three years ago at the point when I had really low self-esteem due several reasons. The thing is that this test and these conceptualized idea of lifetraps really helps to become aware about the things that have cumulate in your life since childhood. The idea is that as children we were helpless when we faced difficult situations like bullying or our parents divorce and at that point the lifetrap is planted. My personal tragedy and as a child was that through my 6 six elementary school years I was in four different schools. I never faced direct bullying and at the end of the day I always made friends, but still I always felt I was the new kid and the odd one out especially in the school environtment. I´m 29 now and studying in college and it´s funny that this thing hounds me even and especially today. I have a hard time to be authentic and I´m really avoiding social contact, because I still feel that I don´t belong. So in that case my biggest lifetrap are Social isolation and Seeking for approval. Other lifetraps that has been conceptualized are : Abandonment / Abuse / Approval seeking / Defectiveness /Dependence / Emotional depriviation / Emotional inhibation / Enmeshment / Entitlement / Failure Insufficient self-control / Pessimism /Punitiveness / Self-sacrifice / Social isolation / Subjugation / Unrelenting standards / Vulnerability The test can be found here: I thought to post this here on this forum, because it will help you to gather awareness of your negative thinking patterns that have evolved in you since childhood. I think this can be a really valuable tool to selfactualize, especially if you want to study your negative emotions and the behaviour to not correct, but accept those and thru that with the help of mindfulness reduce the control of them. It´s like confronting the ghosts that have shaped you. It would be great to hear about your lifetraps and the story behind them and if you have learned to live with those..