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About Vali2003

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  1. The process is pretty clear to me now, and I think I actually understand what a Zone of Genius really is. The exercise that you told me in your previous reply along with the example for bookkeeping gives me a nice gameplan for how I am gonna figure it out, makes me really excited about it. Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe
  2. @Ajax This helps me understand how the whole process of finding your ZoG works. I notice that I didn't really understand that before. I love how this really gives me a gameplan for figuring out the ZoG, normally I would just sit there and think hoping it would just pop into my mind and then I would have it, but it makes sense that it's still covered in a lot of fears. What I don't really understand is how a ZoG is different from a talent, isn't it just like your highest talent that is hidden by more shallow talents and fears? Thank you for helping me out
  3. So, I have been doing Leo's Life Purpose Course and I am at the point where things should start to come together but I am not able to really go there with my mind yet since I am so unsatisified with my Zone of Genius. The problem is, I know my Zone of Genius at heart, I can feel the wholeness in my heart when I think about it and the feeling of being at home with it, however when I try to put it into words everything that comes out feels like unprecise mumbo jumbo that doesn't really give my Life Purpose any direction. I'll come up with something and feel like it's perfect and then the next day I read it again and start see all the imperfections of it. This has happened several times. Maybe it is just my unwillingness to commit to something which keeps me from progressing but I feel like there are serious practical issues with my Zone of Genius. Here are the current two sentences out of which my Zone of Genius should form: The ability to gain a full picture understanding of a topic + creating coherent ideas just by letting my thoughts run freely = ??? In addition I will try to explain my Zone of Genius to you so that maybe you can feel what its like. One example of my Zone of Genius in work is in school when we had to interpret the meaning of a picture with the use of certain markers like colour, positioning of objects etc. In my mind almost at an instant a whole story would form about how all these factors played into this coherent story about the true meaning of this picture and it will just seem like everything perfectly fits together for my story. The same thing would be when I had to interpret a poem or something like this, my understanding of the object will interpret my knowledge of it into a coherent story and this applies also to my life for example when I think about how a sports team taking acid together would impact team building,my head forms a whole story about how that would go and the impacts it would have and how exactly it would impact their team chemistry etc. regardless of course wheter the story in my head would work or not this happens with many things also regarding, self-help, society and spirituality. I just don't know if this even is something that you would call a Zone of Genius since other ZoG always seem to have like a specific area in which they apply and this just seems so general. I know nobody can tell me my ZoG except for myself, but maybe you can help me in some other way Thank You :-)