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Everything posted by CosmicExplorer

  1. OK, but suffering associated with that is maybe like max 35% of total human suffering. There's still a shit load of human/animal mental/physical suffering that only perhaps fentanyl/heroin can put a big dent in and it doesn't work long-term due to tolerance/withdrawal.
  2. "The Far Out Initiative is a Public Benefit Biotechnology Company focused on developing technological solutions to the problem of involuntary suffering in human and non-human animals" "In 2019, scientists discovered a woman with a new form of congenital pain insensitivity that left her virtually immune not only to physical pain but to psychological pain as well. Unlike other forms of congenital pain insensitivity, her condition left her blissfully unaffected by fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, and grief" "On May 24th, 2023, University College London released its landmark paper investigating the molecular basis of this strange new pain insensitivity syndrome titled "Molecular Basis of FAAH-Out Associated Pain Insensitivity," in which it was revealed that this "Feel Good Syndrome" was caused by two simple genetic mutations affecting the FAAH" "This "Feel Good Syndrome" could be replicated using gene editing technologies like CRISPR in humans and livestock animals" That would be insane if they can do that. If we genetically engineer cows, chickens... With 10x the anandamide levels, I think it's very moral thing to do. The amount of suffering in the world that can potentialy be prevented by that mutation is insane.
  3. Almost all reasons for emotional pain and emotions are arbitrary. The stronger the mental illness, the more it applies, but it also applies to completely average and normal people. Let me explain what I mean by that What I mean by that is let's say you feel irritated by something, feel guilt about something, or angry about something, or feel lonely, or anxious about something. Or even positive states like you somehow feel hopeful, energetic, and are in a generally good mood, problems seem very manageable, having a "good day". And in the moment it really feels like you feel guilt because of situation X, but actually, you're just in a guilty mood/lens, and in a guilty mood/lens that you're having right now, tends to skew everything towards feeling guilty about it. If you would be in a different mood, the exact same thoughts would not cause you to feel like that. Reckful talks about the same phenomena here: When he's depressed, it seems like he is depressed because he's thinking that everything has no purpose, but it turns out that it's not the reason because when his lens/mood switches to normal or mania, he doesn't mind thinking that everything has no purpose, he still feels happy even when thinking like that. I've discovered exactly the same thing by doing many experiments on myself. I would be feeling intense anxiety/guilt/anger because seemingly Y reason at the moment, I'd be like "ok let's see, maybe it's truly a reason why I feel like that" and I would set an alarm in 8 days on my phone to check how I would be feeling about that exact Y reason. And 8 days later my phone notification appears, so I check and try to bring exactly the same thoughts that seemingly caused me that feeling, and pretty much every single time it no longer felt like that at all, the same set of information I'm bringing to mind and yet completely different feeling about it results from it. If Reckful would feel depressed because of the thought "everything has no purpose" or I because of thought XYZ, then bringing that thought to mind would result in feeling depressed, no matter how we currently feel, but it's not. The easiest way to demonstrate that to somebody would be to give them bipolar disorder and make them do the experiments I mentioned. But It also applies to people without mental illness, in fact, the line between mental illness and not mental illness is arbitrary (I'm absolutely not saying that depression isn't real or smth, just that mood fluctuates in cycles, in normal people too, just to a much much lesser degree) "normal" people also have something like bipolar just only a tiny micro version of it, and most probably don't even notice that their mood cyclicly change. It's really surprising to me that even many therapists and psychiatrists believe that thoughts create mood. When actually it's a reverse causality - mood have a tendency to cause certain thoughts. I don't know how common that realization is, I mean I don't think I would've ever discovered that if not for mental illness. I understand how it can be hard to realize it requires a certain mindfulness and doing experiments on yourself actually trying to make your mood bad when having a good mood (which is a weird thing to do lol) and vice versa
  4. 99% of suicides are committed because of some kind of pain, emotional or physical. Modern medicine has almost nothing to offer in terms of giving people long-term net pain relief. Not letting people end their pain which can be like torture for some, is ultimately selfish.
  6. DXM is a very interesting substance. In a lot of countries, you can buy it (even the pure version with the only ingredient being DXM) in the form of cough syrup or gel pills OTC. It's a dissociative, with somewhat similar effects to ketamine. I've tried it a few times and the biggest problem for me is very strong nausea and vomiting, and the only solution is to take it together with Diphenhydramine (DPH) but it makes the effects worse and DPH is generally a very unhealthy deliriant drug which use is associated with dementia. Many people don't experience nausea/vomiting from DXM or only mild. Chronic DXM use is associated with a reduced risk of dementia: Hazard ratio for no DXM use 1 (reference) Hazard ratio for 1-30mg a day 0.754 Hazard ratio for 31-90mg a day 0.563 Hazard ratio for ≥91mg a day 0.442 DXM use is associated with a reduced risk of hearing loss: It has profound anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and Immunomodulatory effects:
  7. FACTS, WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE STEROIDS WERE EVEN INVENTED: Among Hermann Görner's many feats of strength were the following notable lifts: Deadlift – 360 kg (793 lb) with overhand hook grip. 380 kg (840 lb) with mixed grip. One-handed deadlift – 330 kg (730 lb) on 8 October 1920, Leipzig, Germany Deadlift – 270 kg (600 lb) using just two fingers of each hand As far as bodybuilding goes (and he wasn't even a bodybuilder) - 28.4 FFMI at 15% body fat (and this is a conservative estimation) So those things above are what is AT THE VERY LEAST possible with great genetics. Why? Because they didn't even use creatine back then, not to mention sub-optimal training and nutrition, AND way way fewer people were training overall than today so obviously fewer people with insane genetics were training. Some photos of the pre-steroid era guys (there's simply no way these guys aren't natural as steroids weren't even available in any lab): It's not about who is natty or not as that is impossible to know. But about what is possible natty. And yes, great physiques and insane strength is possible natty. It requires however the most important thing - genetics which is the biggest pill Examples of photos (with good lighting and angles) of some modern physiques which are below 28.4 FFMI ~24.3 FFMI ~26 FFMI 25 FFMI
  8. DPH is more like dementia to me
  9. @Schizophonia Only in extremely high doses for ketamine. No evidence of DXM causing Olney’s lesions even at lethal doses
  10. From what I've heard there's always at least some minimal hearing loss with tinnitus. Some people have huge hearing loss and no tinnitus tho
  11. Aging has caused my chronic tinnitus + taking ototoxic drugs like ibuprofen and paracetamol for migraines over the years didn't help either I hear it all the time, but the intensity varies a lot. It's almost as if it goes in cycles, sometimes I bearly hear it and it's not troublesome at all (2/10 let's say), and then a few weeks go by and its volume ramps up to like 6/10, then again it goes down a few weeks later... Share the cure plz
  12. Aging and genetics. I take ibuprofen and paracetamol once every 1-2 weeks for migraines and those are somewhat ototoxic but I don't think it's a primary reason for my tinnitus.
  13. I'll be 29 in 3.5 months. My eyesight is going bad, used to have perfect vision, now 0.75 astigmatism in both eyes. Used to have perfect hearing, now chronic tinnitus from hearing loss. Getting old really sucks.
  14. Some pics doesn't work so I'm reuploading them here
  15. Many low end phones have bad, old chips that are slow and not power efficient. 8gen3 is now on par with apple A17 in terms of power efficiency but it's only installed in high end phones. 7gen3 and dimensity 8300 are almost as good and there are some ~285$ phones with it
  16. Things like neuroticism are just as much genetically dependent as schizophrenia or obesity
  17. How bad it is is still relative to one's genetic nociception levels. Some people don't mind when their flesh is burning Or a state of unconsciousness. That's more realistic, many meditators can do it but for one second maybe, the problem is with being able to reach oblivion on demand for long periods. Here is the key to your equanimity. Try that pain x1000
  18. Suffering is any uneasiness, uncomfortableness or aversion to sensation. Colloquially speaking and from a practical point of view pain is intertwined with suffering but for the sake of discussing a technical Buddhist term - pain is a raw sensation. What you're describing, pain sensations arise but the mind doesn't have any reaction to them is a cessation event: This is however an insanely high bar to be able to have it at will, not to mention that your ability to function in the world during perfect equanimity is precisely 0, you can't even pick up a cup of tea. Why afterward? After all, if you're free from suffering you don't suffer during torture either. People experience self-talk differently. Some have more image-based self talk some have quiet, sub verbal, concepts shifting in their mind kind of thing, and some have loud talk somewhat like they would be talking to themselves in their own voice but in their head
  19. I asked him if he could theoretically do self-immolation and not suffer during it, and he started making excuses (it's from a comment in his last video on yt) and said his pain tolerance is higher when lifting weights lol. Someone who would be free from suffering would be able to do self-immolation with perfect calm without any problem, being waterboarded, sit with no back support in meditation for 16h repetitively... Read my Reddit post I linked in this thread it's a good summary of my thoughts about it People exist who can burn themselves and not react to sensations until they feel the smell of burning flesh - and they don't give a fuck about spirituality, it's just their genetics doesn't say much
  20. I wouldn't say it's a waste of time if you enjoy training and it's your hobby. Girls like slightly more muscle than avarage but 26 FFMI is an overkill, no one needs that to attract girls. If you can get to low body fat% (so your face looks better) and don't look super skinny in clothes, you're golden. The most gains I've ever gotten was FBW 5x a week. Only training each muscle group for 2 sets to failure at the time. It was really suprising how much more gains I was getting when I switched from split to FBW (full body workouts)
  21. Yes, FFMI will drop as someone gets leaner but it will not be a drastic difference. Assuming 85% fat loss and 15% muscle loss on a properly paced, high protein diet with proper resistance training, the difference in FFMI going from lean to shredded will be like 0.6 at best. And this is something many people can't possibly fathom, or just don't want to embrace the hard truth. And it's even more radical than that. A large percentage of the male population walking on this planet will never be able to squat 500 and deadlift 600 pounds even if you put them on insane doses of steroids, the best training protocol, give them the best trainers... In terms of strength, going from natural to steroids one can expect about 10% to 15% boost to their powerlifting total, which is definitely a great boost but it won't make a guy with weak genetics suddenly an elite powerlifter, not even close. Genetics is such an underestimated factor
  22. There's so much more to aging than just telomeres. In fact we don't even have a proper marker of aging, you can't measure someone's biological age. These DNA kind of tests which apparently measure your biological age are a lie. There are an unfathomable amount of problems preventing us from living for thousands of years. Metabolism causes entropic damage in us which we have no idea how to stop. This is just my personal feeling, but I feel some denial of death vibes from popular social media anti-aging gurus like David Sinclar
  23. Yes, there's no reason to take steroids unless you have elite bodybuilding/strength genetics and want to compete at the top professional level.