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Everything posted by M A J I

  1. Hue-mans are naturally Immortal and breatharian but we now live in environments completely artificial and un-natural thus age and decay because of polluted air, food, water supply and radiation, electronics, stress ect.. Excessive food actually ages us, no supplement can reverse aging but fasting, but even then, if you fast in the city you might as well don't bother. In an ideal environment we would live for thousands of years and eat only for pleasure. We eat because the toxic environment calls for compensation of damage/trauma of the environment so we require some form of insulation/depressing/suppressing of pain/emotion and central nervous system. This is why its easier to get by on animal products and denser foods/drugs in the city than it is in the high altitude clean and fresh air environments you can fast and live of very light fruit and nut for many years cause we feel high on life. There are many cases of people far older than what the west programs us to believe, they don't want you to become enlightened. In the west they teach oldest man lives 120 maybe 150, when in the east there are known cases of even above 500 maybe 1000. A lot of this (hidden knowledge) is contained in Mans Higher Consciousness by Hilton Hotema
  2. Its ridiculous right, but this is why there are two types of people. Those under the spell and those freed from it. Cannot control free-thinkers.
  3. Wanna live longer? eat less, love more.
  4. Living One Vibrational Energy
  5. Iboga would be #1 for internal-work and trauma. Mushrooms are great too but they can be a bit too playful and galactic at times.
  6. Could be many things, could be tapping into alternate lifetimes, 'not actually her now', could be denial or rejection of those things thus suppression of facing/experiencing those things as valid reality experiences so when she does 'let go' and no longer block or hold on, things come up to the surface to be addressed and healed before deeper healing and experience can occur. She also only needs to see/experience such things once to be there until you make the subconscious/unconscious conscious they will remain there, on some level.
  7. Subconscious mind, what you have flooded within your psyche. Deprogramming of the subconscious is important to get the most out of psyches.
  8. You will find a fine few out there. Most street weed is bred so much it has very depleted its spiritual and medicinal potential. You need to find very old and heirloom strains or landraces. They have their '"psychedelic/spiritual receptor" still in balance. Modern strains lack in full potential and depth. I once had a friend who sourced some seeds for me from the Himalayas, unlike any other strain you would find in the streets. Nevertheless, you can still get some 'psychedelic effects' depending on your vibration and chemistry, I would look for organically grown hybrid and some CBD oil. Here is an interesting read https://projectcbd.org/psychedelic/cbd-receptor/
  9. Do it without food 3 days will be like 12. Its powerful stuff, sensory deprivation is a great life hack. “Colors blind the eye Sounds deafen the ear. Flavors numb the taste. Thoughts weaken the mind. Desires wither the heart.” ― Lao Tzu
  10. They are playing your "shadow". You could get "triggered" or you could integrate them. They will wake up in their own time/space, you gotta do you.
  11. We must Realize that "Psychedelic Entities" or any thereof, are mere projections/illusionists of mind, its your own mind creating it for the purpose of challenge, growth, expansion, experience. Once you realize this you start to realize no thing out side of you has power or control over you, because there is only you, so its all your mind playing tricks on you. Entities exist, yes but they are all part of the greater universal mind. That is you. Everyone here or there, you create so if you can come to this realization, those things will cease to uphold in your reality, for you see through them.
  12. You will naturally feel more blissful as you surrender more to the current of life rather than the current that everything 'thinks' it should be going. When we all surrender, bliss arises. When mind is not over-active, bliss arises. When we surrender control, bliss arises. You cried because you had a big release, and maybe it has been a lifetime since you actually sat wholefully with yourself. See it this way, the more you surrender your hold on life, the more awake, free and blissfull you will feel. So yeas you are glimpsing what a greater awakening starts to "feel like". And with practice you can become established within such states and be able to carry them through day to day life. The bliss will normalize as you ground yourself.
  13. I don't have too much experience with personally but have seen similar side-effects with all of them, especially those who over-use/abuse. If you find you are continuing to grow, expand and de-clutter from each experience then you are integrating well and eventually it will be clear when you no longer require the medicine or it no longer serves you. What I speak is for most people without any spiritual grounding or shamanic training or background, although experienced travelers that utilize medicines effectively may be able hold it together, I personally prefer the naturally occurring/growing medicines due to reasons I have stated above. Its important to ground and connect to Source by meditation, nature or whatever means to be able to remain Aware and be able to 'discern' if its just a mind-crutch or actual healing and order occurring. 5-meo especially is a tricky one because its so powerful. Eventually, as we become more 'efficient', less becomes more.
  14. All I see here is major denial of truth and a severe lack of education. I no longer have to partake in this, all the relevant facts have been stated. Take it or leave it, enjoy your empty rambles.
  15. Yes of course it is but (sodium) from plants (organic sodium) and (sodium) from rocks/minerals (inorganic sodium) do not work the same. The body is not designed to utilize rocks. In small amounts they pass right through the system and excess causes calcification build-up in the body, severe dehydration and premature aging and many more health issues. We were never designed for salt, we add it because we eat the wrong foods that require flavour enhancement and make the food palatable to the human taste. Shilajit is a (plant-based) mineral powerhouse you can use that the body can actually utilize, but even then, almost every food has sodium.. Here are some things you can read and learn. http://whale.to/a/distilled_waters_knowledge.html https://www.rawfoodexplained.com/minerals/organic-and-inorganic-minerals.html
  16. Yes this is normal on many psychedelic substances because this is usually how all 'medicine' should work. It shuts down the bodies ability to continue to put things in it that can interfere with the healing processes and experience. Fasting is the original healing of the body. This is why many shamans suggest you to fast the day of tripping and or only consume light foods like fruit and sometimes to cut out all salts, sugars, meats, animal products and processed foods for sometimes weeks beforehand, because they will be "brought up" in the trip and the experience will be much more challenging for you before you can get to the deeper healing potential of the medicine, first it has to deal with what you put in on the surface layers before you can go to the deeper mental, emotional layers. People are sick because of the foods they eat and are addicted too and the artificial lifestyles they live devoid of nature. Many health experts today consider the gut the first brain. Gut health = brain health. I found fresh fruit or coconut water to be useful during trips. Anything else seems to be rejected by the body, teas are good too and some raw honey. You really don't need food until coming down. Another thing to consider is, when you take substances that get you "high" that is really what is happening mechanically/ 'vibrationally' you are vibrating higher, the term "getting high" didn't just come out of thin air, and so your body will naturally not need or crave food in higher states of consciousness, Unless you have a lot of parasites in your gut. And as you come back down into the physical body/world, its more common to get hungry to ground the energy. There is a old saying, what controls the gut controls the mind. Maybe the teacher is trying to push you to do a fast. The medicine cannot heal you, only you can by applying the teachings. These are some of my observations and findings.
  17. @mojsterr Yes, What do you think cellular Awakening is? You cannot wake-up or see through the maya/matrix/illusion with a calcified pineal gland. Long term fasting and fruit-based diet, lots of sunshine, lots of time in nature and deep breathing... There are also supplements you can take to speed-up the process but there has already been enough posts on it on these forums. The eyes can only "see" what the mind is prepared to "comprehend".
  18. Can you eat meat raw and bloody without cooking it and adding all different salts (minerals) and herbs/spices (plants) that you actually crave... not the meat itself? If you craved the meat you wouldn't need to add 'salts' and 'additives' and plants to make it flavorful and palatable. You would simply hunt, kill, eat and drink fresh blood like a feline does and wont get an upset stomach, but you are clearly not a feline or canine, nor a bear... maybe a delusional or psychopath... if you enjoy it raw... Why do you think garlic, clove and onion have always been intuitively added to meat while cooking? Cause especially garlic and clove target and kill parasites. Meat is full of parasites, what controls the gut controls the mind. Those are not hunger pains or cramps you are experiencing. Fruit is the natural food because you don't need to flavor it, you don't need to cook it or alter it in anyway, you don't need to add additives like salt or sugar to make it palatable to the human taste.. Its right in front of our very eyes, but to a mind that is blind.. I guess its invisible. Even vegetable is not the same, we are not cows, we don't have hooves, if we need to add 'salts' and 'flavors' we are missing the point entirely. A baby will never intuitively eat the rabbit and play with the apple, and 9/10 times it will pick the fruit over the vegetable. Why are baby foods 90% fruit-based? because its the gentlest on the human body. Yet people think fruit is merely a snack. Why is there a fruit bowl on almost every kitchen bench in almost every house? These things are some big wake-up calls most do not see. Others are just in utter denial of truth and they cannot accept the fact that everything they've been taught is a lie, they've invested so much on a false-life, and the rest are just 'drug addicts' too deep to even realize it themselves. Then God said, “I give you every (seed-bearing plant) on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has (fruit) with (seed) in it. They will be yours for (food). Genesis 1:29 I could go all day but you get my drift... If you cannot "see" past what i have just shared then I cannot help you.
  19. You Love the darkness and Integrate it. You have to accept all parts and all aspects of your self to become a whole being. I believe the modern term among the spiritual communities is "shadow work". Darkness is fundamentally Eternal home, but disregard the shadow, it only grows bigger. You need to make peace with and it evolves with love... Love does it all, it heals and unites everything. Love Is Truth ~
  20. An enlightened being definitely has that capacity to tap into an omniscient state and omnipresence allows them to realize they are omnipotent and such... but living in the physical experience that is not always 'relevant'. Anything is possible, but is it always probable? Not always so. It would be more like this: I know exactly what I need to know when I need to know it, and if I don't know, it is not relevant and does not serve. I have been on this path for a very long time and I almost never encounter a situation where I do not have an answer for a question asked to me directly. However if I were to attract a situation/subject completely unfamiliar with my life-experience, I would either tap into those greater states or I simply wouldn't know the answer, but being in these states, you will never attract a situation that you do not have something for, or that there is something there for you, unless of course there is a greater lesson/teaching there. This is what I have deeply observed on the spiritual path. There is always perfect flow and synchronicity in your life, you always attract the right person at the right time, right question to the right answer ect... This is more of an example of walking as a more enlightened being who has integrated many awakenings and found greater stability. They do feel the same 'initially' to the unfamiliar surfer, but as there are many layers to an onion, there are many awakenings, and getting to the 'core' layers of the onion would be more like enlightenment, where things are more Integrated, unified, stabilized and blended as a whole. Namaste ~
  21. @integral You are comparing very different things here, but ultimately Its all about acceptance and returning to the present moment, the sooner one can do this the sooner the pain and suffering dissipates, but of course you would attend to the wound and mend it beforehand... No one is saying to neglect or deny what is present. What I am saying is the greater attachment to the body/persona, the more in the mind/mental, the greater the suffering and limitation of consciousness. In higher vibrational states you would be highly unlikely to 'attract' such scenarios as you are more in the drivers seat of your creation, so to speak, yet paradoxically, you 'as a persona' do not steer. Unless there is a deeper lesson there, unto which you will soon attest too and make more sense of of it all. Only the fool will repeat a mistake until he becomes a wise man. As we rise in consciousness we have greater capacities over the universe. It will be more evident what I speak here and the deeper insight into it.