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Everything posted by Unlimited

  1. How do you know that they are harmful? Did you observe it yourself or is it just something you believe because someone told you?
  2. I might have something that could solve everyone's health issues. This is something I do since a few months now and I start to see great results. I think health is super important for all of us and this is the least I can give back to everyone here. I want everyone of you to be as healthy as possible. And it also would be an amazing thing if this could fix Leo's heath issues. It might be very extreme for some of you and that's why I will ask first for approval before I write more about it.
  3. Thanks for the input everyone, very good insights!
  4. Thanks guys, I will work on it.
  5. I find it truly amazing that Leo can speak for hours without a break. And it's not just that but also how good he can articulate himself. Having a lot of practice is probably the most important thing but are there any techniques that I can learn to speak like him?
  6. Should I go into the trip with the right intention, should I ask myself questions beforehand, should I just try to be as aware as possible during the trip, or is there anything else I should do to get the most out of a trip?
  7. I know something like this will take a lot of time but I hope it won't take too long. I would literally buy it the moment it is available.
  8. This is my first time doing this. How do I insert it, with a normal syringe or do I need to get a specific one? What else do I need to make this a clean process?
  9. I have around 60mg of 5-MeO-DMT Freebase. I want to experience more with it but I also don't want to waste it. Would you suggest me to convert it to HCL and plug it or should I just smoke it? And should I start first with a smaller dose or with a high dose? Although I have tried many psychedelics and a few times Bufo 5-MeO-DMT, I have not a lot of experience with the synthetic form.
  10. Do I need vinegar for it?
  11. A friend is often very critical about psychedelics. He is asking me how I can know if the experience on psychedelics is real and not just some illusion. Even if I think it is real I find it difficult to explain him my point precisely. What would you tell someone like him?
  12. Are you using a VPN? Are you using any specific browser? (Brave, Tor, etc.) Are you using any specific search engine (Brave search, DuckDuckGo, etc.) Are you using any specific email provider? (e.g. ProtonMail) I myself switched completely to Brave, use their search engine and looked up for the right settings. For myself I use ProtonMail but for my business I use Gmail because with that I can use tools like Google Drive & Spreadsheets. At the moment I don't use a VPN. I have NordVPN but I heard they are logging. I also have ProtonVPN but their servers are pretty slow. It's not that I have something to hide but I still prefer to have a good privacy in the internet. What about you, do you care about your privacy or not?
  13. Let's say you help a few people start a business but this type of business exploits more people than the number of people who get rich from it. Would you do something good or bad? Or we take the opposite, you help thousands of people but for that a few people need to suffer. I know there is no good or bad in the absolute sense but what would you say in relative terms?
  14. He still seems confident that he didn't do anything wrong. What do you think about this, is he right or is he just deluding himself?
  15. Interesting take on this. It's not really fear. It's more being comfortable. I like it when things are organised and structured, sometimes even too much.
  16. Without Tate I probably wouldn't be here now. I was completely lost before I found him. After I joined his private network I improved myself in many areas of my life. (fitness, dating, business, etc.) Even when I was being manipulated I was able to break free and now I can just take the good things out of his "philosophy". Making so much money at a young age helped me to question if this really is the end goal of life. Being rich and having many women around you. This questioning more or less brought me to Leo. I disagree with most of what Tate says, but I'm still grateful for him showing me a different perspective on life. However, I don't think many people that follow him are as lucky as I am.
  17. When I met Tristan we had a villa party together and of all guys that were there most of the women wanted to be with him. He was also very nice and charming to them. The Tates can get women all over the world. Not sure why they would have to rape anyone.
  18. Why should it care about killing itself if it doesn't have emotions?
  19. A nobody for you but a someone for millions of people
  20. Thank you for sharing this! I haven't had such a profound experience with 5-MeO-DMT, but look forward to having it soon.
  21. To be honest I don't know if there is already a thread or video about this topic. If so please send me the link to it. I started with my Commonplace book a few days ago and today I'm writing down my good and bad habits. This brought me to think about how to best stop with bad habits and I wanted to ask you if you have some good strategies that you want to share. Some things I think of are: Replacing bad habits with new habits, e.g. if you want to stop playing games you could replace it with going to the gym Just stop with one bad habit at a time Depending on your personality reduce it slowly or stop with it immidiatly Write down the benefits of it Be aware of why you want to stop with that habit