Defensive Fisherman

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Everything posted by Defensive Fisherman

  1. If death is infinite love, then how is committing suicide not the wisest thing to do?
  2. There is an assumption here that two identical cookies exist in reality. And also that a cookie exists. And that we can know when two cookies are the same. And that we know what a cookie is.
  3. When you take DMT and you go somewhere, I am curious whether there are any feelings? If so, where are they? Like, right now, my feelings are located within my body. If I am sad, I feel it around my chest and brain area. I feel the tactile pressure of my fingers on the keyboard as I type. But people say that when you are in DMT space, there is no body anymore, so I am curious where feelings would be and in what way do they manifest, do they feel similar to regular feelings?