Defensive Fisherman

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Posts posted by Defensive Fisherman

  1. 6 hours ago, hyruga said:

    Maths is based on axioms so you can do this like 1+1 =2 because you define 1 to stand for quantity of one unit.

    So you have things like 1 cookie + 1 cookie = 2 cookies. 

    But then: "Teacher, I break one cookie into two so now I have 2+1= 3 cookies."


    There is an assumption here that two identical cookies exist in reality. And also that a cookie exists. And that we can know when two cookies are the same. And that we know what a cookie is.

  2. When you take DMT and you go somewhere, I am curious whether there are any feelings? If so, where are they? Like, right now, my feelings are located within my body. If I am sad, I feel it around my chest and brain area. I feel the tactile pressure of my fingers on the keyboard as I type. But people say that when you are in DMT space, there is no body anymore, so I am curious where feelings would be and in what way do they manifest, do they feel similar to regular feelings?