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Everything posted by noone0

  1. You aren’t God and you aren’t either the „Alien god“. It is the source of life. And the source can get you access to it, but everything you see and experience there, is experienced from YOUR perspective. EVEN THE FORMLESSNESS. Solipsism is false. Read the books from Nikolai Levashov. He explains all the processes. He also explains, what psychedelics do to your brain long term , even if you get a raise in consciousness, you‘ll lose much more than you got. All your „bad trips“ are literally influenced by dark parasitic cosmic creatures or even demons. My comment will probably get deleted or I will not be taken seriously. But Leo… You claim, to lead the people to the highest Truth and there are nuances, that can destroy people’s life‘s !!! Your „ego“ or your soul cant die !!! But it can get easily killed, if you go to dangerous territory. Reality is imagination, but isn’t a PLAY („with yourself“). It‘s just the structure of reality. We are right now in a cosmic war. It‘s serious. And you’re responsible for spreading the „Truth“, you are spreading. Nobody of your followers will get „alien realized“, it’s beyond their comprehension, even if they decide to go there. If you‘re struggling with the „alien course“, read the books of Nikolai Levashov. He explains it scientifically. It‘s called „the cosmic cycle“ of the potential evolution everyone of us have. Without psychedelics !!! See, I’m not your enemy, even if even if I seem rude, but I‘m telling the Truth. You can ignore me, you can laugh at me, but you are responsible for everything you do and for the information you’re spreading about the „alien consciousness“ and solipsism. Sry for the one message, if you have read it. I was going a little but crazy the days after my „alien Realisation“ or the breakthrough to the cosmic cycle, to be clear, which can get you killed, if your protection is weak or just get you trapped. There are a lot of evil parasites and demonic „gods“ out there, that have finished the earthly circle (classic God Realisation). My intensions with this message are good, don’t get me wrong, but as you said yourself, I can’t know, if you are a „devil“ or not. There are a lot of „devils“ on the cosmic cycle (who are „alien“ realized“), just because you one of the few, that got to experience it on this planet or even in the history of Mankind, it doesn’t mean shit. There are souls, that are on a baseline there. Ever wonder, why you couldn’t become the kangaroo mouse for eternity…. Because you are bind to this physical body !!! Which is a part of your soul (your essence). You have a mission here. And your soul CHOOSE to create a physical body, you can’t leave it (its a PART of sour soul), if you of course finished at least the earthly cycle (earth school). Otherwise you didn’t have a choice and had to create one for your future evolution. It all came down to energy exchange and of you getting as much as possible „evolutionary potential“, which allow you to go further in your evolution and even do magical things. As I said before, read the books of this guy. He came here with a special mission, but he and his wife got killed. Your knowledge isn’t just dangerous for people, it can also get you killed.