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About FlowKiJr

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  1. 8/22 Approaches 5 Numbers: 2 Today this week my goal is to jump in “0” secs. I develop a bad habit of waiting or stalling before I approach. Also training myself to think more on my feet. I think if I keep practicing this technique it will get rid of the hesitation and increase speed of implementation. The first girl I approached yesterday was walking towards me. All I’m thinking girl approach. Once I got her attention and finish my opener, she told me she has a bf. Second girl was Turkish walking head. I just speed walk towards her then open. She hooked immediately I couldn’t think of anything clever, so I just said she was cute then figure out follow afterwards. We started talking for bit then I asked for logistics. She told me she was finish with classes and walking home. Now reflecting on this I could have gone for the instadate but I opted on walking with and chit chatting. Then once we started talking, I’m pretty much a lot more relax which was good. I was noticing a feeling from the girl. She was one nervous and in her head and sometime repeating the same question. I was joking and relax carrying the convo but there was no vibe between us. I asked for number even though I knew it was botched I need to get use to going for it. Also, I went for the hug and got the doggy pat. Third girl I approach was this curly hair white chick. Once I open there was immediate hesitation so called the elephant out in the rom. I said statement of empathy “I understand I startle you I thought you were cute” Then the girl chills out and relaxes to my chill vibe. Even though she was relaxed I notice from body language she was backing up more and more lol. Even though she was friendly I wanted to get use to moving then asking for coffee. I genuine needed it because I was up for 24hours. I came off abit stiff because I usually ask and then move. I move then asked then the girl said she rather go to her dorm. I didn’t bother asking for the phone number because it was no in her vibe. The fourth approach the hesitation started to kick in a little bit but I still went in any’s. Going on a side tangent I swear I don’t know if anyone can relate but before I approached her and while talking. A sea of better options kept blowing pass me. I am thinking dame I hope she cool lol anyways the girl was neutral and open to talking. I’m expressing myself more with each set which is great. I asked for logistics she told she done with class walking but I decided to walk with. Should have went for instadate. I’m expressing/entertaining myself she is investing but we didn’t really clique like that. She was friendly but talking about shit I did not care about. There was just a lack of chemistry. Once we split ways she wanted offer ig. I told her “I don’t use social media”. Then I said take my number then she said she don’t give out her phone number. I thought fuck it there always more girls. I wished her the best of luck. Low ki wish I blew it sooner to talk to the other girls. The last girl Idk I was genuine nervous because she was my ideally type half Asian/white. I thought to myself I’m pretty nervous but I still going to do. While I was rolling up, my mind is overclocked like a dell computer then once I approached, she was super receptive. Also, she was holding my hand after the handshake while walking. Mind was blown at this point because it made up this BS story how things could go south. Even though I’m nervous were locking eyes and talking. Were vibing there was chemistry it’s just trying let nerves pass so I can relax. Then I try to lead it forward then she told she got work we should do another. We swapped numbers locked eyes and hugged. Overall it a pretty good session Good: Getting better just jumping in, My vibe and self expression was great 4/5, Getting use to leading. Need to work: I need to lead it faster I wasted time to much time talking to girls that weren’t down, I need to keep jumping withing 0 second, Also I need to pay attention when girl says she free and orientate the interaction towards my agenda instead of hoping on her plans. Lesson: I am starting to realize even though the girl like you tend to get in your own way. Funny: One of the girls I approached she introduce to her friend and then she said yeah I already met you lol She clearly knows what I’m doing but hey she was cool about it. Surprised she didn’t call me out usually they do that. P.S You’re a Beast ?