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  1. Unless you wish to train yourself to be a voyeur and derive pleasure from cuckoldry, I'd suggest you steer clear from porn. Its presence in mainstream culture is used as a weapon to disempower the individual and mocks something that should otherwise be consider sacred and replaces it with a bastardised mockery. It's a mind virus beyond the comedic display of its inherit ridiculousness
  2. It all starts with the choice to let old ways of being die to be replaced with more ideal patterns in your life. In truth, we live and die every microsecond of the day; what we choose to enact on typically helps to define us, so take care in deciding how it is you choose to go about your life and how, if at all, you respond to your emotions in the moment they arise. Perhaps you'll find some benefit in purposefully reprogramming your subconscious mind to eradicate feelings associated with guilt and the like. I'm not sure if this helps, but it's what came to my mind. Good luck