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About DreamCryX

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  • Birthday 04/06/1998

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  1. @Leo Gura But Leo, in your previous posts, you've mentioned many times that "5s, 6s, and 7s are straightforward. But if she's an 8, 9, or 10, you gotta provide serious value." Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with this, but why are you saying the opposite now? If a man wants a girl who is at least an 8, how should he analyze the situation then? You are a man with very high standards. How do you analyze it?
  2. @TheEnigma Actually, yes, women are attracted to the same things. If a man possesses attractive qualities, such as masculine energy, dominance, humor, edginess, status, and a variety of options with women, he will have no problem dating. If a woman is average or below average, then yes, she may very likely settle for less. But the fact is clear: a woman wants a high-value guy. That's it. And the definition of a high-value guy is a guy who possesses the previously mentioned qualities. Also, attraction is at the heart of survival and therefore has little to no connection with culture, geography or any other related areas. Or even with the level of consciousness. Even the most conscious woman on the planet wants a man who is above her and leads her.
  3. We're not talking about how you want to be treated. This is an entirely different subject. We're talking about attraction, and the fact of the matter is that women do fall for assholes because of all the attractive qualities they possess. Again, nothing new here.
  4. @meta_male Female attraction is very clear, it has been field-testen be many men. So men have figured it out. All women from all cultures are basically attracted to same things. Never let women fool you by saying, "No, I am different. I'm not attracted to things that other women are attracted to." This is complete nonsense. Assholes posses several qualities, that are extremely attractive to women. These qualities are assertiveness, dominance, cockiness, indiffernce, edginess, status and, most importnantly, having lots of options with other woman. When a man possesses all the mentioned qualities, it often results in him becoming an asshole, and frequently, women end up being abused, manipulated, and cheated on. This is because a man with lots of options wouldn't want to give up all his sexual abundance for one girl, unless the woman is outstandingly high quality. To summarize, there's nothing new here. Leo has been talking about this since 2014!
  5. @meta_male It's def not brianwashing. The term "nice guy", in the context of dating, refers to a guy who tries to get a girl to like him by doing nice things for her, supplicating to her, and usually have little to no sexual experience. "Asshole", on the other hand, is the polar opposite. The asshole usually has enormous sexual experience and got lots of options with women and therefore they are very attractive to women. This @Princess Arabia girl calls me Red pill when I say this . And when I ask her to watch Leo's episodes on the subject and previous posts for the clarification she's like "Why are we mentioning Leo here. He's not a relationship expert nor an expert on attraction". Or worse, she denied the fact that the idea of women getting attracted to assholes has been mentioned by Leo several times, probably a hundred times, and when I show her the evidence she's like " I'm NOT interested in a post from 2021 please, I'm not even going to read that as it doesn't pertain to the video and definitely doesn't pertain to Leo's comment in this thread". And the worst: ". I don't need to connect any dots". This is the height of idiocy. To be honest, I thought this forum had some standards, but this woman is clear evidence that the standards have dropped immensely. And of course, we all have our dark sides, but that's not the point.
  6. @meta_male Yes, this is the only point that deserved attention in the whole video.
  7. @Princess Arabia It is not a video. A dude was asking for dating advice and that's how Leo replied. You really are a problematic person. It's not that " it rebellious when a female speaks her mind on this forum". You are the problem here. How can I clarify my posts if you are unable to connect the dots, deny the core principles of male attraction and don't even bother to read what kind of advice Leo gave to a dude back in 2021? Leo just summarized for you all the stuff he said in that 2021 post, but you're too obstinate and don't even want to read the first sentence! Again, I mean YOU, not women here. All the women and people in general that I've been talking to on this forum were able to understand my point of view holistically, connect the dots, and not act like a child whose candy was stolen. You have some serious work to do on yourself.
  8. @Princess Arabia Read them all. Now you've just discovered the fact that you are even more silly than the woman in the video.
  9. Stop spreading disinformation about what I said. I've never said women like to be mistreated and manipulated and this is the second time I tell you this. "I didn't see him saying anything about women liking assholes", well, then why does he always points this out in almost all of his dating & relationships videos? In addition, he's been saying that several time on this forum. Leo summarized everything I told you.
  10. @Princess Arabia Just curious, why were you so rebellious when I commented on the video? Leo basically just summarized all the stuff I had been telling you.
  11. Yes, attraction is not something you choose. For a man who is struggling with women, the chances of becoming conscious are very limited unless certain needs are met. We see the effects everywhere in online as well as in the real world; mass-shootings, suicides, Incels, Red pill, Black pill etc. Of course, none of this is the fault of women and they hold 0% responsibility for the current dating situation. But we can see what happens when certain needs are not met, on a scale involving millions of men. To clarify, you're not gonna care about climate change or spiritual topics if you don't have basic needs met such as shelter, water and safe environment.
  12. There are no relationships until there's sex. This rule is actually set by women. Before attempting to get into a relationship and creating a healthy long-term relationship, a man has to know how to attract a woman and lead her to sex. This is the "attraction phase". After sex comes the relationship territory which is completely different from the attraction phase. Leo's advice on relationships is actually really good. Why? Well, maybe because we're on his forum and he is the creator of Actualized.org. In addition, he has studied the theory of female attraction and dating for several hundred hours. On top of that, he spent two solid years implementing the principles of female attraction by talking to several thousand women. He turned himself from a highly introverted, logical, and analytical guy into a social, awesome, high-quality man. I understand that from a woman's POV, there's not much value in such a transformation. But for a man, such a transformation is indeed life-changing. Humans are selfish, it's not just guys. We're talking about survival. The key element of all attraction and dating is survival, as Leo has mentioned a lot of times (because it is simply true). What both men and women are fundamentally doing is maximizing the survival chances of their offspring, which all happens subconsciously. Just because we live in a modern world, with all the technologies and effective systems, doesn't negate tens of thousands of years of evolution. Yes, it is human interactions, but more specifically human interactions with a certain set of principles, mindsets and techniques, also known as "game".
  13. First off, these are not my preferences and I have not used my preferences as a baseline for anything. I am talking about how things are genereally speaking. Sure, the are exceptions in everything, some men probably like the stuff you mentioned. But the fact of the matter is that most heterosexual men are primarily attracted to young, beautiful and fit women. These are not my preferences, it's just how we men are biologically wired. If you have any comments on this matter, please go watch Leo's episodes titled "Why Men Cheat", "Why Women Fall For Assholes", "How To Get Laid" Part 1,2 and 3 as well as other related videos. In those episodes you will at least undrstand the basics of male psychology and dating market. If you don't have time to watch all those episodes, at least watch his clips because clearly you have a very limited understading of male psychology and male attraction (and probaby female attraction as well). Again, please watch Leo's episodes that I mentioned so I can save my time. Also, as Leo have mentioned a lot of times, female attraction is highly counter-intuitive meaning that it works exactly the opposite way of what most people think. Thus, I'd also recommend you watch his video called "Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life". Also, I never said that women want to be manipulated or abused. My hope is that no woman will ever have to face such situations. But they definitely are attracted to strong, masculine, assertive men with high status and a man who got a lot of options with other women, which a lot of times creates this "asshole" personality type. None of these are my ideas, I took all of them from Leo's video called "Why Women Fall For Assholes".
  14. @Rafael Thundercat There are very little factors in the video that proves women don't have it easy. Now of course, the abuse she was facing in her childhood was brutal and the men should be punished for their nasty behavior. Her problem is that she looks dating and relationships only from a woman's POV. The reality is that we men are visual creators; we generally like young, fit, beautiful women with wide hips and all that. We have zero control over it, it's not our choice. Likewise women are attracted to strong, masculine men with high status since these trait maximizes the survival of her offspring. In the dating market, women are primarily valued by their looks and youth and men are valued buy status, strenght, humor, leadership etc. Creating videos like that won't change the evolution. Another problem with her video is that if an unexperienced man, with zero skills in dating women, watches that video, will propably get a picture of women wanting to be with a guy who is moral, kind, treats her well and all that. However, the reality is the opposite. What women are really attracted to is the assholes who do not care about her at all plus manipulates her and does other nasty stuff to her. Women COMPLETELY ignore the so called ''nice guys'', who actually are relationships material. She says several times in that video things like "Men are you just for sex" or "they don't care about you" and all that. Well, my question is, why are you rejecting all the men that actually care about you? Also, should I blame women about the fact that they want a guy who is higher value than them?
  15. It's interesting. I assume Leo doesn't have narcolepsy, yet he didn't mention the difficulty and complications involved in obtaining Modafinil