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Posts posted by Lila9

  1. 42 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    @Lila9 This is proof that brutally crushing resistance and treating Palestinians as lesser and cleansing them does not work.

    You take out Hamas in Gaza, another gets created in West Bank.

    I had a conversation with some friends, they said West Bank should fight like Hamas did in Gaza because eventually Israel wants to kick them all out and treat them like subhuman trash.

    Better die fighting.

    This is the sentiment people have about Israel which motivates them to do stuff like you wrote.

    Something fundamental needs to change, giving Palestinians right and some of their land back.

    Otherwise you take out 1 head, 2 others replace it. Forever and ever. Endless cycle of violence.


    How can we trust people who commit such brutal acts towards innocent Israelis just because they happen to be Israelis?

    They killed a woman, Shani Louk, among many Israelis who were ideologically pro-peace. They did that so brutally, how can such people be trusted with a state?

    Would you trust terrorists who are capable of this? Would you allow them more power, given they are passionate about killing you and are living near you, your children, family, and friends?

    The Slaughter 710 on Telegram:

    So far, they haven't shown a geniune desire for peace, instead, each year, they demonstrate a commitment to replacing Israel with Palestine and doing whatever it takes to achieve this. They have shown a false desire for peace in 1993 and then in 2018. But their actions don't match, because there is no true intention for peace.

    People genuinely seeking peace don't behave in such a manner. They don't attack Israeli civilians and start war out of nowhere. 

    But, they show interest in negotiation, in diplomatic actions, in educating their children for peace with Israel rather than hatred and not investing in weapons and terror organizations to kill Israelies.

    I don't subscribe to the "they do that because they are oppressed" theory. Many oppressed groups don't exhibit similar behavior, suggesting a toxic ideological factor at play in their actions that isn't Israel's fault. Given this, there's no guarantee that this behavior will cease if they acquire more territory.


  2. In the meantime, Hamas terrorists in the West Bank are committing terror attacks against Israeli people, including Israeli Arabs, every day.

    Some attacks are successful, while others are not.

    The Israeli army is working hard to confiscate their weapons and arrest them, aiming to prevent potential terror attacks against us.

    There is suspicion that tunnels have been built from the West Bank to Jewish villages, intending to carry out terror attacks similar to the one on October 7. They appear highly inspired by it and may seek to repeat it with more Israeli victims this time.

    Hamas terrorists are also still launching rockets from Gaza, hiding between Gaza civilians, UNRA and other curropted human rights organizations in the world which are covertly cooperating with Hamas.

    However, there is no mention from Al Jazeera or BBC. lol😂 

    They are so anti-Israel (for yearssss) and deeply entrenched in their false narrative that Hamas and Palestinians are innocent victims.

    As a result, they ignore a significant and crucial part of the reality in which Israel has always been and is still under terror attacks, instigated by... surprise surprise... Hamas, Palestinians who support Hamas, and all the organizations with anti-Israel agenda, covertly cooperating with them (like UNRA and STC), which have Israeli blood on their hands.

    They are not victims and not innocent, and if they threaten Israeli lives and existence, they deserve to be fought back.

  3. 3 hours ago, Ajay0 said:

    I have seen some videos of Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as the 'green prince' and a son of the founding leaders of Hamas. He is anti-hamas for its terrorist stand and inclined to liberalism, rationalism and democracy in the middle east.

    His explanation and analysis of the crisis in the Middle East is incisively logical and crystal clear . He appears to be a well-educated and intelligent man who had utilised the learning resources available to him in his travels around the world, which enabled him to think outside the box and figure out the bigger picture.

    Similalry other Palestinian youngsters should similarly educate themselves, think critically and be self-aware, so that they will not end as unconscious puppets of the dysfunctional and regressive Hamas leadership.

    I read his book, and it describes the amazing process he went through, from a Muslim Palestinian child, a son of one of Hamas founders (a Sheikh) who grew up in the West Bank in an environment hateful towards Israel, where nobody questioned it, wanting to kill Israelis (as described in his book) due to all the brainwashing he underwent from birth.

    He evolved into a man who started questioning everything, including his religion and what he had been told about his enemies. He realized that his true enemies weren't the Israelis or Jews but Islamic radicals, like Hamas.

    When he joined Israeli intelligence, he, for the first time, realized how horribly Hamas treated each other and Palestinians.

    He rejected those values because he had a reference point to compare to, the Israeli intelligence, which treated him and themselves much more humanely, with better values and motives.

    I find his testimonies highly reliable and credible because he fully experienced both sides. He experienced the true character of Hamas and the Palestinian reality as well as the Israeli side and reality for 10 years and he has a lot of valuable insights.

    He evolved from a potential Hamas terrorist to a man who attends meditation retreats in East Asia. 

    This is a beautiful story about the human potential, about courage, critical thinking, personal and spiritual development and about truth.

    Here at the UN, he's talking about the fate of the Palestinian children and why they have to be saved from Hamas:


  4. 13 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    How about this "you frigging bastards, how dare you treat the woman in your life this way. The woman who could potentially bear your children who will get your last name and carry on your imaginary legacy that you so think is you. The only thing you got that anyone could remember you by, not your egotistical accomplishments that could possibly burn up in a fire or a frigging tsunami. If you think a friggin' chocolate bar can supplement the love I can show you that you do obviously crave if you're holding unto a dusty piece of heavy-metal laced tooth-rotting piece of brown filth........need I go


    That's brilliant.


  5. 7 minutes ago, Raze said:

    Anyway that is true, but notice how the same logic isn’t applied in the scenario where a woman isn’t getting investment from a guy, the conclusion is he is selfish and she shouldn’t have to improve his behavior, whereas when the man isn’t getting what he wants the conclusion is he should assume he plays a hand in it and alter his behavior to see if it changes her.

    Usually, women are the ones who try to improve relationships with men, as if it's solely their responsibility to fix and enhance them, even when men don't meet their needs.

    Society also socializes and encourages women to be more understanding, to teach, to be patient, and to sacrifice their own needs for the sake of harmony and men's needs. While this isn't inherently bad, it can be very unhealthy for a woman if she is the only one doing so in the relationship.

    Men are less socialized to invest in and improve relationships with women or take equal responsibility. They are socialized to be more selfish and opportunistic, and if a woman doesn't meet their needs, they move on and seek another woman who will.

    This is why advice differs for both genders. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Raze said:

    So you brought up sex as another example. Let’s say a man posts here saying his girlfriend doesn’t sleep with him that often and he asks her once and she says no because she’d rather eat a chocolate. Would you also tell him to break her chocolate and throw it at her than dump her because he deserves better? That she isn’t respecting his masculinity and doesn’t deserve a man because she isn’t giving sex?

    Women are not giving sex but receiving sex. Men are giving sex.

    If a woman wouldn't like to receive sex from a man there might be a reason to that. Can be hormones and it can be that he might be selfish in sex and not fun to have sex with.


  7. 21 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    I don't know about the sex part, that may be the only part he may not be cheap about.

    My definition of being cheap in sex is men who act selfishly, only caring about their orgasms and pleasure without considering their partner.

    24 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Overall, though, I agree with your response up top. I was trying to be a bit more diplomatic in my response because I was trying to be a bit sensitive towards her situation because it seems like she is in love with the guy. Usually, I'm blunt in what I have to say here and don't hold back, but you beat me to the cake with how you responded. 

    If I wasn't holding back, my response would have been a lot worse, and given the feedback you're getting from some of these guys with your response, my third personality would probably have let loose on here and diplomacy would have flown out the window.

    Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.

    I read your comment to Barbella, and I find it very helpful and comprehensive. I don't know if it was diplomatic, but it's of high quality.

    In my comment, I was deliberately blunt as a 'wake-up call', out of love for the feminine.

    Usually, I prefer to be moderate but in that moment, I felt like it had to be expressed in a certain way.

    It's as if the masculine inside me stood up for the feminine in me and for the feminine in all women in the world.

    I wish all women, collectively, will be more loving towards ourselves and stop being so conscious and sacrificing for men who don't value us as much.

    I apologize to Barbella if I came off as insensitive, my intention was to wake her up to her value and encourage her to put herself first.

    I believe that no amount of love for a man justifies such treatment as he treated her. Women shouldn't tolerate disrespect just because they love someone.

    I also expected some comments from guys here who probably have many insecurities around this issue, and I admit that part of me wanted to provoke them to make my message more effective lol.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Raze said:

    So you feel entitled to a man’s money and if he doesn’t give it you will react in destruction of property and violence, how stage green of you.

    This is more emotionally violent to have a woman who loves you and not share with her a piece of chocolate.

    It's not about money, it's about generosity, I don't care about money I have money and I can earn money. There are many ways generousity can be expressed and one of the ways is money. Usually the men who are cheap with money are cheap with everything, including love and sex. 


  9. I would just leave.

    I don't like or tolerate cheap men, I cut ties immediately when I sense cheapness towards me.

    I see this as a lack of love, respect, and appreciation for the feminine, and I express this as a stage green woman.

    I've encountered men in my life who were very generous towards me, providing a reference point for what men can be when they truly respect and value a woman.

    I don't require men to be super rich, there is an amount of  material richness that repels me, especially when it includes bragging.

    However, I am attracted to basic human generosity...

    I believe cheap men don't deserve women until they become more generous and I believe it's not a woman's job to understand or teach a man to be generous, especially after having conversations about this issue that didn't lead to change.

    It's not a woman's responsibility to improve men. Men should improve themselves for women and adjust accordingly if they want a woman in their lives. Our role as women is to have standards, such as not dating cheap men, and insist on them, so we can have great men around us, the superior type of men.

    I'm sure that you can find a better man who will be generous with you.

    On 1/3/2024 at 1:30 PM, Barbella said:

    .For example when I was at his house, I saw he has some chocolate and I asked him if I can have it, and he told me no because it's too expensive and that I can have cheaper one. I was honestly so hurt by that. (chocolate is like 4$)


    This is so low, I would have broken this chocolate or thrown this at him and officially cut off this relationship.

    Please don't tolerate such treatment from men. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Ash55 said:

    i really feel like girls that can't take care of them self and are dependent on man they are immature in someway or another, but i do love giving as a man too what do you think about that @Lila9 , girls where am from are traditional house wife type they dont know much and they can't do much

    If a woman lives in a traditional society, gets married, has children and takes care of the house, that is considered mature for me, even if her husband is the only breadwinner.

    The traditional woman's labour is a labour that consumes a lot of time, attention, physical and mental health and isn't valued enough by society to officially get paid, so the minimum the husband can do to balance it is to be the only provider of money.

    In the individualistic and the western society it's different, I think that for every human, regardless their gender, it's always beneficial to know how to earn money to sustain themselves, and not to be dependent on the mercy of others.

    Despite that, women are still attracted to generous men and not to the non generous ones, and it's not about rich men being more attractive, it's about the energy of the man. There are rich men who are cheap in every aspect of their lives, while there are men with average income or below who are generous towards their beloved women, financially, emotionally, sexually, they invest time and effort in the women they love and their children if they have. 

    6 hours ago, Ash55 said:

    also @Lila9 do you feel girls like you are rare or is it that most girls in your culture are like that ? the most successful girl i met was my ex irl lol we couldn't make it we where living in different cities, and most girls i meet are just not into it at all (not successful) or having the most boring job

    I don't think that it's rare for women to sustain themselves and to be successful in their pursuits, the term 'successful' is more subjective than objective and everybody define success differently. 

    Most people have boring jobs, because most jobs are boring, and people have to survive, but it doesn't mean that these people are boring. Maybe they don't have any other options at the moment or do that until they will achieve some greater goals.

    6 hours ago, Ash55 said:

    am an artist too at the heart making it professionally surviving on my art was Brutally hard still not where i wanna be yet i wanna do full animations

    I see, that's awesome, good luck!

  11. I'm an artist at heart, I love to paint, write stories and poetry.

    Yoga is also my passion, as well as dancing, cooking, and reading tarot. However, there isn't enough money in these pursuits to make a living.

    To sustain myself financially, I've learned a bit of coding (which is interesting but not my ultimate passion) and found a job.

    It wasn't easy, after applying to 20+ companies, only 2 got back to me, and one of them suits me. It doesn't pay high, but it pays me enough to survive and allows the flexibility to do whatever I want.

    I believe that for women, especially those who prefer living from their divine feminine energy, like me, finding a job that pays enough to survive and allows flexibility would be perfect.

    With my flexible job, I have the freedom to sell my art and make extra income from my hobbies and passions if I want, but I don't have the pressure to do that. 

  12. I don't pity them, I think they are responsible for their own well-being. Some individuals are addicted to misery and suffering because it's comfortable and familiar, they love to complain about it. It's not unique to incels but it's very common among incels. The incel conceptual cave feels very warm and comfy for them, it's a place where nothing is their fault or responsibility and everything is someone else's fault, women, other men, society, fate.

    I wish there were programs to assist them, though I believe many of these individuals wouldn't appreciate it. No one can help those who don't want to help themselves, ultimately. Society can do things to encourage change, but it's up to them to be receptive to it.

  13. 2 hours ago, kenway said:


    Your highest duty and obligation is complete service to humanity (and any other articulation of consciousness), irrespective of tribe or bloodline, and without bias, group preference, or group strategy.

    By advocating for family all you're actually doing is waving the animal flag - which is kind of amusing, given that you also appear to be advocating for a kind of diet-Nazism.

    The reason you're struggling with it is because you're pinning your identity against the temporary human experience, rather than relative to the full expanse of eternal consciousness.

    If I were to inform you that you are scheduled to reincarnate as every Palestinian that ever existed, your overall worldview would shift pretty freaking quickly.


    Why do you demonize survival and encourage spiritual bypassing, especially when it's very likely you haven't transcended the things you are preaching about? 

    Would you be fine with people attacking your family? What would you do? Would you sit and stare at them, telling your family that you are too conscious to defend them?

  14. On 12/24/2023 at 8:59 PM, kenway said:

    On the eve of Christmas, the brilliant Peter Oborne gives his thoughts on what Jesus may have made of all this.


    I love how everyone knows exactly what Jesus would have said and match it exactly to their agenda. 

    The weirdest thing I've heard lately is the claims that Jesus was a Palestinian (refugee) lol. Probably some people are so antismetic that they cannot tolerate the idea that Jesus, the father of Christianity was Jewish.



  15. No mercy for terrorists who initiate war by killing innocent people in their beds with their own hands.

    I can't believe there are people protecting and justifying them while judging Israel for defending itself from these stage red savages.

    The IDF arrested Hamas terrorists, offering them the option to surrender. Now that they've surrendered, they'll spend their lives in 5-star hotels in Israel, called prisons.

    There, they'll live well, while online pro-Palestinians express concern about the terrorists' treatment and well being🤦🏼‍♀️

    Hamas killed innocent Israeli people who were in the public bathroom in Zikim beach on October 7

    Hamas killed an Israeli woman while she took a shower

  16. 30 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    @Lila9 Of course they "need" them, to be their cards for a deal which will help them (hamas) to survive. I am not saying they can't show glimpses of humanity here and there, but this article doesn't indicates nothing like that, unless the reader wants so much to hear otherwise.

    You know what else is fascinating about this X post?

    That Mr. Jake Shields posted:

    "Now you understand why Israel doesn’t allow their hostages to speak to the media"

    While in reality the intreiew he referes to was posted in one of the most mainstream news channels in Israel!

    They not only lie and spread propaganda about Hamas being innocent and humane with the hostages (after the majority of the hostages, including Thai hostages, were talking about the shitty treatment and conditions they got in Hamas captivity, not to mention how many hostages Hamas killed in captivity) they also conspiracizing about Israel's media hiding it (while what they claim to be 'hided' literally was broadcasted on the Israeli mainstream media).

    They got lost with their lies and distortion of reality I guess, I already offered them to get out of X and AJ, now it's up to them.